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Istbanian Border War

The Istbanian Border War, also known as the Istbanian Expansion Attempt, is the name given to the conflict in 1355 - 1357 between the kingdoms of Cinder led by Grand Vizier Hannah II Yakim and Istbania led by Sarah II Scolara. The hostilities began when Grand Vizier of Istbania Sarah II attacked and seiged the border city of Osha after deafeating the Attia forces in a short and decisive battle.

The Conflict


The Istbanian armies cross the border into Cinder and march on the city of Osha before Grand Vizier Hannah II could muster her forces.


Grasslands and fields on the western shores of the Talnor River bordering the countries of Cinder and Istbania, as well as south of the city of Osha.

The Engagement

Siege of Osha

The attack began in the morning, with the Attia army of 9,500 led by Ilheem Attia lined up in ranks against the much larger Istbanian military. 35,000 troops and two dragons, the green Argol ridden by Sarah II and the blue Celfax ridden by her husband Injax Sil were arrayed before the city. Horns blew and the battle began. The sky became a black cloud of arrows flying in both directions and Isbanian cavalry charged the Attia lines while Argol and Celfax raked the Attians with burst of dragonfire. The cavalry made short work of the ines, making use of holes opened up by the circling dragons above.   After losing more than 6,000 soldiers in little over three hours the Attia forces turned and fled back to the city, barring the gates behind them. The siege of Osha had begun.

Battle of the Strangled Forest

Sarah II Scolara sent her husband <Injax>, < Celfax >, and half her armies to meet the encroaching Cinder forces who had reached the outskirts of the Strangled Forest. When the Isbanians, having misjudged the potential remaining Cinder forces, met up with the Cinderen and were met with a host of 40,000, with Grand Vizier Hannah II Yakim soaring abover the column on the violet Lokshmi. The ground forces, led by Kelim Naifesh and Andron Lan lined up around the treeline of the forest, archers picked off Isbanians in the woods while the soldiers engaged any troops who left the safety of the trees. While they maintained position, focusing their attacks on those fleeing, Lokshmi began burning the forest down.   The blue Celfax attacked the violet dragon and the two began a battle in the sky while the forest below them burned. The larger Lokshmi chomped and bit at Celfax as the smaller but faster dragon swooped in circles around Lokshmi, ducking in from time to time to attack the violet dragon with claws and teeth in short, quick strikes. Eventually, Loksmi caught agail beast and bit clean through the smaller blue dragon's neck, sending the body and rider falling into the inferno below.   While heading back to the battle lines the heavily battered and bleeding Lokshmi succumed to her wounds and died while flying. Hannah II survived the fall, but lost the use of her leg in the impact.

Battle of Talnor Crossing

After their heavy losses in the Battle of the Strangled Forest Sarah II ordered the rest of the Isbanian forces to abandon the Osha siege and make back for Istbania.   Despite having lost the violet Lokshmi the injured Hannah II remained with her forces and ordered them forward. The Cinderen armies chased and harried the Isbanian forces south as they made thier way to a large bridge crossing the Talnor back into Istbanian territory.   When they reached the bridge the Isbanian army turned around and began setting up battle lines, looking to protect the rear forces and the long process of filing soldiers across the bridge. The fighting was the brutal and bloody with the Cinderens hamming the Isbanian lines while the fleeing army retreated in sections.   When it looked like the Isbanian lines were begining to buckle and break and after the bulk of her forces were across the river, Sarah II Scolara took the green Argol and destroyed the bridge with a long burst of dragonfire that melted the very stones supporting the bridge. afterward she and her dragon took off toward Cloy, leaving the remainder of her forces stuck on the Cinder side of the river to be slughtered and killed to a man.

Conflict Type
Start Date
Ending Date


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