Riverbless Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Riverbless, previously known as Berrybracken Hill is a primarily Halfling and Gnome town that is on friendly terms with the people around it. Situated on the southern end of the Lake of Battered Helms, where the Avonshire River exits and continues its way south, Riverbless has an abundance of blessings. From river, lake, hills, farmlands, and grazing pastures, this town is on the verge of expanding, thanks to the newly funded and formed Road of Opportunity, running from Hollow's Point all the way through to Avandar.


Primarily Halfing, with an even mix of Stout and Lightfoot, but the Rock and Forest Gnomes are not far behind in population, with Humans close behind them. A small group of Krysin have taken up residence in Riverbless' sewers and they are paid and cared for as citizens of the town and employees of Berrybracken House. A smattering of Dwarves, and a few Goliaths and Genasi also make up the citizens. A lot of varied people can be seen coming into or leaving Riverbless as they come in on the merchant vessels or highway, but they are not considered part of the town citizenry. A Doppelganger is rumoured to be a part of the town but it has not been proven. In addition, Osigon, a giant sea turtle, is known to frequent the basin of the Lake of Battered Helms, and even swim into the Berrywine or the Bobramble.


Euphemia Cherrycheeks, the Town Mayor of Riverbless is a cherub-faced Halfling who is quite proud of her namesake. She comes from a long line of Cherrycheeks and will be happy to regale any listeners with tales of adventure, friendship, and food from her ancestral lineage. The town of Riverbless is broken down into several districts that concentrate on specific areas of commerce or town life. Each district is headed up by a district head that works together with the other district heads to form a unified and united government body, aimed at increasing the happiness of the population of Riverbless. The following districts make up the government of Riverbless: Civic; Market; Harbour; Craft; and Farm


Riverbless has a small contingent of ships that patrol the harbour and maintain the safety of the ships coming in, as well as any citizens or visitors that enjoy what the Lake of Battered Helms has to offer. A local militia protects the town and closeby farms, but the outer farms and homesteads rely on the protection of the many barbarians or rangers that patrol the area, seeking out and eliminating the threats of the region, particularly from Gnolls, but other hazards and dangers as well. Most recently, a small group of mercenaries from the Harmbringers Mercenary Company have stationed themselves in Riverbless to ensure the safe construction of the Road of Opportunity and the new business that is flowing through the town.

Industry & Trade

The people of Riverbless make their living a number of different and profitable ways. The Avonshire River provides much opportunity for trade so there a number of merchants, both permanent and visiting that provide an excellent service to the people of the town. The shipwrights, ferrymen, sailors, fishermen, and any other trade that makes its living off of the water can find a good home in Riverbless. The farmers and cattlement make a good living on the farms that are on the outskirts of the town, providing good local food to the people of Riverbless. Many restaurants, or food shops exist in Riverbless, which is fortunate as most of their residents really enjoy a good meal. Many craftsfolk also call Riverbless home, including a few masons, miners, carpenters, tinkerers, tailors, cobblers, and cooks. There is a big demand for well-made items of all kinds, and the transient nature of the merchants who travel through here give the crafters a steady supply of new customers.


Riverbless has taken advantage of the excellent skills of their Gnome citizens to build well-maintained and efficient sewers. The wise people of the town have hired a large family of Krysin to care for and protect their sewer system, ensuring that it does not fall apart, or cause issues in the upper town. So far this relationship has benefited both sides very well. Utilizing much of the same technology, the farmers of Riverbless in the nearby countryside benefit from the excellent irrigation tools and techniques they have at their disposal. The fields around Riverbless are abundant, and the grazing animals have plenty of water to sustain them. Unsurprisingly, the town is equipped with a couple waterwheels, and windmills, using the rivers and the hilly terrain to their advantage. The buildings are prime businesses in the town, and one of the larger farms on the outskirts of town has an old, but historical waterwheel on its property, making it one of the more important sites in Riverbless. With three rivers through its areas, Riverbless is no stranger to bridges and earthen ramparts that help connect the town and the outlying areas. Gnome and Halfling collaboration has contributed to making some of the finest bridges in region, though they are not always fancy or resplendent. In the harbour on the north side of the town are a small group of houseboats that populate the dockside and marina. A small boat market has become a popular destination for visitors and citizens alike.


