Avandar Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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City of the Future
Human metropolis

Avandar is an island city off the west coast of Starhelm. Originally part of the mainland, Avandar was a prime hub of innovation, travel, trade, and culture for the west part of the continent. When it was still less than a century old the main part of the city was separated from the mainland after the Fractioning, creating great turmoil and upheaval. The people of Avandar were pushed to their limits in order to survive and had to persevere many hardships. Through the tumultuous after-period of the Fractioning, the hard-working and determined people of Avandar were able to turn the city into what it is today. The people of Avandar don’t see shame in asking for help, believing that the only way a city can succeed is by working together with a common goal. Even through their hard work and determination, Avandarians also know the importance and joy that comes from art, play, and other pastimes. The city is currently going through an artistic renaissance as they are no longer fighting for their very existence. Their past suffering reinforced their need for beauty, culture, and an environment in which they can relax.   Avandar is a large city that has gradually expanded to almost fill the entire island. It is about 13 miles across, surrounded by a large 40-foot wall, with a 30-foot iron gate across its main entrance. It is separated into 6 districts with a large tower in the center of the city. As this is where the council members meet a lot of the government happens here. Due to the city’s limited space, they have mastered the construction of large buildings for living space. Called apartments, these buildings are seven stories tall and can hold many people in a small area. Even though the apartments are cramped, many families have found clever ways of living in tight living quarters. The innovation of the apartments cannot be understated, but they are still unable to make them any taller than seven stories before the structural integrity starts to fail, with one exception; one of the apartments in the temple district. This unique building was designed and built by the church of Kleio, shortly after the Fractioning as a sign that Kleio was here to assist and inspire. This apartment is 15 stories tall and has around 7,000 homes. The people of Avandar have not been able to duplicate that feat to this day, though there are many that continually try.  


The climate on Avandar is common for island cities; the temperature rarely changes, snow is rare, with sweltering hot days. Their proximity to the Air Aspect allows for strong winds and the occasional tsunami. Katherine Artwia, the Mistress of the Unknown and prominent council member, is able to reduce the tsunamis to almost nothing but her storms of fire also provide the city a large supply of precooked fish after she is done.  


Avandar was founded by people tired of how they were being ruled; being told that because of how they were born or where they grew up determined how and where they would die. They believed that by ruling together better choices would be made and everyone would have their voice heard. Avandar was founded in the year 4342, but a short eighty-four years later the Fractioning occurred, destroying most of the city and breaking them from the mainland. Just as Essillion , they believed they were the last surviving Human city, and they needed to push themselves to survive. They have managed to not only survive, but thrive.   The city is run by a council of six members and a Grand Arbiter. Each member is in charge of one of the districts and many important parts of the city. The Grand Arbiter makes sure that the council runs smoothly and is the tiebreaker should one ever arise. The six members are as follows; The Governor of the Sea, The Arcane Overseer, The Lord of Coin, The Divine Channel, The Legion Commander, and the Master of Lands.  


Avandar is the city of the future, though the city isn’t filled with fantastical inventions like Stonebridge . It is more socially advanced than any other city on Starhelm, possibly even Aerith. Their inability to mine for precious metals required them to conserve their metal usage. Nearly 650 years ago Avandar decided to stop minting coin and instead, started using paper currency called sheets, made with Avandarian paper. These sheets are accepted as coin currency, their denominations referenced as the names of important gods to Avandarians. A copper’s worth is called a Mirriam Sheet, or commonly referred to as a Scale; a silver’s worth is called a Parfin Sheet, or a Boot; a gold’s worth is called a Vocerix Sheet, or a Gavel; and a platinum’s worth is called an Alucar Sheet, or a Liege. Each sheet has a different design with the visage of the relevant god embedded. The sheets are dyed different, dulled colours, related to their associated coin as close as possible; a Scale is red, a Boot is grey, a Gavel is yellow, and a Liege is blue. Money exchangers do a good business in Avandar as any coin that comes into the city should be converted into Avandarian Sheets, with a transfer fee of 5%, which goes directly to the city’s coffers. Most shops don’t like taking actual coin and many will refuse outright. Those that do have to get the coins transferred, incur the transfer fee themselves. They will usually charge a premium on their products in that case, to mitigate the cost to themselves.   Avandar is made up of many different races, professions, and skill sets. Though not quite as multicultural as Stonebridge , it is much more diverse than their sister city, Essillion. While it has a wide range of races that live within its walls, Human are still the dominant race. Other races that make up a good portion of the citizenry include Halfling, Genasi, and Tiefling. Races like Dwarves, Gnome, Minotaur, and Tritons have their own enclaves, found either in or near the city, with many other races found scattered throughout. Even the occasional Fallen or Azer can be seen walking the streets, or a handful of Aarakokra soaring through the sky.   Avandar is quite a free city, with people pursuing their desires. If farming is what you love, become a farmer; if painting is what you love, become a painter. ‘Do what you love and love what you do’ is a popular Avandarian saying. To an Avandarian someone who works for money is either a fool or in real trouble. The people of Avandar are encouraged to indulge in what makes them happy, as long as they can maintain their habits on their own accord. If you like to drink, then drink, if you like to gamble, then gamble, if you like fine art support an artist. These are all encouraged as long as you can live within your means. The city takes care of the city, the individuals take care of themselves. The culture of Avandar is self-sufficiency, and they don’t like to foster those who want to take advantage of others. Many temples won’t even assist those who can’t afford to pay, though some wealthy people or churches will have programs to help people who can’t afford various niceties, or necessities. Being one of the last bastions of human society on Starhelm, the people of Avandar are, and have always been, horizon seekers. They are always looking forward and trying to progress. They are accepting, collaborative, creative, and innovative people, who always try to love what they do. In Avandar, work is best done when you are engaged and passionate about what you are doing. A work week does not exist in Avandar; you work until you no longer feel like working. People are encouraged to get their work done so they can enjoy their time off, but many people will keep working because they love what they are doing. There are stories of those who have collapsed from exhaustion in their desire to just create perfection in whatever it is they are doing.   Avandarians value innovation, collaboration, creativity, and diligence. Avandar is considered to be the home of the future; where new ideas, technology, art, and sometimes even magic are created and fostered. The people of Avandar typically consider themselves superior to others, which can sometimes make travel outside the city difficult.   The city can be quite chaotic and boisterous, and it is not uncommon for random events to occur in the middle of the street, or an artist to suddenly start working on sidewalks as inspiration strikes. Impromptu tournaments of Dueling Dragons, or other games of chance often spring up at odd locations, as well a many other exciting events.  
