Council of Avandar Organization in Aerith | World Anvil
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Council of Avandar

The Council of Avandar has been around since its founding, but it did not take its current form until after the Fractioning. The visitation of Vocerix helped organize and formalize the council duties, jurisdictions, and membership qualifications. As Avandar is a city that is constantly revising itself, the laws and customs of its council has, and will continue to evolve as cultural shifts dictate. The people of Avandar embrace this evolution and do not fear the change. The rules that are currently in place are adhered to strictly, but there is always a potential for future amendments and alterations to the rules and customs as they are currently laid out. Some basic rules and questions are laid out below but there are many more on the books.  

How are Council members chosen?

While there are many ways a council member can be chosen, the most typical way is for the current to name a successor. If desired, any of the other members can offer up a candidate for that role. The Council will then vote to elect the new council member to fill that position. If the role is left vacant unexpectedly (death/imprisonment/missing), the Council selects a group of people, as determined by a census to determine who might be a good group of successors. This group usually consists of 3-7 people from the district in question. The citizens will then vote on who the replacement council member will be.  

For how long does a council member serve?

Council members can potentially serve for life. However, every five years the citizens of Avandar get to vote on whether they want that member to continue to serve. In addition, at any point if there is ever at least five of the six council members that want to remove a particular council member, it will be put to a citizens’ vote to determine if that member remains in office.  

How Often Does the Council Meet?

The Council has a mandatory meeting once a month, but there are also weekly meetings. While these weekly meetings are not mandatory, many council members will send a proxy on their behalf if they cannot, or choose not to attend. Members can also call an emergency meeting, if they so choose, at any point.  

How are ties settled?

