Stone Giant Species in Aerith | World Anvil
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Stone Giant

Stone Giants live deep in the mountains, or mid-range up the slopes, and often come in conflict with Stone Dwarves and Minotaur.   Giants are clan based and as such they defer to their leader in most things. Stone Giants treat the strongest member of their tribe as the leader, but they also revere cleverness in their Chiefs. The leaders’ decisions are final and if any member of the clan takes issue they are typically killed, jailed, or sent out from the clan, unless they can defeat the leader in combat.   Stone Giants revere Skoraeus Stonebones and are quite loyal in their devotion to him. There is a forward-thinking Stone Giant chief in the Barrier Guard named Skaarsgard Stoneshield, who is chieftain of the Blackpeak clan.   Stone Giants show great reverence to buried things, and interact closely with the mountains.  These 'stone molders' are given high respect and often make great artists and crafters.  The things they may find in their carvings are of much value to other races, such as gems, or ore, and the Stone Giants take advantage of this in their dealings with outsiders.  They do not deal readily with Dwarves as they dislike how the Dwarves interact with the mountains and the stone.  Picks and chisels are frowned upon by Stone Giants and they would prefer a softer approach, that Dwarves do not understand.  This causes much tension between the two races as Dwarves greatly desire the items the Stone Giants find in their molding.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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