There is a large gnomish community that is located in the Commerce District named Gnomes’ Grove, or simply just the Grove to most people. This community is where you go if you want any fun trinkets and toys. A lot of merchant-lords and council-workers get Gnomish-built toys for their children. These Gnomes are the survivors of a Gnomish settlement that lived on the edge of the forest, when Avandar was still on the mainland. Many Gnome refugees ended up in Avandar and shortly after the city was back on its feet they went and found many of the other Gnomes struggling on the continent and brought them back to the city. Many of the Gnomes were crafters and tinkerers, and as appreciation for the help and generosity that Avandar bestowed, they began to rebuild and improve the city. Outside of Humans, Gnomes are the second highest population in Avandar, though they typically remain in the Grove.  
The Dwarvish community in Avandar would seem to be minimal, but in fact, there is a fair amount of Dwarves that live in the city, or more specifically, under the city. After the Fractioning, and Avandar’s departure from the continent, many Dwarves of Denethen’s Mantle traveled to the beleaguered city to help in the rebuilding of Avandar. Most left after their work was done, but a fair number stayed behind to continue their work and to make sure the city was safe and secure. Leaving the above ground to the Humans and Gnomes, these Dwarves formed underground communities and made a home for themselves. They travel to the surface occasionally, and some have made a place for themselves above ground, but most stick to their underground homes. The area below ground cannot expand much more than it currently is, due to the structural integrity of the city above. This community is called the Mines, and functions quite differently than Avandar proper. They have their own government, currency, and trade, but the Council of Avandar will often remind the mayor of the mines that they are officially part of Avandar and are subject to their laws. However, those laws are rarely enforced as the two communities interact so infrequently. Avandar and the Mines enjoy a good relationship, and they are currently working together to try and establish trade with a Dwarven city in Dovak. They are making small progress but are both hopeful for the future.  
The Halflings that live in Avandar were once from a large town that was not far removed from the coast. They were a thriving, happy town that did a lot of trade with Avandar, and other towns and villages around. About a century ago a massive horde of the Witch Queen’s army of undead surged out of her lands and destroyed many along the Ancient Plains of Alucar, and even into the swamps. The Halflings were scattered, their town destroyed, and their livelihood gone. The city of Avandar reached out to the survivors and offered to shelter them within their walls. Nearly 1000 Halflings entered Avandar during that time, and over a century later Halflings make up a large part of Avandar’s citizenry. Many of the artists and merchants in Avandar are either Halflings or are funded by Halflings.  
The Genasi are the most alien race to live in Avandar, the majority of them being Aquian Genasi. They appeared a few months after the Fractioning, when a large rift to the Elemental Plane of Water opened up and an entire village boat was pulled through. The boat was destroyed but most of the villagers survived. They moved into the city quickly and assimilated quite easily. After a brief period of unrest and distrust, the citizens eventually accepted the Genasi and benefited from their skills and knowledge. It was not long after that the Genasi adapted fully into Avandarian life   While Aquian Genasi are the most common, most kinds of Genasi can be found within Avandar’s walls. The people of Avandar recognize the differences of Genasi but they readily accept them as part of their city, and most will not even bat an eye at seeing one.  
Tritons live by the old docks, on the west side of the city. After the Fractioning, an ancient ocean monster was awoken and laid waste to a Triton city that was near the coast. After the destruction of their city, many of the surviving Triton fled to Avandar. They secured a secret home beneath the docks, keeping themselves safe from curious eyes. Rumours of sea creatures beneath the docks floated around Avandar for many years, but just recently they have revealed themselves to the people of the city.   They are currently fighting an ongoing war with Merrow, and the Tritons are seeking the aid of Avandar to help prevent their destruction. The small community of Triton, and subsequent merfolk rarely show themselves but will help out sailors or fishermen in times of need. The Council is eager to bring the Tritons into Avandar to benefit from their extensive knowledge of the sea, the creatures, and the environment beneath.  

