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The Stormbringers aren't heroes. They wouldn't sully their blades for some righteous cause or fight for the fleeting glory of a king's fancy. No, the Stormbringers are a storm themselves – a tightly wound coil of barely contained chaos, three hundred strong, ready to unleash their fury for whoever pays the most coin.   Their base, a ramshackle collection of tents and fortified wagons surrounded by a crude stone wall, nestled precariously in the foothills of the Mountains of the Sun in Tamre, is a testament to their transient existence. Scars of past battles adorn the weathered faces of its cadre – humans, elves, a handful of stoic dwarves, and even a grizzled bugbear shaman who keeps to himself and his collection of pickled troll toes (a rumored source of potent, if slightly unsettling, magic). The air crackles with a nervous energy, a volatile mix of boredom, simmering violence, and the ever-present clink of coin.   Leading this motley crew is Captain Aella, a woman whose fiery crimson hair mirrors the temper she is famous for. She isn't the tallest, but her steely gaze and the way she moves – panther-like, fluid and deadly – commands respect. A veteran of countless skirmishes and full-blown wars, Aella knows the value of loyalty and ruthlessness in equal measure. Betrayal isn't tolerated within the Stormbringers, but cunning and a healthy dose of self-preservation are actively encouraged.
Don't believe the rumors about demons and witches, friend. The Stormbringers are just that – mercenaries. Ruthless, yes, but they're the best in the business. They won't fight for glory or some noble cause, but if you've got the coin, they'll fight for you, and they'll fight like hell. Just make sure you have a clear contract and stick to your end of the bargain. Cross Captain Aella, and you'll find out what a real storm looks like.
Their tactics are brutal and efficient. They favor ambushes and lightning-fast assaults, utilizing the diverse skillsets of their members. Elven archers rain death from afar, dwarven axemen carve bloody paths through enemy lines, and the human mages, a volatile, unpredictable bunch, unleash arcane fury with reckless abandon. The Stormbringers aren't known for chivalry or mercy. They are a force of destruction, a mercenary whirlwind that leaves only devastation and a rain of coin in their wake.   Whispers and rumors follow them like vultures. Tales of entire battalions routed by a single Stormbringer charge, of fortified cities reduced to smoldering ruins, of deals struck with demons and worse. Whether these tales are embellished or not, one thing is certain: when the banners of the Stormbringers rise on the horizon, brave men and women swallowed hard, said a prayer to their chosen deity, and hoped the storm won't find them in its path.

A Hierarchy of Might and Coin

They call them Stormbringers, but I heard a different name whispered around the campfire the other night. Shadow Company, they say. Apparently, there's a darkness to them, a hunger for battle that goes beyond coin. Seen their eyes, some of those Stormbringers? Cold and empty, like they've stared into the abyss and liked what they saw.
The Stormbringers, though a relatively small mercenary force of 300, maintain a clear hierarchy built on a foundation of strength, experience, and the ever-important coin. Here's a breakdown of their ranks.


  • Captain Aella: The undisputed leader, feared and respected for her combat prowess, tactical brilliance, and ruthlessness. She has the final say on contracts, troop deployments, and disciplinary actions.

Commanders (5)

  • Lieutenants: Aella's most trusted advisors, each commanding a specific "Talon" (company) of roughly 60 Stormbringers. They are veterans with exceptional battlefield leadership and strategic thinking.

Specialist Leaders (2)

  • Quartermaster: Oversees the Stormbringers' supplies, equipment, and payroll. A master negotiator and logistician, they ensure the smooth operation of the mercenary company.
  • War Mage: Leads the volatile group of human mages, keeping their magical talents focused and functional during battles. This individual possesses exceptional magical aptitude and leadership skills.

Talons (5 Companies)

  • Veteran (10 per Talon): Seasoned fighters who form the core of each Talon. They serve as squad leaders, trainers, and mentors for newer recruits.
  • Blade (20 per Talon): Experienced warriors, skilled in various combat styles and weaponry. They form the backbone of the Stormbringers' fighting force.
  • Rook (30 per Talon): New recruits, undergoing rigorous training in combat, discipline, and the Stormbringers' brutal code of conduct.

Specialists (Scattered)

  • Scouts: Primarily skilled elves known for their stealth and marksmanship, gathering intel and keeping the Stormbringers ahead of potential threats or ambushes.
  • Alchemists: Adept at crafting explosives, potions, and antidotes, vital for battlefield support and survival in harsh environments.
  • Healers: A small group with rudimentary healing magic or exceptional medical knowledge, patching up wounded Stormbringers after battles (for a price, of course).

Outcasts (Highly Unofficial)

  • Grim Squires: Young orphans or urchins who attach themselves to the Stormbringers, running errands, cleaning weapons, and hoping to one day prove themselves worthy of becoming Rooks. Their presence is tolerated, but their survival depends on their usefulness and ability to stay out of trouble.

Promotions and Advancement

Promotions within the Stormbringers are a blend of meritocracy and opportunity. While exceptional combat prowess and leadership are valued, a healthy dose of self-preservation and the ability to secure lucrative contracts can also pave the way for advancement. Veterans who bring in significant coin through bounties or successful missions can find themselves climbing the ranks faster.
  The Stormbringers may not be heroes, but within their brutal hierarchy, a clear understanding of roles, respect for strength, and the ever-present clink of coin keep this mercenary machine functioning as a devastating and well-oiled instrument of war.
Oh, I wouldn't scoff at the Stormbringers, not unless you have a well-stocked pantry and a hidden bolthole in the mountains. They're ruthless, that's for sure, but they get the job done. Hired them myself a few years back to clear out some nasty goblins who were squatting on my ancestral lands. Cost me a pretty penny, but they didn't leave a single scaly hide behind. Efficient, that's what they are. Efficient and deadly.


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