Xilmithaz Character in Aerenal | World Anvil
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Demon Lord Xilmithaz

Around a thousand years ago Xilmithaz gathered the necessary power to rip a hole in the fabric of reality and made portal between its world and Aerenal. It then rallied its armies and led an invasion through the portal. Xilmithaz easily conquered the western coast of the Aerenal continent before the creation of the Navy and the rallying of the peoples of Aerenal. Even then Xilmithaz's armies were making progress before the gods got involved and forced the demon lord and the bulk of its forces back through the portal. Xilmithax now waits beyond the reality scar, gathering it strength and waiting until it can break back through and finish its conquest.



ancestor (Trivial)

Towards Rimaia Algol



Rimaia Algol

decedent (Important)

Towards Xilmithaz



Rimaia is descended from a line of tieflings sired by Xilmithaz when it was on Aerenal during the Incursion.


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