Crime and Law

The underground society of criminals has a very strong presence in Avandar. Three of the major Union of Shadows members have their main base in Avandar; the Puppet Master, the Golden Masks, and the Midnight Winds. The Black Dragon, Shade Walkers, and Closed Book all have a presence within the city, but they are officially based out of Essillion. Almost all the crime that takes place within the city is done, or is supported by the Union. After the Fractioning many people were forced to get help from the Union of Shadows in order to survive. There are still a large number of families, some in influential positions, who are still under the thumb of the Union, entrenching them in almost all sections of Avandarian society.   Even with such a large Union presence, there is very little serious crime that happens in Avandar. The majority of crime involves theft, smuggling, selling of illegal drugs and weapons, money forging, blackmailing, and bribery. The prevalence of art and cultural items in Avandar attracts many thieves and grifters looking to profit off of stolen artifacts or art. Murder, or socially destructive crime is very rare.   Outside of the Union’s activities, there are specific laws and crimes that relate specifically to the use of magic, worship, and animating the dead. While the use of magic is not prohibited in the city, using magic on someone against their will is considered a major crime and is strictly regulated. The opening of portals to other planes is also considered a breach of law and is dealt with swiftly and harshly. Those who can cast spells of great power are required to sign the Arcanum Chronicle, indicating that you will not abuse your power or use it to the detriment of others. Those that do not abide by the laws of the Arcanum Chronicle are dealt with by the Mistress of the Unknown, who is not very forgiving in such matters, and as such there are few who break their word.   The laws of Avandar are enforced by the church of Vocerix . When Vocerix came to Avandar after the Fractioning to aid the city, his first act was to gather people of authority and instil some order. He formed the Vault, both a church and place of law, where crimes could be heard, and order could be maintained. The Vault is a strict, but fair court, with the reputation of being incorruptible. Three specialized priests of Vocerix make up the structure of the Vault; the Eye of the Law, the Voice of the Law, and the Hand of the Law.   The priests of the Eye of the Law judge the cases within the Vault, making final decisions on guilty parties and what their punishments should be. The Voice of the Law will argue in the court to protect the innocent and ensure the guilty party has been verified. The Hand of the Law are priests who investigate the crimes themselves and look for clues and proof of the criminals, and the intent. The High Priest of Vocerix, Alexander Amberwave, is considered all three. If he so chooses, he can be the judge, jury, and executioner for any case that goes through the Vault, though this very rarely occurs. He typically acts as an Eye of the Law for high-profile and important cases.  

Post Fractioning

The Fractioning affected everyone on Starhelm, and even beyond, and Avandar was no exception. The splintering of the Human god Alucar scattered the 12 Zayphosian Gems across Starhelm. As fate would have it, 1 gem in particular – the Blood Red Gem of Bruges, came crashing into Brightwave and shattered the surrounding land around Avandar. The land mass that housed the city proper broke off of the mainland and began to float out to the sea. The people of Avandar were devasted, their buildings destroyed, their land poisoned with swamp water, and dead or dying bodies littered the area. Their food reserves would not last long, and their ability to grow more was compromised by the land’s destruction. Those that could, attempted to flee to the sea, taking what they could with them. They headed toward Dovak, looking to make a new life there. These refugees did not get far before the awakened beasts of the sea sent them back to Avandar or to a watery demise. It seemed the Union of Shadows was the only bastion of hope for the desperate people of Avandar. Their vast resources allowed them to recover quicker than most, and they were willing to offer their services; for a price. Most accepted their fate and hope seemed lost.   One day, off the coast of Avandar, a wave of water and foam appeared, growing larger as it approached. At first the people were afraid, until they saw a beautiful woman riding atop the waves, as if it was a chariot. They stood and stared at her in awe and disbelief, and then she started to sing. A beautiful and haunting tune that started low and then grew in intensity. As the song reached its apex, along with the wave that approached the city, fresh fish started flying out of the water, flopping on the ground of the city where they landed. The food stores were replenished, with enough fish to keep the people fed until they were able to get themselves back on their feet, and out from under the Union’s hold. It was revealed to them that this woman was Mirriam of the Waves, and she was a fragment of the Human god Alucar, come to aid them.   While Mirriam was able to save them from destruction, and the people were grateful, it was a meager existence, and one that did not leave time for much else. Some years after Mirriam had left, a strange man came to the gates of Avandar offering his aid. Nobody knew who this travel-worn man was, but he had a great presence and force of personality. They allowed him entrance and he immediately set out to heal the sick, bring joy to the sullen, and regaled everyone around with stories of the mainland, and elsewhere. The people flocked to him to hear his tales, walk with him, and just indulge in his company. Eventually it was revealed that this was Parfin the Farstepper, another Human fragment of Alucar. Parfin was a man of the people, particularly the commoners or the adventurers, and he had a good mind for many things. He worked with them on several plans for retaking their lost harbour fortress of Brightwave , but it wasn’t until many years later that they were able to actually hold it for any extended period of time.   Upon Parfin’s departure the city began to enjoy a period of growth, happiness, and success. They could feed themselves, they could entertain themselves, and take on more meaningful lives. The structure of their day was open and free, which is beneficial to the individual, but not a city. They began to lose sight of the need for structure in their quest for individual contentment. That is when Vocerix appeared, the third fraction of Alucar to appear to Avandar. Unlike the other two, Vocerix came to Avandar fully revealed as a god. He was forceful but fair, stern but helpful, and he instructed them on the ways of laws, civics, government, and order. When he was done the city had a clear path, an understanding of their goals, and a new seat of government. The city districts were formed, allowing people to focus on what was important to them individually, while the city could take care of itself. The people were happy; art, song, science, and culture flourished, and the people of Avandar came out of their dark times brighter than ever before.  


The Avandarian military is broken up into three different functions: The Guards; The Defenders; and The Reclaimers. The Guards are run by The Vault, and are the most common guards, tasked with maintaining order in the city. The Defenders are headed up by the temple to Curceon and make up the majority of the military found in Brightwave. They are tasked with protecting Avandar and Brightwave from foreign forces or enemies.   The Reclaimers, as directed by the temple to Bruges, are tasked with reclaiming lost lands from before the Fractioning. The majority of Avandarian military buildings and defenses are found in Brightwave , with large stone walls reaching over 50 feet tall, and an iron gate over a foot thick. With 35,000 soldiers protecting the city there is little fear of Brightwave falling anytime soon. In addition to the soldiers and outer defenses of Brightwave, Avandar is protected by the strait that separates the island from the mainland, and some clever Gnome-made devices set to repel invaders. The walls of Avandar are also thick and high, and their main gate is protected by a great portcullis. Once within the walls of Avandar, the Military District is the first place you come across, with many guards, and inspectors ensuring the safety of the citizenry.  