Civic District:
The Civic District contains the seat of government known as Berrybracken House, a building of fanciful design that contains new and old architecture, reminding its citizens of the weight of history and the power of innovation. Also within this district are the Berrybracken Barracks, where the militia and the jail are located; The Stacks, the Riverbless library and museum; Blessed Cycle, a shrine to Morthos/Tereale; Clear Waters, a shrine to Janosis; Fortunate Son, a temple to Lutien; and Golden Opportunity, a fancy inn that caters to the wealthier and priveleged visitors to the town.   Harbour District:
The Harbour District contains the harbour and marina that flows from the south end of the Lake of Battered Helms into the north end of the town, and has three rivers that lead south, west, and east of the town. The Avonshire continues south through the town, while the Berrywine River heads west, and the Bobramble River heads east, into Denethens Mantle. Within the Harbour District is also the sub-district of the Warehouse ward, where all the storage facilities of the town are located. Ships passing through will transport their wares, pick up new supplies, or deposit their current shipment into the many crates and buildings that line the Harbour District. The westernmost part of the warehouse ward is Shiphaven Wharf, a small pond that houses offloading ships to the various docks and piers. Visitors depart along the three roads into the heart of the city and their wares make their way to the warehouses for further transport or storage. In the Harbour District, just north of Shiphaven Wharf is Rivers Call, a shrine to Aquios.   Market District:
The market district is simply known as The Riverbless Market, and is not far from the Harbour District and many of the goods that are carried through by ship are eventually brought to and traded or sold at the market. Within the Riverbless Market can be found many shops, stalls, and permanent buildings. It is a vibrant marketplace where local wares, foodstuffs, animals, trinkets, and merchandise are sold or traded with great skill. and has become even more important in the last few years, with the Road of Opportunity coming through. Some of the more notable shops include The Silver Market, a general store for provisions and various sundries; Curious Concessions, a magic shop of interesting, but not terribly powerful magic items; Reverias Bounty, a pawn shop; Geralds Arms and Armour, a weapon and armour shop; and the Bull and the Beaver, another general store.
Nearby, but technically separate from the Riverbless Market is Gilderflow, a shrine to Greegis. North of the Bobramble, just to the west of the Tollford Bridge is the Riverbless Floating Market, a collection of boats and skiffs that sell food, treats, and trinkets, as well as some general household goods.   Craft District:
The Craft District houses the shops and many homes of the many crafters who dwell in Riverbless. These crafters may also make their place of business in areas closer to their primary customers, like shipwrights in the Harbour District, or Blacksmiths closer to the farms, but the majority of crafters have their shops in this district. Some of the crafters in this area include Neversplinter, a carpenter of great skill, and is much sought after; The Emerald Hammer, a prominent weaponsmith; Barrelwood Coopers, a barrel-maker that has done remarkably well in the town with the merchants, wine-sellers, and fisheries; Hobs and Robs Family Blacksmith is a family-run blacksmith shop that is full-service, but they specialize in nails, metal pins, gates, and hooks; Leatherfoot Cobblers is a respected and long-standing cobbler run by a family of Halflings; Stonefell Masonry is a mason and brickmaker and is much sought after for the building of fancy homes in the area; Gilded Lilly is the resident herbalist and potion maker; and finally Sparrowhaven is an artists' commune where many hopefuls and artists come to stay and practice and share their art with likeminded people. It contains an art gallery and stage for performances, as well as some shared living space.
  Farm District:
There are eight major farms in Riverbless as follows: Hillcheeks; Peleteri; Brushvale; Tossvale; Starkstone; Cobblebranch; Pabblehabble; and West Hill. There are also two major ranches in the south of the west Riverbless; Marble Hill Ranch; and Shortback Ranch
The shrine to Mirriam is known as Farm and Field and they also run the Farm and Field Mill located just north of the shrine. Hillcheeks Farms is run by the Hillcheeks family, a group of Stout Halflings that have wandered into Riverbless decades ago and never went any further than the western edge of town.
Peleteri Farms is run by one of the oldest families in Riverbless. The Peleteris have been around since nearly the founding of the town, back when it was called Berrybracken Hill. They have a central farm but have not bothered to expand it much. These Halflings are quite content to maintain their place.
Brushvale Farms is a small farm just south of the fancy homes and Peleteri Creek. They are relatively new to the area but they have made great progress in their short time in the town.
Tossvale Farms is run by the second oldest farming family in Riverbless, just after the Peleteris. The Tossvales came south from Meadowspring and settled shortly after the town was established. They run the Berrybracken Mill as well and do quite well for themselves.
Starkstone Farms, located on the south and western part of the town, are very similar to the Hillcheeks. Run by another family of Stout Halflings, the Starkstones are content to farm and trade. They have no major plans of expansion.
Cobblebranch Farms has been around for a few decades and have made quite the name for themselves. They are looking to expand and have made offers to the Pabblehabbles to purchase their farm, but so far they have not had any luck.
Pabblehabble Farms is a small farm owned and operated by the Pabblehabbles, a family of Forest Gnomes. They are quite happy with their little farm and have no interest in growing or leaving, much to the Cobblebranches dismay.
West Hill Farms is one of the most succesfull farms in Riverbless, owing to their location, and to the wisdom and hardwork of the Turnpikes, a family of resourceful and ambitious Humans. They also own and operate the West Hill Mill.
Marblehill Ranch is run by the Marblehills, a group of Stout Halflings who love the outdoors. They are very active and love visitors.
The Shortback Ranch is run by a family of Rock Gnomes who made their way north from the Berrybracken Hills and settled on the most southern outskirts of Riverbless. These Gnomes are somewhat unpredictable and some call them wild.


