Harvestshield Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Northern town, west of the Aspenshield, and north of Hollow's Point.


Predominantly Human, with some Dwarf, Goliath, and Halfling presence. Middle class to peasant class structure. Ruled and founded by a single lord.


Ruled by Derrick Galfreh and his wife Mary. Most are left to handle their own business, with little interference from anyone, outside of dangers presented to the population as a whole


The rule of Harvestshield is headed up by a Guardian from Essillion, and he has made sure that the watch towers and gates are secure and strong. He has a small fighting force to protect the area and the citizens of the town, but many people join the militia in times of need.

Industry & Trade

Farming is the most common trade in Harvestshield, but there are not very many nearby towns or cities. They are mostly self-sufficient, and will trade or sell to any brave travelers who go that far north. They get the occasional visit from the Elves of the Aspenshield but not often enough to keep them in business.   Some offer their services to traveling merchants or adventurers who are looking to travel safely through the land.


Harvestshield is a small town, but it boasts some interesting sites and buildings. It is mostly made up of farmers, and peasants, with some middle-class crafters as well. They have built a few windmills, the wells of the city are spread out, drawing from the natural waters of the nearby lake.


A small crafter shop and general supply store named Sal's gets a good supply of general goods. Sal can be found making custom items from found materials, and she considers herself a bit of an artist. Boldan's Blacksmith is a standard blacksmith shop, specializing in well made horseshoes and iron gates and signs.
Places of Interest:


Harvestshield was founded by Lord Galfreh about 10 years ago. He left Essillion to get away from the politics, and he and his wife settled in the north. Mary devoted herself to making Harvestshield a growing farming community, taking on the worship of Mirriam to help her weather the hardships of this endeavour. She had a temple built to honour both Mirriam and Curceon and maintains it steadfastly.


Few travel to Harvestshield as tourists, though it does draw some attention from those who find themselves in The North. It has a library, temple, inn, and good people, so the people that visit are often pleased with their time there.


Simple huts, thatched roofs, wood houses, and practical buildings dominate the architecture of Harvestshield, however, Lord Galfreh does like his statues and has had a number of them erected over the past few years


The town is located in the middle of a cold, but comfortable section of grassland. There is a small lake to the east of the town, and a few dotted woods nearby. Other than that, the land is pretty flat and uninteresting

Natural Resources

There are no natural resources of any real interest, aside from the produce, animals, and fishing nearby

Founding Date
991 PF
Dominant: Human
‌Minority: Dwarf, Goliath, Halfling
Location under
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