The city of Avandar is on a small island cast out from the mainland after the Fractioning. It makes up a full two-thirds of the land mass, with the rest of the land being used for farming and agriculture. The salty, swampy water is largely kept at bay from the arable land but there is still a portion of the island that is unusable by the people. Not long after Avandar settled in the sea, Druids and Wizards worked together to anchor it to the ocean floor, preventing it from continually floating.   The city is divided into six districts, each with its own needs, personality, and uses. At the centre of the city, where the districts meet is the city centre.    
The Harbour District:
The Harbour District is broken up into two locations; Old Harbour, on the west side of the city, and New Harbour, on the east side.   Old Harbour consists of about 20 docks, plus the Main Dock. Each dock is numbered 1-20, labeled A on one side and B on the other. These old docks are run down and rarely used as legitimate docks. Mostly fishermen, casual or professional, use these docks to fish off of, some divers will congregate there, but the largest draw are the artists’ galleries that have popped up, showing off some popular works. The Main Dock used to be where the largest and most important vessels would come to harbour; now it is home to The Half-Fisherman, a large tavern and popular drinking spot for most in the Harbour District. Located between Juniper St. and Kor St., is an area in Old Harbour that houses dozens of warehouses, shops, inns, and apartments. The majority of the warehouses in this district are owned by the city, and they hold most of the food reserves, city-made equipment, resource and building materials, and support various civic roles. While Old Harbour is not a rich district, the people that live there are happy. The people have easy access to the art galleries on the Docks, and there are a fair number of shops and taverns in the district.   Most of the Aquian Genasi in Avandar can be found in this district. The close proximity to water gives them comfort, particularly since their departure from the Plane of Water has left them unable to breathe underwater. In addition, Glavanya, the Minotaur enclave is in Old Harbour; a walled area that is infrequently visited by those not Minotaur.   Outside the walled protection of Avandar is a large tent community called the Dock Slums. The residents of the Slums cannot afford to live in Avandar, but they want the relative safety that nearness brings. While the city would like to get rid of them, or at least bring them into the walled parts of the city, they typically leave them alone to fend for themselves.   New Harbour is larger than Old Harbour, with at least 30 docks. Many ships come in and out of this harbour, mostly on their way to and from Brightwave , but stationed at one of the docks is The Green Dragon, the Governor of the Sea’s ship. Cassandra Foremain can often be seen at the docks as much of her time is spent repairing her heavily damaged vessel. Also common at the docks are the pier investigators, ensuring no smuggling is taking place in Avandar. They are strict, but many Union vessels manage to bypass security on a regular basis. Once approved by the pier investigator, the Dock Master needs to be informed of what is being brought in, and how long the visit will be. People on the docks can often be found willing to bring in cargo for coin, or better yet sheets. These people typically do not ask questions, but their pay may increase depending on the contents.  
The Scholar District:
The Scholar District is home to all the schools, libraries, higher-class learning, and a majority of the magic shops. The largest university in the city is Melvor’s Academy of the Unknown. Melv’s, as it is known around town, has around twenty colleges associated with it, although most of them are just minor schools. Six, however, are of note; The Conclave’s Arm, The Golden Plates, The Springfoot Academy, The College of Blades, Melvor’s School of the Unknown, and Gnurich’s Tome. Being a graduate from one of these schools all but guarantees you a job in whatever field you are interested in.   The Conclave’s Arm is the largest arcane school in the city, and it is used as a secondary base of operations for the conclave of Magic on Starhelm. It is an exceptional school for learning the arcane arts, available for those that can pay the entry fee. Graduating from The Conclave’s Arm guarantees membership to the Conclave of Magic, should the student so choose. The Golden Plates is the premiere Merchants and Commerce school on Starhelm. Graduating from The Golden Plates affords many opportunities to get hired on at shops, work in any trade, or even to open up their own shops within the city, and is needed if you want to be taken seriously as an Arcane Curator in Avandar.   The Springfoot Academy is a College of General Lore. The school loves to boast of the many famous bards, poets, and storytellers that have graduated from the college. After graduating, the current owner Brindle Springfoot paid quite a fortune to have the school renamed to honour his family. Most do not know how he got the money to do so and many rumours abound.   The College of Blades is the finest school of combat and war in Avandar. Many great military minds have come from this school, where they gained the knowledge and skill to win almost any battle they participate in.   Melvor’s School of the Unknown is a smaller school of the arcane arts, designed for practitioners with pre-existing arcane knowledge and skill. People come to improve their talents, practice their art, and gain a more in-depth understanding of the Tree of Magic. Melv’s is not a member of the conclave of Magic. In contrast, they do not like the way the Conclave teaches magic and is on a quest to prove to the world that there is a better way.   Gnurich’s Tome is less of a school and more of a vast library, with various subjects, including arcane teachings, history, geography, and many others. They house copies of many famous books that can be found all over Starhelm, most notably in The Rookery in Essillion or in Forgehome.   