Lutien's Ale/Body Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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Lutien's Ale/Body

The southern end of the Vale is warmer and has not much less danger or intrigue with the nearness of the Scar of Fire, and the diseased Plaguetongue Gnolls that threaten the prosperity of the Vale’s inhabitants. The Lake of Battered Helms is considered the midway point between the north and south ends of the Vale, with the Avonshire River emptying out into the ocean at the most southern end of the Vale.   The people of Littleman’s Ale are similar to their northern cousins but there is less of a formalized alliance between Humans, Dwarves, and Halflings. They are still friendly with each other but their allegiances can vary more. Gnomes and Halflings run their villages as they do in other parts of Starhelm, typically with a mayor or head elder in charge. The people of the south like more comfortable lives and the weather is more pleasant and predictable.   Mercenary groups make a good living in the south to protect against roving bands of Gnolls, Giants, or barbarian tribes that threaten good farmers or smaller settlements. Most places have at least a militia to protect their borders but things can quickly get out of hand if they are not prepared.   The diseased Gnoll tribe called the Plaguetongue threaten many Halfling and Gnome villages but there are several tribes that keep the Gnolls in check. An oddity of a tribe of Halfling barbarians also exist in the south end of the valley but they claim they are on a holy mission from Lutien himself and want to live off the land as nature intended. Most Halflings consider them addle-brained at best.
Included Locations
Population: Majority – Halflings; Minority – Humans, Gnomes, Goliaths, Dwarves, Minotaurs, Gnolls; Small group - Grippli


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