Lake of Battered Helms Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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Lake of Battered Helms

The Lake of Battered Helms has some small villages that dot its shores, and it gets quite a lot of visitors to picnic, fish, or just admire the scenery. It gets its name from the many rocks that protrude out of the lake, particularly near the shore, that resemble battered helms, with dents and divots in them. It is rumoured that a great battle took place here during the time of Haven and the rocks are actually ancient helms that have taken root in the lake. Ghost stories of the dead who live in the lake run rampant throughout all of the Vale, but it has never been proven. The lake is very deep and has quite a large number of sea creatures residing in it, most notably giant quippers, multi-coloured lake trout, and an ancient sea turtle named Osigon.   Some entrepreneurial Halflings and Humans have set up small shops and tackle and bait stalls for visitors who want to fish or picnic here and they do quite well. The area is protected by a group of mercenaries who were hired by the Battered Helms Business Association to ensure no Gnolls, or predatory beasts sully the lake or harm the visitors. The lake is so big that it is impossible to guard it all but typically the north end, south end and east end are relatively safe. The west end of the lake can sometimes be set upon by Gnolls or other unsavoury creatures so there is not as much tourist activity on that side.
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