Magic shops in Avandar was where the Curators Syndicate was founded, becasue of this the idea of magic shops seems so out of place. Most shops that sell magic items appear like normal shops, the front of the shops are all open to the public, where simple and common magic items can be found; nothing of any real power or cost. In the back, however, that is where the real magic can be found. In order to access the magic in the back of a magic shop in Avandar, one must be on the Curators’ List. By Avandar law, every magic shop requires an authorized curator, who in turn, must keep a detailed list of their items and the buyers. Each morning all the curators in Avandar share their lists with each other, to avoid customers being on duplicate lists. In order to get on a Curator’s List, one must satisfy the following criteria; can you be trusted, and can you afford it. Each member on a list must first purchase their spot with a buy-in cost, specific to the individual curator. Once you are on a Curator’s List you can only buy and sell from that Curator. To remove yourself from that list requires permission from the city, which can be costly and time-consuming. Most people just stay on one list out of ease. Selling magic items is the only exception to this arrangement, and only for the first time. Once you agree to sell to a Curator you must agree to be on their list.   The most popular magic shop in Avandar is Shale’s Home of Magic and Mystery. This shop is run by Shale Goldsbrew, a Dwarvish woman with an exceptional talent at enchanting magical items. Her curator is Voutia Asteia, a Water Genasi and Shale’s best friend. Voutia is a kind, but firm curator, who treats everyone equally. She judges her transactions on a case by case basis, and she cannot be bullied or bribed to be put on her list. Shale’s is also popular with families, as Shale treats children who come into her shop with kindness and patience. Her employees will entertain children with colourful spells, feats of prestidigitation, and amusing stories. Her fair prices, and wide selection make her a favourite throughout Avandar.   Additionally, in the Scholar District, one can find the Institute of Knowledge, the official archive of the city, and the Mage’s Hall, where the Chronicle Arcanum is kept. When any magic tests or duels are held it is done at Mage’s Hall, arcane trials and prisoners are held at Mage’s Hall also.  
The Farming District:
As the name would suggest, the Farming District is where Avandar’s agriculture is maintained. The challenge of Avandarian farming is the lack of land on the island, and the farms take up almost a full third of the usable land. Even after 1000 years, Avandar has only fixed a small portion of the island, and they are able to grow only a small amount of produce. They are very good at maximizing their space though, and innovative techniques have allowed the growing of wheat, rice, and apple and banana trees typically. Utilizing the swamp lands, they have also been known to grow harsher crops like duck potatoes, watercress, cranberries, spinach, chestnuts, celery, soy, taro, and water lotuses. They have a variety of crops now and the city is not in danger of starving. Their limited space has forced farmers to think differently and many use water farms to grow rice, seaweed, water plantains, water lettuce, water caltrops, and cucumbers. There have even been some farmers who have discovered how to desalinate the ocean water, allowing them to use it to grow crops. Most farmers do not have the technology or knowledge to do that however. Avandarians do enjoy importing different foods that they cannot supply themselves, and they love sampling different foods. Restaurants, inns, and small food carts can do a very good business in Avandar.  
Martial district:
The Martial District is the first place of entry into Avandar. It is small and sparse, compared to the other districts, and is very utilitarian. The barracks, prison, and armoury can be found here, as well as some war halls, a veteran’s neighbourhood, and a nice tavern.   Entering into the Martial District, one must first pass through the main gates, known as Crystal Gate, and head straight into a large building. If this is one’s first visit you are taken through a thorough vetting process where the city can make a permanent file. If successful, the visitors will be sent to be inspected to ensure nothing is being illegally brought into the city and that visitors understand basic Avandarian law. The inspectors are curt, no nonsense, city guards who perform their duties efficiently, and without prejudice.   After passing inspection, visitors can make their way through to friendlier areas, filled with food stands, small novelty shops, and visitor information booths. Making your way further into the city, an air of seriousness fills the area.   To the left is the Black Dungeon, the large prison of Avandar and home to some of the worst people in the city. The prison is run by a joint effort of the churches of Vocerix and Curceon and it is very secure. While it is extremely difficult to break out without the use of magical aid, there have been the odd escape,   To the right is the Hall of Reclamation, home to the barracks, armoury, and war hall. Run by the church of Bruges, The Hall of Reclamation is one of two war halls in Avandar; the second being The Hall of the Guardian. The main focus of The Hall of Reclamation, and most of the military for Avandar is to reclaim lost land on the mainland of Starhelm, or push back Goblinkind, Lizard Folk , or Fallen forces.   Lastly, there are the Golden Streets, a massive gated-community for any injured soldiers, veterans, retired military personnel, or the families of those who gave their life in service to the city. The apartments in Golden Streets are provided rent free, and offer many services to help the people that live there. In the centre of the neighbourhood is a very nice tavern called The Shining Hero. Many people in the area visit it for a nice meal and to enjoy a pleasant atmosphere with friends and comrades.  
