Burrowfast Foothills Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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Burrowfast Foothills

Situated on the southern end of Denethen's Helm, the Burrowfast Foothills are home to a wide variety of hardy folk, including Stout Halflings, Goliaths, Humans, Dwarves, and some Goblinkind. The cold climate makes for some harsh conditions and hard growing, but the Halflings and other denizens of the area have done a good job of growing what they can. They herd sheep, goats, elk, cows, and strong horses.   The Halflings form typical Halfling villages and are ruled by a mayor, but they tend to be more practical than other Halflings. Being of Stout blood these Halflings need to deal with far more dangerous things than their eastern cousins. While most Halflings in other areas do not grow beards, Stout Halflings have been known to grow small beards that are kept close to their face.   Typically governed by a mayor or a burgomaster, these Halfling villages are more prone to follow structure and stricter laws in order to keep them safe. Their rules are based more on practicality and safety so there is rarely anyone who dismisses them off handily. Judgement is swift but tends to put people to work to rehabilitate or punish for crimes rather than lock up or banish. The more people to work the better and safer the community is.
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Population: Majority – Halflings; Minority - Goliaths, Humans, Dwarves; Lesser minority – Goblins, Minotaurs


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