Ignis Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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Ignis is a fiery, passionate god that does not always think about the consequences of her actions. Her followers appreciate a free lifestyle, filled with passion, heedless of who it might hurt.  


Emotions are the most powerful and important thing you have. They shouldn’t be controlled or contained. Feelings are never wrong and listening to them is how you can be the best you can be. Destruction is just another state and an opportunity to rebuild something better.  

Major Centres of Worship:

On Starhelm, in the Burrowfast Foothills, there is the largest temple to Ignis called the Brazier of the Eternal Flame. It is maintained by barbarian zealots who make it a warm haven to the people of the north  

Relations with other gods:

Anamare is Ignis’ husband and the two enjoy each other’s company. They do not spend all their time with each other, and they have the occasional fling with other entities, but they are devoted to one another. Aquios is brother to Ignis and the two have never seen eye to eye. Ignis dislikes her brother’s controlling nature and the two often end their meetings in a fight. Anamare will talk to each of them individually, but his inherent cowardice keeps him from breaking up any conflict.  


Ignis often takes the form of a woman made of flames, but when she wants to walk the world being unnoticed, she will often appear as a hazel skinned Fire Genasi with fiery red hair and wearing bright orange robes. She will also appear as an Efreeti whenever she is in the elemental plane of fire  

Other Manifestations:

Whenever torches flickers in a different colour, or a room gets hotter when someone gives a passionate speech it is Ignis showing her approval of the passion that they have.
(pronounced Ig-niss)


Fire. Destruction, Renewal, Passion


Ring of multi-coloured fire


Chaotic Neutral

Typical Worshippers: 

Efreeti, Ignan Genasi, Azer, Salamander, Phoenix


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