The Commerce District:
The Commerce District is the largest and most populous district in the city. It is filled with businesses, shops, craftsmen, artists, and a plethora of crafts and services. Many inns and taverns can be found in the Commerce District as well. Items from all over Starhelm can be found in the shops in Avandar. Games from Meadowspring, or instruments from Aspenshield can all be purchased here, but the majority of goods and services are locally sourced and made.   The Grove, the Gnome enclave, is a standout location in the Commerce District and where one of the most popular shops in all of Avandar can be found – The Clicking Clockwork. The Clicking Clockwork is a massive shop that sells all manner of clockwork toys and gadgets to help the people of Avandar and beyond. The farmers that can afford their signature Clockwork Tiller have found it to be most beneficial and increases their productivity greatly. For those that are looking for something more entertaining, a wide variety of clockwork toys can be purchased, ranging in price from a few silver, to hundreds of gold, depending on the size and complexity.   Most of the city’s inns and taverns are located in the Commerce District, but there are some that stand out above the rest; The Lion’s Inn, The Juggling Sealion, and the Inn and Out.   The Lion’s Inn is where many rich nobles or merchants stay when they visit the city. The fare there is superb, and many imported foods can be sampled from their menu. The beds are soft, and the atmosphere is indulgent.   The Juggling Sealion is the most popular inn within the city. Owned by Caroline Hearthbringer, and run by her eldest son Richard, this is the inn people go to if they want a nice, comfortable bed, and a good meal, all at a reasonable price. The Inn and Out is a seedy, cheap, dark inn, that is a popular location for streetwalkers and ladies of the night. Few stay for longer than a night, some even for just a few hours. Not surprisingly, the Closed Book are the owners of this inn and many shady deals go down behind its many closed doors.   In addition to the shops and inns, the Commerce District also houses a few other interesting locations, including the Sheet Press, the Dock Post, and a very popular magic shop called Stardust.   The Sheet Press is where the Avandarian currency is made, and coins are exchanged. Exchanging coins for sheets comes with a 5% exchange fee and many shop owners will not accept coins, or if they do they will charge a premium to mitigate their loss on the exchange. There are still shops that will accept coin, but they are rare. The Union of Shadows have been known to take coin for a slightly less exchange fee than the city, but it is not publicly or widely known. The Dwarves of the Mine can also accept coins, and some upper city Dwarves might accept them also. They cannot exchange coins for Sheets though.   The Dock Post is a large store in the city that is a central point for many travellers, merchants, and sailors. Sellers can set up shop at the Dock Post without the overhead of running their own store, or purchasing or renting building space. Many people looking for work will also make their way here to find employment.   While most of the magic shops can be found in the Scholar District, there are a few that can be found in the Commerce District. The most popular one is called Stardust, and it is at the forefront of new magical inventions. They also have one of the largest curators’ lists in the city, holding over 100 people on their list.  
The Temple District:
Residents of the Temple District are religious in nature, which is why they chose to live in this district. This gives the Temple District the most diverse cross-section of races in Avandar.   Most of the shrines, and all the churches and temples of Avandar can be found in the Temple District. There are shrines to most of the gods on Starhelm, but temples are reserved for the Twelve Shards of Alucar, the Sovereign Beings, Denethen, Lutien, Lyradell, and Erswetz. The temples are all located on the city level, with the exception of Denethen’s temple, which is located in the Mines.   In addition to their religious responsibilities, each temple of a Shard also has a civic duty they are responsible for, as follows:  
  • Bruges - The temple of Bruges is in charge of maintaining and running the War Hall of the Reclaimer
  • Curceon – The temple of Curceon is in charge of maintaining and running the War Hall of the Guardian
  • Dranaden – The temple to Dranaden serves multiple purposes; a tavern, a bardic school, and an art store. Any artistic pursuits the city itself engages in are also the purview of the temple to Dranaden
  • Gnurich – The temple to Gnurich is in charge of maintaining the libraries of Avandar, as well as collecting any information to fill the libraries’ knowledge gaps
  • Greegis – The temple of Greegis is in charge of making sure all shops, inns, and taverns are following civic laws and are up to code
  • Josefan – The temple of Josefan is the most common place to hold a wedding. They are also in charge of providing services to children, and pregnant mothers
  • Kleio – The temple to Kleio is in charge of making sure that all buildings and structures are safe and are built to accepted standards
  • Leftis – The temple to Leftis is the spy network of Avandar. They gather information and are on the front line in protecting the city from enemies, or the Union of Shadows
  • Mirriam – The temple of Mirriam is in charge of keeping the crops healthy, and making sure everyone is well fed. They are also responsible for performing the Wave Song to make sure the fish are plentiful and healthy
  • Parfin – The temple to Parfin is in charge of exploration and mapping of the surrounding area
  • Pristell – The temple to Pristell is in charge of maintaining The Centre, and ensuring all council members are properly informed and advised
  • Vocerix – The temple to Vocerix is in charge of the courts, and maintaining the laws of Avandar. The city guard is also connected heavily to The Vault
  While the Temple District holds mostly religious buildings, there are others of note that also stand within this district. The Architect’s Dream, a one of a kind, 15 storey apartment is also in the Temple District. Standing over 200 feet tall, and housing over 7000 people, it is the second-tallest building in the city, after The Centre. The Grand Hall, a large and well-appointed building hosts most of the city’s important parties or ceremonies.  
The Centre:
The Centre is the largest structure in Avandar, standing almost 250 feet tall. It has a total of 20 floors, with the first 15 being open to the public. The ground level is a beautiful garden filled with many different flowers and trees. Many artists like to set up shop and draw landscapes, people, or items, as suits their fancy. The next five floors function as a large community centre, with places to play physical games, or games of wit and skill. One of the floors is an entire pool of water, open to the public for swimming.   Above the community centre is The Philosopher’s Jewel, a three-floor library, open to the public. Though not as impressive as The Owl’s Rookery in Essillion, or the Archive in Forgehome, it still hosts a wealth of information. It continues to grow as copiers pore over ancient texts or modern works to build the contents of the library.   Making up the rest of The Centre are meeting rooms, celebration halls, and various sitting areas. The top five floors are restricted for civic workers, and this is where most of the city’s duties are handled. The top floor is where the council meets. An enchanted floor, containing various protection glyphs and wards keep the councillors safe. Interestingly, the floor is made of glass, affording a view of those below, to remind the council of what they are truly governing over.   The Centre is at the crossroads of where the five major roads of Avandar lead; Kor Street, Juniper Street, Zekin Street, Thalia Street, and Melvor Street. These streets are named after the five original Avandar Council members in honour.  
