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Second Sivien Rush

Second Sivien Rush is the name given to the final battle of the Sivien Civil War, a conflict between the New Norveil Coalition comprised of the Kell family armies lead by Rast the Turncloak and the Smoke Family family armies lead by Donhiro Smoke, and the Sivien Armies made up of the Medvidev Family family armies lead by Great Jarl Wodin I, the Riversalt family armies lead by Jora Riversalt, and Rostov family armies lead by Niles Rostov. The battle was a full attack on Coalition's force of 8,100 against the Sivien's 16,050.

The Conflict


The Rostovs are finally able to join the Riversalts 7,300 troops in Karak with 4,250 soldiers after their seige of Slate Sky. The two armies regrouped, and with a full force of 11,550 began thier march for Siv.

The Engagement

When they arrived they came from the south of the Coalition armies, trapping them between the army and the city. The battle lasted a single day with the two enemies positioning themselves as the sun rose; the green Alerint and the golden Rast the Turncloak circling the battlefield overhead opposite Rax and Jora Riversalt. The charge was called and the two armies engaged savagely as the dragons began swooping at one another. Arrows rained down on the clashing masses of the battle as the Kells loosed vollies into the fray, often hitting thier own men. And occasional jets of fire scorched the earth and entire batches of soldiers in an instant.   Rax was the larger of the two dragons, but Alerint was the faster of them and raced around Rax like a tornado. But Rax hadn't seen battle yet, he wasn't used during the Invasion of Karak so he was rested and unhurt. Alerint on the other-hand was covered in a 6 scorpion bolt wounds, some glancing blows but others were deep piercing wounds, and dozens of lascerations.   In late morning the Wodin I ordered the gates opened and the Medvidev army poured out of the city to engage the rear guard that had been left to watch the city. Two fronts were now open on the north and south of the Coalition army.   By midday a storm started in from the south and the rear guard of the Coalition army by the city to the north had broken, and the Medvidev army fought thier way up to the archers in the back lines, the remains of the cavalry slamming into them like a hammer. Soon after, the hundreds of arrows a minutes, quickly stopped raining down on the battlefield.   With the storm sky darkened and full of with thick, dark clouds, the green and gold dragons clashed among the lighting. Repeatedly the two would fly up high into the sky and slam into one another latching together in a melee, clawing and biting as they would drop hundreds of feet before releasing and sailing away from one another. Their riders within sword blow distance more than once.   On one of these clashes, after the release Rax turned in at the last second before his momentum toohim too far away, spinning back around in mid air to come in sideways at the green dragon, jaws wide, and snapped the head off of Alerint half way down the neck. The body and the head fell seperatley, the limp body pulling Rast the Turncloak to his death slamming into the ground. The nearly routed New Norveil Coalition soldiers began to surrender before their leader's body hit the ground.


Aside from Rast the Turncloak, there were many of the Kell and Smoke families that died during the battle including, Cardin Smoke (2nd sone of Donhiro), Myles Kell (Son of Rast), Lacy Kell (Sister of Rast) burned by dragon fire, and many more.


Ended with Donhiro Smoke being executed by beheading for treason in the Greystone Keep court yard, along with other of the rebel New Norveil Coalition family members including Hest Smoke (Donhiro's first son), Alexander Smoke (Donhiro's brother). They were beheaded by Great Jarl Wodin I personally. Donhiro was executed last.

Conflict Type
Start Date
Conflict Result
Sivien Victory



Total Force
  • 16,000 Soldiers
  • 2,300 Archers
  • 1,300 Cavalry
  • 130 Maji
  • 0 Dragons
Medvidev Armies
  • 4,500 Soldiers
  • 1,000 Archers
  • 900 Cavalry
  • 120 Maji
  • 0 Dragons
Riversalt Military
  • 7,300 Soldiers
  • 1,000 Archers
  • 400 Cavalry
  • 10 Maji
  • 0 Dragons
Rostov Military
  • 4,000 Soldiers
  • 300 Archers
  • 0 Cavalry
  • 0 Maji
  • 0 Dragons
Total Force
  • 8,000 Soldiers
  • 880 Archers
  • 1,200 Cavalry
  • 30 Maji
  • 1 Dragon
Kell Armies
  • 5,300 Soldiers
  • 480 Archers
  • 600 Cavalry
  • 20 Maji
  • 1 Dragon
Smoke Armies
  • 2,800 Soldiers
  • 400 Archers
  • 600 Cavalry
  • 10 Maji
  • 0 Dragons




Defeat the New Norveil Coalition
Defend the attack on the seige of Siv


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