As there are six members on the council at any given time, there is the potential for a split vote. If the voting results in a tie, it is up to the Grand Arbiter to break the tie. This is the only time the Grand Arbiter gets to vote on a resolution.       The Grand Arbiter   Title: Grand Arbiter Name: Torvik Strongbarrel Race: Dwarf Gender: Male Age: 274   Description: Torvik is an elderly dwarf. He has white hair, usually tied behind him, and a long, braided beard with gems and golden runes weaved into it. He is typically seen wearing his official Arbiter robes with the Chronicle at his side.   Other Information: Torvik used to be a judge in the Dwarvish city of Shardhold, but he moved to Avandar more than 50 years ago, after being offered the position of Grand Arbiter.   Position: The Grand Arbiter is in charge of making sure the Council of Avandar runs smoothly and efficiently, that all the current rules are followed, and that the information that is being shared is true and honest. The Grand Arbiter ensures that the members of the council are positioned well to lead their District and their people. In the event of a tie during a vote of the Council, The Grand Arbiter is required to break the tie.   Politics: Torvik believes that rules and laws are an essential part of running any civilized city. He is not fond of all ‘this talking behind the backs’ of the other council members. Torvik can often be heard saying, ‘No good comes from being dishonest with the people you are supposed to be working with’.   Land vs Sea: Normally it would be an easy choice for a Dwarf to choose between the land and sea, however the trade that would be gained from dealing with the Dwarves of Dovak make this decision a little trickier. Torvik carefully considers all sides when discussing the merits and challenges of both.   Corruption: When Torvik was a judge in Shardhold he had a reputation of being incorruptible, even by Dwarf standards. As the Grand Arbiter, he has doubled down on that reputation. The stories of Torvik’s convictions seem exaggerated but nobody can argue with the results. As is told, the first time a member of the Union of Shadows attempted to bribe Torvik, that member was arrested on the spot and sent to prison for 30 years. When a member of the Closed Book tried to intimidate him, witnesses say he left Torvik’s office, pale-faced and left the Union of Shadows immediately. A member of the Black Dragon threatened Torvik and was found in his office, beaten, bloodied and left for dead. The Union of Shadows felt it wise to leave the Grand Arbiter alone after those incidents.   Council Relations: Torvik feels that everyone on the council could be doing more to increase the station of the city, but none of them have any serious ill will or have done any real wrongdoing which means that they are ok in his book.  Scholar District   Title: Mistress of the Unknown Name: Katherine Artwia (R-twa) Race: Human Gender: Female Age: 49     Description: Katherine is a middle-aged woman, with blonde hair, usually braided down her back. She is most often found wearing her red Arcanium robes.   Other information: Kathrine is a Savant of Evocation in the Conclave of Magic. She is usually quick tempered, brash, and easily offended. Everyone keeps their opinions to themselves, as the last person that offended her is kept in an urn in her office as a warning to anyone else who would dare insult her.   Position: The council member of the Scholar District is in charge of a number of things, including matters pertaining to the Arcane; making sure that mystical problems are dealt with appropriately and timely; the construction and maintenance of schools and libraries; and general management of the district.   Politics: There are bigger things in the world then the trivial matters of a small city. She would much rather be at the Arcanium Evocium or the Conclave of Magic, than dealing with matters this council deems important. Her and her family do live in the city however, and she will make sure that it is running as smoothly as possible. In the end, she would rather have say on any major events that could possibly affect her or her family.   Land vs Sea: ‘Why bother one way or the other. We need to focus on more important discussions then this trivial matter’. Katherine prefers to discuss things like, how to best remove the Union of Shadows from the city; how to increase knowledge, particularly Arcane knowledge; and how to make sure no Goblin armies can ever march up to Brightwave again (or even worse, Avandar).   Corruption: Katherine views bribes as just another source of income, but she never votes against her interests or her conscience. She will only accept bribes for issues she is already for, or for something she has no opinion one way or the other. However, those who try to forcefully ‘convince’ her are shown the urn of their final resting place.   Council Relations: Katherine keeps to herself and does not spend a lot of time with most members of the Council. She does not overly fond of Sheamus, finding him too barbaric and simple-minded, especially compared to what she can do with her magic. Of all the council members, she loves spending time with Taramore the most. Katherine finds her to be such a genuine, and easy to talk to person.     Farmland District   Title: Master of Lands Name: Varick (Vare- ick) Grasscharmer Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 63   Description: Varick is an old, spry man, balding with a white beard. He’s quite fit, despite his age, typically wearing a pair of overalls under his council wear. He is always seen wearing his trademark pair of spectacles.   Other Information: Varick used to be a soldier in the city of Brightwave, serving until he was in his mid-40’s. When he left the military, he came back to the city, bought a small plot of land and started farming. Because of his love of his peers and the people of Avandar, he was quickly voted into the Council when his predecessor died.   Position: The views of the common folk need to be heard. This position ensures that the city keeps enough land for agricultural needs, so they can continue to feed the people.   Politics: Varick loves Avandar, the city, the people, and its culture. He is happy to be on the Council, and Is excited to be able to shape and improve the city that he loves so dear.   