Brightwave :
Brightwave is a coastal town on the mainland, situated across the strait from Avandar. It was a location of great contention and until recently, the ownership of it went back and forth between the Humans of Avandar and the Goblins of the area. Not too long ago, the forces of Avandar reclaimed the hotly contested town and port harbour and have made great strides to secure its borders. On the Day of Reclamation, a deep red light shone in the air, revealing the great warrior, Wainwright Pearlhammer, who fought back the Goblinkind incursion, managing to defeat the Ogre Warmaster who originally took the town, sending him into a mass retreat.   Currently, there are over 35,000 guards and soldiers in the town, intent on securing Brightwave and the surrounding lands. With the help of their newfound Grippli allies, the threat of Goblin invasion has been greatly reduced, though not totally abolished. Other enemies make assaults on Brightwave though, including the Undead of the Witch Queen, The Fallen, some Lizard Folk, and the occasional barbarian tribes. Much pride and respect is afforded the protectors of Brightwave, and the recognition of their hard work and sacrifice is paramount in the minds of Avandarians and the people of Brightwave. The current leader is Lord Marshall Wainwright Pearlhammer, a middle-aged man, who is rarely seen in public outside of his ceremonial armour. He is a kind, but disciplined man, who always leads from the front. Whenever Brightwave is under attack Lord Marshall Pearlhammer gathers his men and meets the enemy head on. The soldiers under his command would all willingly lay down their lives for him and the city. Becoming a part of his regiment is the highest honour a soldier of Brightwave can achieve.   While Brightwave has obvious importance because of its connection to the mainland and Avandar’s point of entry, it serves a more important, and mystical purpose. The Blood Red Zayphosian Gem of Bruges, a powerful artifact, is secured behind Brightwave’s walls. The few people who know of its existence make sure to keep their knowledge secret. The Council of Avandar, the High Clerics of Bruges, Curceon, Vocerix, and Lord Marshall Pearlhammer all know of the gem’s existence. A handful of extremely loyal guards are aware of a great treasure they protect but they are not aware of the true nature of what they guard.   Most assume the constant attacks on Brightwave are due to its value as an entry point to the mainland for Avandar, and its value as a harbour. While that is a benefit of controlling Brightwave, the real reason so many attacks occur at Brightwave is a result of the Bruges gem drawing conflict and battle to it. The enemies of Brightwave are not aware of why they are attracted to Brightwave, and the soldiers protecting it are not aware of what they are protecting. Bruges’ will continues to encourage conflict and conquest in the area, however. The Grippli are unaffected by the draw of the gem; their interest is in helping to secure the area and to gain friendship with the Human.  
Shops, Inns, and Other Places of Interest
  The Crushing Crab is a local tavern in the Merchant District. It is known for the Giant Crab on the roof of the building and it is very easy to spot. From the outside it looks like a novelty tavern, but on the inside it resembles more of a shady place to eat. First entering the tavern reveals a bar all along the left wall, with the owner and bartender, Bartlett Brewmaster (self given name) always present. He doesn’t offer a wide variety of drink, mostly ale, mead, and the cheapest Elven wine he could find. In the centre of the tavern is a large pit that is 15 feet deep, with a table in the middle of it. Large games of dice are played here, secluded and well away from other customers to prevent the common fights from disturbing the patrons. It was recently renovated after an incident with a fire mage on a losing streak. The place was almost burnt to the ground, and ever since, Bartlett has been very accommodating to those with magical capabilities. This place is popular with outsiders looking to play games of chance or make some shady deals.   The Lion’s Inn is an upper-class inn that most rich merchants and nobles stay in. The inn is almost always fully booked, and it is rare for people to not enjoy their stay. This inn is owned by the city of Avandar and aside from the interesting and important people that stay there, few things set this inn apart.   The Juggling Sealion is a middle-class inn. The owner of the inn is Caroline Hearthbringer, who built the inn with her five sons. She put everything she had into the building and running of the inn, but she has shifted that responsibility now over to her eldest son Richard.   The Stalwart Stallion is a lower-class in and tavern owned by Pete Smallpalm, or simply Smallpalm, as most people call him. It is a cheap and dirty inn that you would only stay at if you had no other choice. His prices are the lowest in the city, which is why he is still in business.   The Inn and Out is a seedy inn owned by The Closed Book. The streetwalkers, and ladies of the night tend to do a lot of their business within these walls. Escorts will probably frequent the Lion’s Inn, or occasionally the Juggling Sealion instead.   This is one of the largest shipping warehouses in Avandar. It is owned by Grindle Dunge, but it is run by Red Sterling, a retired quartermaster from Brightwave . The front of the warehouse is a storefront, where they sell merchandise. Almost any item one would need could be found at Ballor’s, or they could acquire it if necessary.   