Lucky Scales is a fishery on the west side of the Avonshire, in between the Avonshire Crossing and the Northstop Beacon.
Peabodys Bed and Breakfast is a large house situated right at the west end of the Avonshire Crossing, near the wealthy homes of Riverbless.
Kings Cap is a general store in the heart of the fancy homes district.
The Jewel of the River is a magic shop that can be found just near Southdown Bridge.
The Southdown Inn is situated just east of the Southdown Bridge.
Felonias Watermill is located on the east side of the Avonshire, just north of the Southdown Bridge.
Beleren Riverside Dining is a restaurant that caters to all manner of clientelle. It is located on the east side of the river, directly east of the Northstop Beacon.
The Ferret and Flounder is a tavern just north of Beleren's and is quite popular amongst the merchants and the river folk.
The Everbright Mill is located just north of The Ferret and Flounder and is quite busy with milling stone and wood.
The Den of Merriment, owned by Gunther Stoutwhistle, serves as the town hot spot. It has all manner of entertainment, including gambling, drinking, dancing, and other sundry activities.
Bounty Breeze is a large windmill on the easternmost outskirts of town and is known for grinding rocks and trees.
On the eastern side of the Road of Opportunity, across from Gilderflow is Sunset Hills, an inn of moderate tastes. Merchants who don't wish to spend a lot of money, but still prefer some comforts will often stay here, as well as some traveling families who are visiting.
The West Hill Mill is located in the southwestern most part of the west side of Riverbless. It is owned and operated by a Human family called the Turnpikes.

Guilds and Factions

A small portion of the Midnight Winds thieves guild can be found in Riverbless, but they are not violent or overly disruptive to the local businesses or population. They can be very protective of their people and try to dissuade any aggressive behaviour in their town. The Closed Book also has a presence in Riverbless, but not as numerous or influential as the Midnight Winds. The many rumours and secrets that pass amongst the fisherfolk, merchants, and gossiping townfolk keep them well informed. They work closely with the Midnight Winds, particularly in the form of smuggling and trading. Lord Jarret Marlburgh, originally from Avandar, and a shipwright of great renown has made his home near Riverbless. Though technically not part of the town, he has many dealings and relationships, both personal and business in nature, with the townsfolk of Riverbless. He makes his home on the inlet where the mouth of the Berrywine River enters the Lake of Battered Helms. His home, simply called the Marlburgh Estate, is the sole building on the north spit, and the fishery and shipwright business on the inlet are both of his ownership. In addition to the Marlburgh Estate, there are seven wealthy families that have manors on the west side of the Avonshire. They are well-maintained and are replete with many gardens and landscaping. The family estates are as follows: Moonmoss Manor; Ganglefoot Estate; Goldenshore Place; Wigglegrace House; Cherrycheeks Estate; Nimblevale Grounds; and Sparklegift Manor. The estates are primarily Halfling and Gnome families, with the exception of Moonmoss Manor, which is of Human ownership.
Moonmoss Manor is the home of a Human family by the name of Cleary.
Ganglefoot Estate is the home of a Gnome merchant family by the name of Ganglefoot.
Goldenshore Place is the primary residence of a Halfling family of wealthy fisherfolk by the name of Moondancer.
Wigglegrace House is the home of the Wigglegraces, a family of Gnome inventors.
Cherrycheeks Estate is home to the Cherrycheeks, family of the current mayor and longtime residents of Riverbless.
Nimblevale Grounds is home to the Gnomish clan of Nimblevale. They have made their name in perfecting the art of irrigation, utilizing pumps, mills, and gadgetry.
Sparklegift Manor is a riverside Halfling home owned by the Brightsparkle family.


Riverbless was previously known as Berrybracken Hill, owing mostly to the name of the hills in and around the south end of the area. Many of the old buildings still exist and a few farms have been around that long, including the Peleteri and Tossvale Farms. The main centre of the civic district used to be the mayor's house when it was still Berrybracken Hill, which is why it is called Berrybracken House. The Halflings, Gnomes, and Humans of the area banded together and quickly realized the good fortune of the three rivers that bordered their town and set out right away to cultivate the farms, the riverside, and the hills to their best output. The Halflings of Riverbless were, and are still the most numerous and the personality of the town reflects their gentle and comfortable nature. The enterprising Humans have become more prevalent in recent years with the increase in trade and traffic, owing mostly, but not entirely to the newly constructed and continually improved Road of Opportunity.

