Curators Syndicate Organization in Aerith | World Anvil
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Curators Syndicate


The Curators Syndicate is a group of 12 people or shops in select cities that can legally sell magic items. Those cities that support the Curators Syndicate abide by their rules, accepting that the regulation of powerful magics is necessary or mass chaos may ensue. The individual members of the Syndicate maintain their own Curator’s List, which tracks the creation, purchase, and use of those items within the confines of the city. This information is shared amongst other curators, and with government officials, if necessary. Customers are required to be loyal to their Curator, and as such, one can only ever be on one Curator list at a time. If the selling or buying of magical items is important, it is best to get on the good side of a Curator.  


The Curators Syndicate was founded in Avandar, in the year 967 PF by Marcus Antonio Cerulean Kardaio. Marcus was a graduate of the Golden Plates, the premier merchant college in Avandar, and after graduating he sought to make his mark on the world. He quickly noted that there was an opportunity in magic items, and it was a market that was rather tricky at the time. Avandar had just put a ban on the sale or use of magic items, but as with any large city, an underground market emerged. Marcus sought to legitimize the sale and policing of magic items and looked to create the first Curator shop. He approached the government for support, noting that they had bigger things to concern themselves with, and that he would provide them with the solution. Marcus would compile a complete list of the items, buyers, general use, and rules in place for the customer. He would provide that list to the government as needed, and they could control the influx of items into and out of Avandar. Marcus was pleased with their ready acceptance and quickly made good on his vision.   The first Curator shop was founded, and it became very successful, quite quickly. In short order he had sanctioned the opening of another Curator shop in Avandar before word had spread to Hollow’s Point and Essillion about the idea. Marcus spent a lot of time and money corresponding with, and sending merchants to those far off cities, but the payoff was worth it. Soon the Curators Syndicate was continent-wide, and very successful. Eventually Marcus’ success caught the attention of the Conclave of Magic and on one of his trips to Madina, he decided to set up shop there and see if he could spread his success to all of Aerith.  

Current Membership

The Curators Syndicate can be found is most large cities across the continent of Starhelm including Avandar, Essillion, Hollows point, Stonebridge, Shalehaven, and Brightbough. They currently have set up shop in Madina to secure the international market also. While they are trying to get set up in Aspenshield, Forgehome, and Golzect’s Throne, they are not having much success yet.   The Conclave of Magic was concerned about a rampant uptick in magic items, and put a restriction on the number of curators for each continent. Twelve curators currently exist on Starhelm; Avandar currently with the most, sporting four shops, followed by Essillion, with three. Hollow’s Point has two curators, and Stonebridge, Shalehaven, and Brightbough each only have one. If any others wish to open they have to wait for another shop to close before doing so. Many shops end up being affiliated with the Curators Syndicate without being an official member of curator. Most curators have preferred crafters for certain items, or may trade amongst themselves if they have customers that they cannot fully satisfy.   Curator affiliates may sell items of lower power, or that don’t pose a risk, without being a member, however, any items they create or try to sell must be done through a valid curator and need to be added to their list. Just as customers cannot be on more than one curator list, so too are merchants and crafters restricted to a specific curator.   Most curators are strange and eccentric people that usually stick out in whatever city they are in. With their access to magical items most curators seem a lot more mystical and powerful than they actually are. Most curators are simply merchants, unable to perform magic themselves, relying on their proficiency and understanding of the power of magical items.   Aside from the curators themselves, the Curators Syndicate has many agents that are employed by the organization. These people gather information, monitor magic item abuse, report to government officials, and enforce some rules and restrictions. Others might also gather components, recipes, or designs for curators to craft on their own, or even search for existing magic items to sell. The agents work for a specific curator, and as with others, cannot be associated with more than one curator. However, they are automatically added to that curator’s list and can sell and purchase magic items from that curator, often at a bit of a discount.   The current head of the Curator’s Syndicate is Marcus Antonio Cerulean Kardaio, a young Avandarian man, who appears to not have aged since founding the Syndicate.  


The goal of the Curators Syndicate is to control the distribution and crafting of magic items. Marcus, and the whole organization now, is eager to stretch out to all corners of Aerith, in an effort to police, monitor, and control the magic item trade. They have little success with Sangor, who has their own rules and protections in place, but they continue to try. Dovak has shown some initial success, with the most being on the Goblin twin islands of Nacion, and the Human island of Lythandra.  


The Curators Syndicate has access to many varied and powerful magic items, as well as money, government support, and mystical aid. They have even been granted permission from the Conclave to use some artifacts that would normally have been confiscated under normal circumstances.  

Notable Personalities

  • Marcus Antonio Cerulean Kardaio [m/human] (founder and leader)
  • Shale Goldsbrew [f/dwarf] (Head Avandar curator)
  • Cardinal Manchester [m/human] (Head Essillion curator)
  • Henery Letterquill [m/halfling] (Head Stonebridge curator)
  • Penelope Wintergrove [f/gnome] (Head Hollow’s Point curator)
  • Evalandra Mystra [f/elf] (Head Brightbough curator)
  • Landrok Palehammer [m/dwarf] (Shalehaven curator)
Guild, Merchant
Purpose: Control the crafting and distribution of magic items   Membership: Curators   Base of Operations: Shale’s Home of Magic and Mystery, The Twinkling Dryad   Symbol: A crescent Moon of silver with quill pointing into the center   Notable Members: Shale Goldsbrew, The Twinkling Dryad, Cardinal Manchester, Marcus Antonio Cerulean Kardaio


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