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Halfling, Starhelm

Starhelm Halflings, like most Halflings, are a friendly and welcoming people, happy to make conversation or enjoy a meal with those of peaceful intent. While their main homeland is in the east of Starhelm, they range far and wide and can be found in most areas of the continent. An area just south of Denethen’s Helm holds a settlement of Halflings that have made friends with the Dwarves to their north. They contend with the Barbarians to the south of them, as well as the harsher environment.   Halflings are blessed with extraordinary luck, as a general rule; the gift given to them from the Three Pillars as they stepped through the Womb of Humanity. Halflings don't talk about or even think about themselves being lucky, they just go about their business with inherent optimism towards all things working out the way they should. They trust their instincts greatly, and don't often question the deeper meaning of things, outside of the immediate. They do not obsess with answers, trusting that the universe will play out as intended.

Basic Information


Humanoid. Size small.   Halflings are short, averaging anywhere from 2' to 4', and weighing about 35-90 pounds. There is no real distinction between male and female Halflings.   Halflings have large, hairy feet, with tough soles, allowing them to go without shoes or boots if needed. They can even walk on rocks, or hot or cold ground without too much effect, though it still might be uncomfortable.

Genetics and Reproduction

Halflings reproduce slightly quicker than a normal human would, having only an 8 month gestation period. Halflings like large families, and are typically close with their siblings and cousins. Many Halflings produce twins or even triplets, resulting in a large family very quickly.

Growth Rate & Stages

A Halfling typically matures at around 20, keeping in line with Humans at their early stages. As they age, however, they outlast a normal Human, and can live as long as 250 years.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As food is such a big part of their culture and lifestyle, it is common to see Halflings always eating, discussing, or preparing food.  Halflings have a very high metabolism, allowing them to eat a lot.  They are usually very active though and are not necessarily fat, though it does happen.  As they age they tend to get larger due to their metabolism slowing down somewhat.


One word that would describe most Halflings is optimism. Their ability to accept that even on bad days, better ones are coming is impressive. Many think they are being naive but Halflings firmly believe that a better world is a result of their attitude, and actions.   Halflings have a love for fermented foods, as well as alcohol of all types.  They are more fond of trying good alcoholic beverages than getting drunk, but sometimes they can overindulge.  It takes a lot to get a Halfling drunk due to their high metabolism, so they tend to drink often with their meals.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Halflings are extremely community-oriented, considering everyone in their community to be family.  As they have very large, extended families, mostly they are related, even distantly.  Those that Halflings accept into their community are treated no differently than their own kin.   Halfling settlements typically revolve around the idea of boroughs, with each one serving a general purpose.  The flexibility of boroughs allow the Halflings to change priorities as circumstances dictate.  This lets Halflings prosper in times of struggle, as everyone rallies together to help the overall community.

Facial characteristics

Halfling hair colour typically ranges from brown, blonde, or red, but can occasionally be black.  They are rarely bearded, but will often grow sideburns.  While nothing is preventing a Halfling from growing a beard, they prefer to be clean-shaven.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Foothills; Meadowspring; Burrowfast 

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Halflings will typically have two to three middle names, or composite names to include as many important relations as possible.   Halfling surnames typically reflect a profession, experience, or notable or observable trait. They have a name in the Common tongue, but their true surname is always in Halfling. They rarely use their true surname in everyday interactions, but it is important for their historical lineages.

Major Organizations

  • Church of Lutien
  • Midnight Winds Thieves Guild

Beauty Ideals

Halflings appreciate the natural style of things, including their own personal appearance, and the environment around them.  They stick to subtle uses of makeup or dyes to accentuate natural features, and they use natural ingredients to the exclusion of all else.

Gender Ideals

Halflings consider the person and the actions associated with it; gender does not come into it at all.

Courtship Ideals

Halflings love the idea of courting and burgeoning relationships, but they must be very careful when finding a potential mate.  They must determine if they are related first before proceeding as there are many distant relations that they may be associated with.  A cousin four times removed is the closest they can get to before becoming unacceptable.   Halflings are accepting of dating multiple people at the same time, but once a formal courtship is declared they are monogamous.

Relationship Ideals

Halflings are open to trusting people at their word.  Once trust is established a Halfling will consider friends to be part of their family and community.  Halflings can be forgiving, owing to their great optimism that they can restore friendship to what it was.  However, efforts are needed on the part of the wrong doer to open the door to reconciliation.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Halflings speak, read, and write Common and Halfling. Most Halflings will default to Common when communicating in an everyday way.  However, when telling stories, reciting family history, or sharing of parables, they use the Halfling language most often.  They write very little, so they don’t have a rich body of literature. Their oral tradition, however, is very strong.

Common Etiquette Rules

Meals prepared or served by Halflings always have a portion missing as the chef/server will take a piece to ensure it is good enough to serve. Halflings also never leave anything left on their plate. If necessary, they will take the remainder for later, or offer to someone else, including pets.