Land vs Sea: Varick is an old man with old view. The land is the history of Avandar and nothing is more important than history. The sea will always be there and is part of Avandarian culture, but the relics of the past need to be protected. He is of the strong belief that the longer they remain idle in reclaiming their lost land the more difficult it will be to get it back from the Grippli, who are currently occupying it.   Corruption: Varick is such an honest soul, and he has such high integrity that he would never take bribes of any kind. The Union of Shadows attempted to bribe Varick for many years and for all those years he has simply refused. It was just recently that the Union of Shadows gave up trying to bribe him and decided to spend their resources on something more fruitful.   Council Relations: Varick is a simple man, with simple views. He finds Katherine rude and often absent, but he recognizes that she does care about the city so he will work with her when it is needed. He finds Cassandra to be a refreshing light and she brings a new perspective to the Council. Bribebent is so corrupt it’s nauseating, but Varick cannot seem to find a way of proving it. He finds Sheamus to be a great young man, and sees himself in Sheamus. The beautiful Taramore is a joy and delight, and she deserves the respect of everyone.         Harbour District   Title: Governor of the Sea Name: Cassandra Foremain Race: Human Gender: Female Age: 27   Description: Cassandra is a young woman who has lived her whole life on a ship. Her skin is very tanned and she changes the colour of her hair on a whim. She is usually wearing bright common clothes and working on her ship, the Green Dragon, named for the green dragon maidenhead (made with actual Green Dragon). Her pet monkey, Moko is rarely away from her side.   Other Information: Cassandra made her way to Avandar the long way; travelling to all the other continents first. She learned a lot about sea travel, trade, and dealing with people from all the other continents, learning 13 languages along the way. Originally hailing from Abereith, she quickly left her home and stowed away on a ship, living the rest of her life on the water. During her travels she met an elderly woman in Sangor, former Harbour council member. This woman offered the position to Cassandra if she could make it to Avandar. Never backing down from a challenge, Cassandra set out on her way to Avandar, but during the trip her ship was badly damaged. Now she spends all her free time repairing and improving her pride and joy - the Green Dragon.   Position: The Harbour District council member is in charge of maintaining and improving the docks (both new and old), and monitoring and tracking the trade of goods and services with outsiders, excepting any that involve payment in coin.   Politics: Cassandra completely understands the need for politics and she is very good at it. The only reason she is involved with the Council at all is because the previous council member asked her to be her successor. If she had her choice she would much rather be back on the open seas. The repairs to her ship are taking much longer than expected so Cassandra has decided to enjoy her time in Avandar. Truth be told, she thinks the city is magnificent and the politics and the people are starting to grow on her. The impetus to repair her ship quickly is starting to fade over time.   Land vs Sea: Cassandra has lived her entire life on the sea, and has experienced some amazing and life-transforming things. She believes that everyone should experience the sea and Avandar would be foolish to pass up their good fortune.   Corruption: Cassandra has been known to take a bribe or two but she is very careful to not make a habit out of it. She is also familiar with paying those who she needs to ‘befriend’ and understands that is how business is done. If she can get away with not resorting to bribing or accepting bribes she would prefer to go that route (business is business, however).   Council Relations: Varick a kind old man and always has time to listen, a trait Cassandra quite likes. Katherine is very rude and doesn’t even attempt to hide her disdain for the council, which in turn makes it hard for Cassandra to hide her disdain of Katherine. She has met many people like Bribebent in her travels and is very familiar with how to get what she needs or wants out of him. She tolerates Sheamus but she thinks he is too rigid and plays everything by the rules. She can often be seen trying to rile him up, but he doesn’t usually respond the way she would like. if he was more carefree he would be way more fun. She enjoys Taramore very much. She is someone Cassandra could see sitting down with and sharing a drink, a tale, a good time, and maybe a bed.   Commerce District   Title: Lord of Coin Name: Bribebent Greasypalm Race: Gnome Gender: Male Age: 300   Description: Bribebent is a 3 ft. tall gnome, with slick black hair tied up into a ponytail. He wears fancy traveling clothes, and keeps them in good repair.   Other Information: Bribebent is a traveling gnome who sells fanciful products to anyone he can. Whether it’s Gumboots to sailors, the Blood Chain to a band of barbarians, or the Music Spear to soldiers, Bribebent is happy to test his salesmanship and turn a tidy profit at the same time. Money is the score to which everyone knows who’s winning.   Position: The council member of the Commerce District is responsible for the easy flow of money to where it needs to go. They are in charge of the city coffers, buildings and new constructions, or facilitating deals that involve coin (buying/selling products with coin).   Politics: Without politics how else would you get so many powerful people together to manipulate. Politics is a tool used to make yourself look good, and seem important. Bribebent fancies himself better at politics than he really is, but everyone knows his uses. Land vs Sea: Bribebent can make his way through the Deadlands selling snake oil to anyone, even Goblins, but he can also traverse the ocean if need be, and take advantage of all the buyers out there. Whichever side seems to be winning is the side he will be on.   Corruption: Bribe is in his name, of course he’s corrupt. His vote and opinion can be easily bought or coerced. The better the bribe or threat the more likely he will agree. He is not averse to turning on a whim to a better offer. His loyalty is to Bribebent first. The rest can take the scraps.   