Bairn Species in Aerith | World Anvil
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Created by a group of Luminare Primes that pooled their resources and power together. Aerithian Giants, known as Bairn in their own tongue, follow an order of respect from the Storm, Cloud, Fire, Frost, Stone, Hill, and Firbolg in descending order. Giants range from 7' tall at the lowest end of the Firbolg, to over 24' tall for the Storm Giants. The Giants name themselves Bairn, as the children of Annam, and typically refer to themselves as brother or sister. They are family-oriented in structure but they do not form large groups amongst each other, and have no real kinship outside their own communities.   The pantheon of Giant gods include Annam, Stronmaus, Surtr, Thrym, Skoraeus Stonebones, Grolantor, and Hiatea.


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