Shorn Coast Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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Shorn Coast

The Shorn Coast is the most western region of the continent of Starhelm, consisting of Avandar proper (the island and the mainland), and the Harbour Fortress of Brightwave. The swamps surrounding Brightwave have grown considerably since the Fractioning and are threatening to swallow up the lands that used to belong to Avandar. The Reclamation is an endeavour that many Avandarians are eager to get underway, so they can get back much of the land that was taken from them by Goblins and by the swamps. Their alliance with the Grippli of Bogbrook have helped both cities immensely and the Reclamation is close to being underway.
Included Locations
Population: Majority – Human; Minority – Dwarves, Gnomes, Tritons, Halflings; Lesser minority – Aquan Genasi, Merfolk; Small group – Tieflings, Elves, Grippli, Goblin


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