Deep Delve Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Deep Delve

Deep Delve is located deep under the heart of Denethen's Helm and it looks like a typical, but impressive Dwarven city. It has grand halls, tall buttresses with great carvings of old Dwarf kings, and gems and jewels to showcase its wealth. They take great pride in mining, crafting and particularly in making weapons to do battle against the Frost Giants of the north. Their biggest customers are the Earth Dwarves on the borders of the Ice Peaks of Pierion and the small settlements trying to make a life in the glaciers. Their current king is Kilvar Frostbeard and he is quite boastful of the grandeur and prosperity of Deep Delve. The fact that he has very little contact with the outside world or that the city has no natural predators has not influenced his attitude at all. Kilvar is proud, and arrogant and has little time for those that do not see his city for the greatness that it is.
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Deep Delvers
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