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Judith Finch

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Judith is light of build, but she has a strength that goes beyond her physical appearance, making her hardy and determined.  

Facial Features

While Judith has a kind face, there is a sadness that is ever-present. Her fierce determination comes through in her mouth and eyes prominently.  

Apparel & Accessories

Judith wears simple gardening clothes, functional and durable, and typically stained with dirt or grass. She owns some nicer clothes but rarely has the opportunity to wear them. Mary Galfreh tries to find excuses to get Judith to dress up, hoping it will help her land a man.  

Specialized Equipment

Judith has a necklace with an arrow pendant around her neck, given to her by Lord Galfreh and Mary. She is often found clutching it for protection. She is unaware of its true nature, and it grants her a modicum of protection against injury and sickness.  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hailing from Essillion, Judith had her son Moberly at a young age, and shortly after his birth her husband left her. She worked for the Galfreh's in Essillion, tending their estate landscapes, and when the Galfreh's moved, she went with them. In Harvestshield, Judith continued to help the Galfreh's but she managed to secure her own small bit of farm within the walls and sells her goods at the market.   Her son Moberly is very smart and extremely curious. He is very eager to hear from outsiders about the world around him, and is fond of his books. Judith is very protective of him, but he is a man now and she needs to let him go, however hard it might be. 


Judith has a limited formal education, but she is wise in the ways of nature and relationships. She encourages learning but does not spend a lot of time reading. She prefers to do things practically rather than just read about them.  


Judith continues to help the Galfreh's on their landscaping and grounds maintenance, as well as farm some potatoes, carrots, beets, and one pear tree. She keeps chickens, some goats, and two pigs. She sells her goods at the market to provide for her and her son. 

Accomplishments & Achievements

Raising and protecting her son for over 18 years by herself is an accomplishment Judith takes great pride in.  

Failures & Embarrassments

Her husband leaving her is a point of both pride and pain for Judith. She laments that she was not strong enough to have left him first.  

Personality Characteristics


Making a life for her and her son was Judith's prime motivation. Now that Moberly is getting older she is trying to find a life for herself. She does not quite know what happiness looks like without her son by her side.  


Religious Views

Judith worships Mirriam, and has tried to get her son to follow in her beliefs, with very little success. She is constantly adding little shrines and items to her landscaping to bring the heart of Mirriam into her community and the town. She is not outwardly pushy on her views, preferring the more subtle and quiet approach. However, if asked about Mirriam she will gladly talk to anyone about her virtues.  

Social Aptitude

Judith is shy, shrinking into the background more often than not. Except when it comes to discussions of nature and beauty, and her son. She opens up quite a lot about those subjects, but can find it hard to actively engage at first. Once she warms up she is a loyal and interested friend.  


Judith clutches her pendant often, particularly when in a stressful situation. She looks down often, finding it uncomfortable to look people directly in the eye, unless she is comfortable with them. 


Moberly Finch


Towards Judith Finch


Judith Finch


Towards Moberly Finch


Gardener and landscaper of the Galfreh Manor in Harvestshield. Mother of Moberly

Character Location
Current Location
Current Residence
Blue and bright
Long, braided, dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
105 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
'Moberly, put that down, it could be dangerous'  
Known Languages
Judith knows only common, but can read and write


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