Roric's Way Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Roric's Way

Roric's Way, formerly known as Pinevalley, is a waystop along the one road from Shardhold to Harmhold, in the eastern end of the Helm.


A mix of Human, Halfling, and Dwarf make up the majority of the citizens of Roric's Way.  As of late there has been an influx of Dwarven influence as Roric Halfspike, formerly of Shardhold, has made it his home.  He quickly assumed the leadership of the town, and increased trade and industry particularly with Shardhold.   Miners, crafters, and merchants have begun to make Roric's Way a good place to set up shop.


Roric's Way is led by Roric Halfspike, who has his hand in almost all aspects of the town's rule.  He approves any guilds, he oversees the militia, he vets any merchants that are above a certain wealth, and he ensures that the residents are happy and productive. He makes use of many aides, and experts, but none of them have any ruling capacity, and all decisions must go through him.  The odd exception may go through his most trusted advisor, a Halfling by the name of Bolgor Truestance.  In the event of Roric's demise or infirmity, an official succession plan is in place, and is administered by Bolgor, until his true successor can be sent from Shardhold.


Stone walls protect Roric's Way, and have been recently reinforced.  Four strong archer towers sit at each corner of the town and have a clear view of all directions. The militia of the town make great use of the hills for their defense, utilizing the vantage points, hidden caches and muster points.   A small contingent of Shardhold soldiers also makes Roric's their home and are dedicated to defending the town against any incursions.


Roric's Way has a couple of very productive and lucrative quarries that dig for shale, quartz, and most recently salt. Lumber mills, water mills, and windmills can all be found in Roric's Way. A well-made stone bridge spans the Gjolji River that runs from Shardhold all the way southeast toward the Northguard Plains.  The bridge was made years ago, but has since seen some major upgrades including stone reinforcements, water-resistant rocks, and slipproof treatment.  For a small town, it is quite an impressive structure.


Quarry District Mill District Merchant District Craft District Residential District
Founding Date
853 PF
Alternative Name(s)
Pinevalley; Roric's
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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