Cassandra Foremain Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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Cassandra Foremain

Governor of the Seas Cassandra Foremain

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Cassandra is a young woman who has lived her whole life on a ship.  She can usually be foundworking on her ship, the Green Dragon, named for the green dragon maidenhead (made with actual Green Dragon).

Apparel & Accessories

She is usually wearing bright common clothes

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cassandra made her way to Avandar the long way; travelling to all the other continents first. She learned a lot about sea travel, trade, and dealing with people from all the other continents, learning 13 languages along the way. Originally hailing from Abereith, she quickly left her home and stowed away on a ship, living the rest of her life on the water. During her travels she met an elderly woman in Sangor, former Harbour council member. This woman offered the position to Cassandra if she could make it to Avandar. Never backing down from a challenge, Cassandra set out on her way to Avandar, but during the trip her ship was badly damaged. Now she spends all her free time repairing and improving her pride and joy - the The Green Dragon.

Morality & Philosophy

Land vs Sea: Cassandra has lived her entire life on the sea, and has experienced some amazing and life-transforming things. She believes that everyone should experience the sea and Avandar would be foolish to pass up their good fortune.    Cassandra has been known to take a bribe or two but she is very careful to not make a habit out of it. She is also familiar with paying those who she needs to ‘befriend’ and understands that is how business is done. If she can get away with not resorting to bribing or accepting bribes she would prefer to go that route (business is business, however).

Personality Characteristics


Cassandra has lived her entire life on the sea, and has experienced some amazing and life-transforming things. She believes that everyone should experience the sea and Avandar would be foolish to pass up their good fortune.   Cassandra completely understands the need for politics and she is very good at it. The only reason she is involved with the Council at all is because the previous council member asked her to be her successor. If she had her choice she would much rather be back on the open seas. The repairs to her ship are taking much longer than expected so Cassandra has decided to enjoy her time in Avandar. Truth be told, she thinks the city is magnificent and the politics and the people are starting to grow on her. The impetus to repair her ship quickly is starting to fade over time.


Contacts & Relations

Varick a kind old man and always has time to listen, a trait Cassandra quite likes. Katherine is very rude and doesn’t even attempt to hide her disdain for the council, which in turn makes it hard for Cassandra to hide her disdain of Katherine. She has met many people like Bribebent in her travels and is very familiar with how to get what she needs or wants out of him. She tolerates Sheamus but she thinks he is too rigid and plays everything by the rules. She can often be seen trying to rile him up, but he doesn’t usually respond the way she would like. if he was more carefree he would be way more fun. She enjoys Taramore very much. She is someone Cassandra could see sitting down with and sharing a drink, a tale, a good time, and maybe a bed.   The Harbour District council member is in charge of maintaining and improving the docks (both new and old), and monitoring and tracking the trade of goods and services with outsiders, excepting any that involve payment in coin.

Hobbies & Pets

Her pet monkey, Moko is rarely away from her side.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Governor of the Sea
Current Residence
Harbour District of Avandar
Changes the colour of her hair on a whim
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Very tanned
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization


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