Common Dress Code

Halflings prefer open shoes, sandals, etc, but can also choose to go barefoot, as per individual taste.  Their clothes tend towards the greens or blues, but all colours can be worn as per personal taste.  Their style of clothes are simple, all-purpose, functional, sometimes being double-sided to vary their look depending on the occasion.  Buttons and clasps are reversible, as are pockets, to make use of the functionality regardless of the occasion.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

  • Lutien
  • Anamare
  • Parfin (occasionally)

Common Taboos

When being served a meal it is considered rude to leave food on the plate as it signifies that the meal was not even good enough to share.


Halfling Timeline   The Halflings were the second of the Founder Races to step through the Womb of Humanity, and they were gifted the hills as their birthright. Penelope Goodgrace entered the world on 12 HE, and soon began to wander for a bit with her family before finally establishing their first home at Meadscradle, in the heart of the Avonshire Vale, in the year 22 HE.   The Halflings interacted freely and effortlessly with the Dwarves who came before them and they became good friends. They took on a more casual and laid back attitude, allowing the Dwarves to take on the older brother role, while being able to travel more freely. Eventually, when the Humans arrived, the 3 races formed a strong bond of friendship that still exists, though lessened somewhat in recent years.   In the year 3949 HE, Lutien Silverhill was born, who would eventually come to be the Halfling Pinnacle after the Ascension. During his time he made a name for himself as the greatest traveler, and merchant, spreading his great cheer across the land.   In the decade just before the Ascension, the Halflings of Meadscradle abandoned their home in 3987 HE, and left to wander for a bit. Sensing some big change was about to occur, but not understanding what or why, the Halflings, under the leadership of Danton Elderhill, the mayor of Meadscradle, packed up their few belongings and scattered throughout the Vale.   As the Ascension tore through Haven, sundering the land and causing great upheaval, the city of Meadscradle was left in ruins, with nary a building standing. The Halflings, to their credit, did not dwell on the loss, and instead invested in forging new relationships, gaining new knowledge, and enjoying each other's company. They hold great respect for Danton and the Elderhills, even to this day, for encouraging them all to leave.   31 years after the Ascension, the Halflings founded Meadowspring, on the same spot as Meadscradle. This became their new ancestral home and many Halflings call it home. The Halflings, as ever, continue to live their lives in peace, harmony, and respect for the area and the culture of its people.   In the year 298 AE, a master Halfling thief by the name of Bodlebon Springfoot formed a family-operated thieves guild called the Midnight Winds. His 4 sons and 3 daughters were the first members of the Midnight Winds and very soon after, up and coming thieves would join to make a name for themselves. The demographics of the guild are very diverse now, but the head of the guild is always a Springfoot.   After the Fractioning, the Halflings of the Vale were relatively protected from the blast at the centre of the continent. They suffered few losses, and were helpful to the survivors in their immediate area. Trade, for a time, was mostly cutoff but the Halflings made efforts to travel to provide assistance, particularly to the Dwarves of Forgehome and Shalehaven, and the Humans of Essillion.

Historical Figures

  • Penelope Goodgrace - the first Halfling to walk out of the Womb of Humanity
  • Jeremiah Coldstep - the first Halfling to venture out into the world, just for the experience
  • Arbin Forekettle - the first person to discover fermentation
  • Hildove Reedheart - the first Halfling merchant to establish solid trade with the Dwarves and Humans, introducing alcohol and fermented foods to them
  • Danton Elderhill - Mayor of Meadscradle at the time of abandonment
  • Lutien - the Halfling Pinnacle of Starhelm

Common Myths and Legends

Halflings recite a series of stories that serve as parables for their communities. They all share the same stories, but each community names the characters differently. The morals and intentions are all similar enough though.   Halflings enjoy embellishing their stories, but they have an issue with pacing, and don't always leave enough time for the complete version. Quite often their tales end abruptly as they run out of time, but they always ensure the message is delivered. It can be jarring for anyone not used to the way Halflings tell these stories, but Halflings are just used to it.   Morals that are important to Halflings include the following:  
  • Community (The Tale of Bartholomew the Farmer, and his Visiting Relations)
  • Sharing (Darlysle Teawater and the Missing Apple Pie)
  • Graciousness (The Courteous Traveler)
  • Acceptance (The Rat, the Cat, and the Tiny Bat)
  • Respect for resources (Timothy Thinwaist and the Full Belly)
  • Forgiveness (Poppy Pepperseed's Apology)
  • Courage (Be Brave, Think Big, Explore)
  • Hard working (The Neverending Task)

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Halflings get along very well with most good-natured creatures, and they have a very fond relationship with Dwarves and Humans. Gnomes and Halflings get along well most of the time, but Gnomes can sometimes be a bit too much for a Halfling to deal with in large quantities.  Small doses is what they prefer.   Gnolls and Halflings are bitter enemies and will rarely interact with each other outside of violence.  Halflings would be more inclined to let Gnolls be, but they are rarely given that chance.
Geographic Distribution


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