Points of interest

The Tollford Bridge crosses the Bobramble River on the north side of the town and officially marks the northern border of Riverbless. Crossing the bridge has a toll while heading south, but many people can bypass it by just simply walking into town east of the bridge. The Bobramble has historically kept the travelers on the road but the people of Riverbless rarely guard against simple travelers. While technically they fall outside the town, the Tollford Fishery, and Evenflow, the shrine to Parfin are considered part of the town proper. The general area halfway down of the Avonshire as it flows south through Riverbless is known as the Moorings and serves as a stopping point for many vessels who want to unload passengers, or who aren't ready to continue on their journey. It is also a turning around point for those who do not wish to continue heading south. Docks and piers line the east and west side of the Avonshire in this area and many people will grab a boat and picnic over on the north or south islands.
The Northstop Beacon is a lighthouse situated on the north island in the Moorings.
The Southstop Beacon is a lighthouse situated on the south island in the Moorings.
The Avonshire Crossing is the northern bridge that connects the east and west parts of Riverbless.
The Southdown Bridge connects the east and west parts of Riverbless on the southern edge of the town. Similar to the Tollford Bridge those coming into Riverbless from the south must pay a toll, but if one were to try and just walk their way through the hills into the south of the town they would not usually be stopped. The road passes through a toll gate and merchants and weary travelers just pay the tax to stay on the road.


Tourism in the past was steady but not crowded. Those that liked to vacation to the Lake of Battered Helms would often find their way to Riverbless. However, the introduction of the Road of Opportunity has seen an increase in tourism, particularly to the north side as visitors want to enjoy the beaches, and do some shopping at the busy marketplace. The Den of Merriment is the prime spot for entertainment, but those who just wish to spend time in nature, near water find Riverbless a great destination. Some residents lament the intrusion that the Road of Opportunity has brought, but most are appreciative of the attention their town is getting.


The buildings of Riverbless contain a variety of influences, but the majority of the residents are Halflings and Gnomes, so they share some of their unique visions. Many Halflings and Gnomes make their homes out of the hills on the east side, but still the majority make stone and brick houses to live in comfort. The farms are made of timber, and the many mills are made of both timber and stone. On the west side of the Avonshire are where the fancy homes are located. There are seven true estates of wealthy citizens, and one home that has been converted into a bed and breakfast. Even the fancy homes are of simple design and nothing too ostentatious. Many gardens and pathways can be found as the residents like to spend much time outside admiring their handiwork and nature.


Located on the south end of the Lake of Battered Helms, and where the western river from The Barrier Guard of Denethen, and the eastern river, from Denethen's Mantle meet.  Riverbless is a hilly and lightly forested area, that is fortunate enough to have a wide variety of resources and geographical features.  It has good farmland, grazing, and fishing to supply much food, as well as many hills and streams to provide good irrigation, access to fresh water, and shelter. The Berrywine River runs from the west and feeds into the Lake of Battered Helms just before the Avonshire River continues on.  The Bobramble River comes into the Lake of Battered Helms from the east and the mountains of Denethen's Mantle, marking the official northern border of the town.
The town essentially split in half, with the farmsteads, and wealthy homes on the western side, and the bulk of the town on the eastern side. Many steams and creeks meander through the west side, including Bittleberry Creek, which runs from the Berrywine River all the way south and into Berrybrack Pool. Westvale Brook heads west from Bittleberry Creek, while Peleteri flows east into the Avonshire about halfway down the town. At the very eastern edge of the town flows Daggoral Steam, from the Bobramble, all the way south through the town, eventually veering east into the hills.

Natural Resources

Riverbless is blessed with an abundance of natural resources, including stone, wood, rich grazing and farmland, plenty of access to water, and a bit of ore. There are also deposits of Moonmoss that can occasionally be found in the rivers and near the base of the Lake of Battered Helms. The western side of the town holds most of the farms and food supplies, while the east holds much of the commerce and general governance of the town.
Founding Date
1395 AE (as Berrybracken Hill 502 PF (as Riverbless)
Alternative Name(s)
Berrybracken Hill; Mirriam's River Blessing
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Characters in Location
Racial Breakdown:
Dominant: Halfling Minority: Gnome; Human Group: Krysin Individual: Dwarves, Goliath, Genasi Singular: Doppelganger; Giant Sea Turtle (Ossigon)


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