Moonmoss Material in Aerith | World Anvil
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Moonmoss grows around the rocks and ground near Meadowspring all the way down to the Lake of Battered Helms, and along the interior edge of the mountains.


Geology & Geography

The Lake of Battered Helms has many pockets of Moonmoss, making sections of it glow each night and making travel to and in the lake easier. Fishing is a popular pastime near the lake and the glowing fish are easier to see, but not necessarily easier to catch.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Incredibly strong when woven together and the Halflings of Meadowspring use it for crafting clothes, ropes, even binding for books.

Manufacturing & Products

Glowing books, cloaks, ropes, and even necklaces can be seen all around Starhelm, thanks to Moonmoss
Glows brightly in the light of the moon
Related Locations
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