Halfling Species in Aerith | World Anvil
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Aerithian Halflings, like most Halflings, are a friendly and welcoming people, happy to make conversation or enjoy a meal with those of peaceful intent. While their main homeland is in the east of Starhelm, they range far and wide and can be found in most areas of the continent. An area just south of Denethen’s Helm holds a settlement of Stout Halflings that have made friends with the Dwarves to their north. They contend with the Barbarians to the south of them, as well as the harsher environment.   Three distinct sub-races exist for the Aerithian Halfling; the Lightfoot, the Tallfellow, and the Stout. All three share most of the same qualities with each other, particularly about their welcoming approach, lighthearted nature, and love of food, drink, hearth, and home.   Halflings range from three to three and a half feet tall, with some being a bit smaller and some being a bit taller. Their skin tones can vary, depending on location, background, and sub-race, but typically are ruddy, tan, or dark. Most often they have curly or wave blonde or brown hair on their heads and feet, but rarely do they grow beards. The occasional Halfling has red hair and paler skin but that is not the norm. They almost never have black hair and if they are born with black hair it is considered an ill omen. Halflings will almost always dye their hair a different colour if it is naturally black.   The most common Halfling, the Lightfoot, is shorter, more dexterous, and more affable, making then an ideal choice to represent the Halfling race as a whole. As all Halflings, they have larger feet with thick hair on the top and solid, tough soles to withstand most common dangers, like rocks or the cold. Their build is suited to comfort and they appear to be accustomed to good food and drink. They most commonly have blonde or light brown hair and dress in colourful and interesting clothes (but not shoes).   The Stout Halfling is of a bigger build than their Lightfoot cousin and their skin tends to be a bit darker. Their height is not much bigger than Lightfeet, but their girth is as often muscle as it is fat. The Stout tend to come from Dwarven stock or adapt to their harsher environments so they have tougher skin, thicker hair, and larger hands.   The Tallfellow has much in common with the Humans they take much of their traits from. They are taller than other Halflings, more often reaching height of three and a half feet, some even getting almost as tall as Dwarves. They still have the Halfling build of a round and comfortable person, but they tend to be a bit on the lighter side. Their hands and feet are more in line with their height and the hair on their feet is not as thick. Some Tallfellow even wear shoes, depending on their locale. A Tallfellow’s skin is as varied as their Human parentage, and they can be anywhere from fair-skinned, to very dark.   Halfling hospitality is legendary and they make any lodging, be it temporary or permanent their home. As such, they are always ready to host guests, keep it presentable in case of visitors, and try to keep it stocked as much as they can, with good food and drink.   Cheerful and gregarious, Halflings are known to entertain people of any race, profession, or social rank, as long as they are not evil and malicious. The bonds of family are very important to Halflings and they extend that bond to their guests, even if only for the short time they are together in their home.   Halflings are practical and resourceful in the way they handle their affairs. They are not prone to melancholy or over-reactions but they do relish good stories and get very involved in the telling of them, watching and listening with great interest. Halfling storytellers are wonderful at sharing history or legends and giving them flavour and flare.   Lightfeet are more gregarious and affable and make friends easily. They travel often, but always looking forward to coming home. They interact well with most races and make excellent bards, entertainers, and diplomats. Stout Halflings are more determined, realistic, and focussed, thanks in most part to their environment. They favour the foothills of the mountains, or the harsher climates of the north and the Steppes.   Stouts do not travel as much as Lightfeet, preferring their homes and communities to the wide world. Their realistic approach makes them more prone to having standing units of martial force to defend and protect their family and homes. They do not fight needlessly but will not shy away from combat. As such they make fine warriors, paladins, clerics, and craftsmen.   Tallfellows are the least common of Halflings and have some Human blood in their lineage. The traits of Tallfellow match their Human heritage and they are inquisitive, adaptable, and varied. They tend to travel, like the Lightfeet, but they also have no trouble defending their homes and families, like the Stouts do. They may also take up arms to proactively rid the world of some affront to Halfling communities, unlike any of their cousins. Tallfellows blend in with Humans very well, though they still stand out due to their physical qualities. They make excellent adventurers, diplomats, even Sorcerers and Wizards. Halflings are very community based creatures. They love their family, their villages, and their country. They typically have burgomasters or mayors that lead their villages and they are fond of councils that allow a wide variety of opinions to be expressed. Sometimes this leads to slow change but the Halflings don’t mind taking things slow if it means the best decision will be made for the largest amount of people.   They are led by either male or female leaders and do not distinguish between the sexes in matters of import or social structure. As long as you are part of the community you are allowed a say. Men and women are equally respected in a Halfling village and they can become anything they want to be.   In the Stout communities, particularly in the north, the Halflings tend to be a bit more structured and orderly, though they share the thoughts of men and women being equally and fairly represented. The military has more of a presence in the north and near Dwarfholds so they command a bit more respect than in other Halfling communities.   Halflings count among their chief allies the Humans of Essillion and the Dwarves of Shalehaven. They love to venture to the Elves of Aspenshield and share stories and trade with them but the journey can be vexing for many due to the proximity of Azdurok. Much trade happens between the three friends of Halflings, Humans, and Dwarves, and their partnership is very old indeed.   The Fallen of Azdurok spend most of their time harassing the Elves of Aspenshield and the Dwarves of Denethen’s Mantle than the Halflings but that doesn’t make them any less dangerous. Azdurok is surrounded by enemies which makes them fierce and brutal at times. The Halflings tend to steer clear if they can but occasionally some brave farmers or hunters want to make their way up north toward Aspenshield and are taken to the city of Azdurok or elsewhere, as slaves.   The Gnolls of the valley are a great nuisance to the Halflings and every Halfling boy or girl is warned of the Gnoll King coming to take them away. To the Gnolls the Halflings make good eating and Halfling villages near Gnoll camps must be wary to post guards or set traps to protect themselves. Luckily the Gnolls do not appear in vast numbers and war with themselves as much as they war with the Halflings so their threat is far less than what it could be.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Foothills; Meadowspring; Burrowfast 

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

You can speak, read, and write Common and Halfling. The Halfling language isn’t secret, but halflings are loath to share it with others. They write very little, so they don’t have a rich body of literature. Their oral tradition, however, is very strong. Almost all halflings speak Common to converse with the people in whose lands they dwell or through which they are traveling

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Worship: Lutien 
Parfin (occasionally)

Racial Features

Ability Score Increase:  Your Dexterity score increases by 2
  Speed:  Your base walking speed is 25 feet
  Lucky:  When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll
  Brave:  You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened
  Halfling Nimbleness:  You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours
A halfling reaches adulthood at the age of 20 and generally lives into the middle of his or her second century
Average Height
Halflings average about 3 feet tall
Average Weight
Halflings weigh about 40 pounds
Average Physique
Halflings are size small

Geographic Distribution
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