Shale Goldsbrew Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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Shale Goldsbrew

Shale’s Home of Magic and Mystery is the most popular magic shop in all of Avandar. It is run by Shale Goldsbrew, a dwarf woman who excels at creating magical items. She sells what she makes at a fair price, but she will not be swindled or taken advantage of. There is no better person to ask if you are looking for magic items. Shale has a great affection for children, and all employees know her rule; if you are not busy when a child walks in you must give that child a magic show. Children and adults alike gather around when Shale is the one performing the show, and many will go to her shop just to get a glimpse.   Her curator is Voutia Asteia, a Water Genasi and Shale’s best friend. Voutia is a kind, but firm curator, who treats everyone equally. She judges her transactions on a case by case basis, and she cannot be bullied or bribed to be put on her list. Shale’s is also popular with families, as Shale treats children who come into her shop with kindness and patience. Her employees will entertain children with colourful spells, feats of prestidigitation, and amusing stories. Her fair prices, and wide selection make her a favourite throughout Avandar.


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