Anamare Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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Anamare is the creator of Air Elementals and the Djinni. Favouring freedom, and movement, Anamare does not like to lay down roots.  


Be who you are and never apologize for who that is, but sometimes avoiding and running from a fight is better than standing up to those who are offended. The freedom to make your own choice is paramount to happiness.  

Major Centres of Worship:

Freedom House (in Aajaadee, Aarakocra city)  

Relations with other gods:

  Anamare is husband to Ignis, and friend to her brother Aquios. The two siblings would fight often and Anamare would always be there for either of them. His fear kept him from getting involved in the conflict directly though. Flane is his occasional ally, as Anamare appreciates the struggle that Flane had with the Avariel. He is not pleased with the methods, but he does agree with the sentiment. Terralin and Anamare do not get along well at all, and Anamare feels that his cousin has far too many rules and strict guidelines.  


Anamare usually takes the form a living tornado, however, if he ever walks on Aerith he appears as a tall, bald, skinny, pale man. Anamare enjoys the sling and is often seen whirling it around even when he is not in combat.  

Other Manifestations:

When someone leaves the comfort of a relationship to strike out on their own a flower floating on the wind will show Anamare’s blessing. When running from a conflict a sudden gust of wind pushing in the opposite direction of the conflict shows Anamare’s pleasure.
(pronounced Ahn-a-mayr)


Air. Cowardice, Freedom, Independence


Three whirlwinds circling each other


Chaotic Neutral

Typical Worshippers: 

Aarakocra, Anamaran Genasi, Djinn. Freedom Fighters


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