Council Relations: While he doesn’t really care about Katherine he is smart enough to not tell her that. Cassandra is a lot of fun and has some very good ideas. He doesn’t trust Varick; anyone who doesn’t take a bribe here or there must have something far worse that they’re hiding. Sheamus is such a boy scout and if it wasn’t so easy to manipulate him it would be sickening. Taramore is wonderful; how could anyone have a problem with her?   Martial District   Title: Master of the Legion Name: Sheamus Strongheart Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 42   Description: Sheamus looks like your typical soldier. At 6”4’ and 210 pounds, he is muscular, fair of face, and sports a short blond military cut.   Other Information: The Stronghearts are one of the oldest families in Avandar and there has been a member of the Strongheart family on the Council since it was formed.   Position: Security is of the utmost importance and having a strong military presence is key to survival. Brightwave also falls under the Martial District’s purview. Ensuring the guard presence is strong in the city and the soldier presence is strong on the mainland takes up much of this position’s time.   Politics: The Stronghearts have had a hand in Avandar politics since the very beginning. There is no reason to let that tradition die. Sheamus is responsible for representing his family to the best of his ability and his decisions weigh heavily on his mind and heart.   Land vs Sea: As the land has already been traveled and conquered we should explore new territories and head out to the sea. The Grippli now have control over Avandar’s old land and since they are our allies, that treaty should remain intact.   Corruption: The Stronghearts were corrupt long before Sheamus was on the Council of Avandar. They are backed by the Black Dragon, from the Union of Shadows, and so much of the power that they wield, both on the Council and with the military is because of them. All of the decisions made by the Stronghearts were influenced by the Black Dragon. The corruption goes so deep that nobody even knows they’re corrupt.   Council Relations: Sheamus respects Varick for his ability to resist corruption. He values his military service as well. He doesn’t really have an opinion on Katherine, mostly due to a lack of exposure or care. She’s rarely around and Sheamus is fine with that. He is neutral on his opinions of Cassandra, but he would prefer if she followed the rules more. Sheamus, as everyone, loves and respects Taramore for the warm and lovely person she is. It is no wonder She has a seat on the Council.   Temple District   Title: Lady of Devotion Name: Taramore Gardenspore. Race: Human Gender: Female Age: 38   Description: Taramore is a tall, slender woman with fiery red hair that goes down to the base of her spine. She is almost always wearing white robes.   Other information: Taramore is a prominent priestess of Tereale and represents her god very well to the masses.   Position: The council member for the Temple District is in charge of the spiritual needs of the city. They help maintain the resources at the temples and shrines, they assist with any needs for holiday and festivals, as well as the general mood of the populace.   Politics: Taramore believes that politics is an important matter and is necessary for a city to be run properly. The people need structure and the right people to help lead them. It is a job that needs to be done and she is more than happy to take on this burden for the people.   Land vs Sea: Reclamation of the land and the lost shrines and temples there is critical for Avandar. Abandoning the past and the culture of those places is pain point for her. The people of Brightwave need Avandar’s support and the more secure they are on the mainland the better they will be able to defend their interests.   Corruption: Taramore would never fall so low as to allow corruption to enter her heart. She is a lady of the church, after all.   Council Relations: Taramore is the only current member on the Council who both likes, and is liked by everyone. While Katherine might seem disinterested, she might care more about the city than anyone else on the Council. Varick is a kind and gentle man who always has time for everyone. Cassandra is a fun and impressive woman, but she doesn’t hide her glances and blushes as well as she thinks she does. Bribebent isn’t nearly as bad as people think he is. Instead of hurting the city he has chosen to help run it. It is no easy task dealing with merchants all day. Sheamus is the backbone of the Council, ensuring everyone stays on track and keeps the health of the city forefront in their minds.     ***Note*** The true face of Taramore Gardenspore, The Lady of Devotion   Name: Vandalin “the Cherry Killer” Alkathis Race: Human Gender: Female Age: 51   Description: Vandalin can be seen wearing many different faces depending on her need. Most commonly she dawns the face of Taramore, who has the most widely known influence and prominence in the city. Her original face is that of a black-haired woman, with no easily defined features.   Other information: She is quite possibly the most dangerous woman in Avandar. She has three separate identities (not including Taramore), with each one being a prominent member of a different roguish guild. Bethany Faceswapper is a member of the Golden Masks, Allison Strings is a member of the Puppet Masters, and Night is a member of the Shade Walkers. Under all of her disguises, she is a powerful and devout cleric of Leftis who uses her influence to practically run the entire city.   Politics: She believes that politics is just a tool for her to control the city. Without it she could move much faster but it is required to keep up appearances.   Land vs Sea: For her the sea is far more crucial. The ease that illicit and underground trade can be made makes much more palatable to her. She can work under cover better in the Docks, and if they succeed in heading out to other lands it will provide her even more opportunities.   Corruption: You cannot bribe, threaten, or coerce Vandalin into anything she does not want to do. She is the corrupter, not the corrupted. Any appearance of acquiescence is only to maintain her cover. Vandalin will do whatever it takes to achieve her goals, including murder or treason.   Council Relations: All the other members are just pawns and simpletons for her to control. She can manipulate all of them in one way or another. The only one she has a problem with is Sheamus because of his involvement with the Black Dragon. He is so deep in their pockets that she can’t always get from him what she needs.
Geopolitical, City council


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