The Leaping Unicorn is a small book and item shop that has just recently moved from the Merchant District to the Arcanum District. The owner’s name is Calvin…something? It is near impossible to find his last name. In his early days he was an adventurer, collecting rare items and trinkets. As the years passed he grew old, bored, and tired of that life and decided to settle down and open up a shop to sell his treasures. He is also an author of numerous books about adventuring, his memoirs, and he even has a cookbook entitled ‘You can eat almost anything if you’re desperate enough – an adventurer’s guide to eating on the run’. His transition from two districts is very odd, and he seemed to do it on his own; ‘no palms were greased,’ Calvin assures people. It may be a small shop, but he keeps it very well secured.   Shale’s Home of Magic and Mystery is the most popular magic shop in all of Avandar. It is run by Shale Goldsbrew, a dwarf woman who excels at creating magical items. She sells what she makes at a fair price, but she will not be swindled or taken advantage of. There is no better person to ask if you are looking for magic items. Shale has a great affection for children, and all employees know her rule; if you are not busy when a child walks in you must give that child a magic show. Children and adults alike gather around when Shale is the one performing the show, and many will go to her shop just to get a glimpse.   Melvor’s School for the Arcane is one of, if not the largest, schools for the arcane arts on Starhelm. Run by Gregor Belik, an old teacher from the conclave of Magic who decided to leave the Conclave and open his own school. He believes that knowledge and magic should not be held from someone because of an abstract rank. If you want to learn magic it is there for anyone to experience, as long as you have the will; keeping with true Avandarian spirit. The founder of the school was Melvor Derendour, and he was the first Arcane Council Member, and one of the founders of the city.   The Half-Fisherman is a popular tavern in the Harbour District, opened by Albert the Half Man. Poor Albert lost multiple body party during his life; his leg from a shark, an arm from a harpoon accident, and his eye from (according to his own account) a Kraken, but nobody believes the last one. The townsfolk took to calling him Albert the Half Man and the name stuck. Years later Albert came into town with a small chest filled with gold. He used his treasure to build and open his tavern and called it the Half-Fisherman, and so far he has done very well for himself. Albert can often be found either behind the bar serving drinks, or in front of the fireplace telling stories. He promises his business to anyone who can find and kill the Kraken who took his eye. Rumours abound that you can see Albert’s missing leg floating by the docks on foggy nights.   Council Members
  • Grand Arbiter Torvik Strongbarrel, Grand Arbiter (m/dwarf)
  • Mistress of the Unknown Kathrine Artwia, Scholar District (f/human)
  • Master of Lands Varick Grasscharmer, Farming District (m/human)
  • Master of the Legion Sheamus Strongheart, Martial District (m/human)
  • Lord of Coin Bribebent Greasypalm, Commerce District (m/gnome)
  • Governor of Seas Cassandra Foremain, Harbour District (f/human)
  • Lady of Devotion Taramore Gardenspore, Temple District (f/human)
  • The Crystal Gate
  • The Black Dungeon
  • The Centre
  • The Hall of Reclamation
  • The Hall of Defenders
  • The Main Dock
  • The Entrance Post
  • The Emerald Ring
  • The Sheets Press
  • The Dock Post
  • The Mages’ Hall
  • The Grand Hall
  • The Architect’s Dream
  Temples:   Shrines:   Restaurants, Taverns & Inns:
  • The Crushing Crab – Tavern
  • The Lions Inn – Inn
  • The Juggling Sealion – Inn
  • The Stalwart Stallion – Inn
  • The Inn and Out – Inn
  • The Half Fisherman – Tavern
  • Miriam’s Pearl – Restaurant
  • The Fisher’s Table – Restaurant
  Neighbourhoods:   Scholar District
  • University Grounds
  • Sigilhome
  • Runehome
  • Focushome
  • Sheetshome
  • The Hall
  Martial District
  • The Golden Streets
  • Northside
  • Southside
  Commerce District
  • The Gnomish Grove (The Grove)
  • The Sheet
  • The Entrance
  • Buyer’s Market (The Market)
  • Trades path
  • North Park
  • Garden path
  • Copper Place
  • Beggar’s Path
  • Fieldsview
  • Eastside
  • Burchhaven
  • Throneside
  • Bushhallow
  • Greenview
  • Tallfair
  • Whitedawn
  Harbour District
  • The Coral District
  • Upper Dockview
  • Central Dockview
  • The Post
  • Lower Dockview
  • Mirriam’s eye
  • The Scales
  • Cheaphome
  • Blackstack
  • The Glavanya
  • The Dock Slums
  Temple District
  • The Grand
  • Kleio’s call
  • The Mines (Under the city but the main entrance is in this District)
  Roads and Thoroughfares:
  • Kor Street
  • Juniper Street
  • Zekin Street
  • Thalia Street
  • Melvor Street
  Notable Personalities:
  • Shale Goldsbrew (f/Dwarves), owner and head enchanter at Shale’s
  • Fiddlement Springfoot (m/Human), head of the Wiley Weasel Guild (Midnight Winds Roguish Guild)
  • Gregor Belik (m/Human), headmaster at Melv’s University
  • Lord Marshall Wainwright Pearlhammer (m/Human), leader of Brightwave
  • Kuvar the Smile/The Doppelganger (m/air Genasi), popular merchant (head of the Golden Mask Roguish Guild)
  • Temota the Ghost (f/Krysin), head of the Shade Walkers Roguish Guild
  • Mathew Gallright (m/Human), head of the Winded Quill, largest news press in the city
  • Caroline Hearthbringer (f/Human), owner of the Juggling Sealion
  • Orindryl of the Steam (f/dragon turtle), protector of Avandar
  • The Fortuna Coven, coven of Sea Hags
  • Sylus Barrowhammer (m/Human), owner of the Punching Dragon fighting club
Region: Shorn Coast   Population: 1,040,360   Racial Breakdown:
   Dominant: Human
   Minority: Genasi, Halfling, Tiefling
   Enclave: Dwarf, Gnome, Minotaur, Triton
   Group: Dragonkin, Goblinoid, Grippli, Kenku, Krysin, Lizardfolk, Merfolk
   Individual: Aarakocra, Azer, Fallen, Dryad
   Singular: Dragon Turtle, Sea Hag Coven   Form of Government: Council   Notable Inhabitants: Council of Avandar   Notable Locations: The Half Fisherman; Melvor’s Academy; The Centre


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