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Sisters of Syranita

Plot points/Scenes

Travelling from Shantarie's Tower, the Portal Crashers head down towards Essillion. Total travel time from the forest edge to Essillion is roughly 5 weeks.     Weather is clear for the first 3 days, then turn to light rain for 2 days, followed by a strong wind and heavy storm that lasts for 2 days. Each Heavy Storm effects last for 40 minutes, once each day. The storm turns to a cold snap, and cold winds cut across the plains for 3 days, after which fog rolls in for the remaining 2 days. It finally clears up for the last 2 days, before coming upon the Halflings search party.  
Day 1-3 - clear Day 4-5 - light rain Day 6 - strong wind Day 7-8 - strong wind and heavy storm Day 9-11 - cold snap Day 12-13 - fog Day 14-15 - clear
Day 3 - Hill Giant named Burge Stinkfist fighting group of zombies. Easy fight if they choose to take part. Burge is unsure of their intent but if they help him he will be grateful. He is on a pilgrimage to a shrine to Grolantor further to the west and south. He will not join the party but he wishes them luck and if they ever head to the Shrine of Big Head he will gladly welcome them.   Day 5 - Centaur patrol hunting for Gnolls comes across group in the rain. Their emotions are heightened and they can be easily insulted if not treated with respect. If treated with honour and respect they will be able to lead the group to a shelter to stay out of the heavy storm they know is coming. Leader name is Dainthya, Hunt Leader.   Day 7, 8 - Heavy Storm: The clouds break open and lightning crashes down, during which time it is treated as a heavy storm. Every 10 minutes all within the heavy storm must roll 1d12. Those that roll a 2-3 are near a lightning strike, and must succeed on a Constitution saving throw DC 10, or take 3d10 lightning damage and suffer a minor injury. If a creature rolls a 1 they are directly struck by lightning, and must succeed on a Constitution saving throw DC 15,or take 6d10 lightning damage, and suffer a major injury.   Day 9 - come across newly-build inn named Greenshanks. Run and owned by a Satyr named Greenshanks, he is hopeful that the Road of Opportunity will bring business his way. He has a deal with some awakened trees that protect his property, but so far he has not had too many customers. In the inn is but one customer, a Forest Gnome named Petunia Evergreen, who is on her way back to her home in Frostpetal, in the Aspenshield. She has recently come from Essillion, and is eager to get back home. She is befriended by many small animals, including a skunk, a badger, and other small creatures. If she is threatened they will do their best to defend her. Davin leaves.   Day 15+ - come across Halfling search party. On the road a few weeks out of Essillion the group is greeted by some frantic Halflings searching for a missing girl. The girl's mother is out looking for her, and these villagers from the nearby farming village of Dairydell are part of a search party. They ask the group to be on the lookout for any signs of the girl and if they are able to bring her to safety back to Dairydell, which is further south.   Halfling Names: Delia Goodearth; Jasper Goodearth; Trina Brushgather; Tawny Copperkettle; Sam Steerfriend; Nevil Hogcollar     Continuing along the road or if they help in the search, they will come across the Harpy Tree, where a group of four Harpies and the Harpy Matron, called the Sisters of Syranita. This group is part of a cult to Syranita, and these Harpies are transformed and disfigured Aarakocra who originally worshipped her in her domain of the sky, freedom, and carefree nature. They have bastardized her worship, and seek to cause havoc and chaos.    
A bit of a distance off the path lies a dying, but large tree, standing next to a hill. The skeletal branches reach to the hill like a desperate call for help. Old remnants of large nests rest in the boughs, looking sad and forlorn. A faint sound of song reaches your ears and as you focus your eyes you can see a small figure on the first ridge of the hill, near where the largest branch extends out.
The tree is a large but dying tree that houses three Sisters of Syranita, and their Matron. Currently the three Sisters are hiding in the tree, looking very much like nests. The Matron is in the form of a Tallfellow Halfling woman named Harriet Brushgather. She is singing to 'her daughter', a Tallfellow girl named Gynnie Brushgather who escaped the Sisters a short time ago. She leapt across the branch to the hill and managed to make her way into a small hole in the side of the hill. The Matron is trying to get her to come back out. If the group interacts with the Matron she will do her best to keep up the guise of Harriet, but if anyone gets too close they will be able to find some clues that she is not who she seems. An air of strong carrion smell can be detected if someone is beside her too long, and dirt and clawlike nails can be seen on her hands. Her gait is strange for a woman also. The Matron will try and lure the party and see if she can 'convince' them to get the child from inside the hill. Barring that, they will do their best to defend themselves. If threatened the Matron will try and push any individual off the edge of the hill. If things go bad for the Sisters they are not afraid to retreat and do not fight to the death. Though they may stalk the party at a distance if possible.  
The hill stands a bit over 50' from the ground, and has a ridge running around it at about 30'. The side the tree is nearest has a small hole in the side of it, that seems to lead into the hill itself. A stinking and fetid pond sits a bit to the east of the tree and hill, and the wind carries a faint stench to your nostrils.
The only way into the hillside is by either digging out the hole or trying to squeeze somehow into the space. If Investigating (DC 5) or making a Perception check of DC12 they will find a remnant of tattered rope at the entrance, as well as a torn piece of fabric, from Gynnie's pants. Gynnie managed to chew her ropes off, and as she squeezed into the hole it tore her pants.  
The interior of the hill is dark, except for a small bit of light that comes through the hole that serves as its entrance. The ground is sandy rock, that shifts a bit under your feet. A musty smell permeates the area, and the occasional sound of dripping can be heard deeper into the hill. Suddenly, out of nowhere comes a popping sound, and then the sound of chittering and skittering can be heard echoing through the cave.
Three Phase Spiders exist in this hill, but they are unable to control when they come into existence. Each round roll a d6, and the Phase Spiders appear on a 4, 5, or 6. They will appear in a random spot from the entrance. Roll a d12 to see how many squares away from the door they appear. They will appear near a creature if they can help it and can attack immediately as they appear, unless an action was held to attack them first. The spiders will not go down the stairs into the hill. Remnants of webbing can be found across the floor, walls, and entranceway to the lower part of the hill.   In the lower part of the cave lies three stagnant pools that give off a poisonous gas that will eventually cause poison and ultimately death if a creature remains in the cave for too long. Fire, or wind can burn off or disperse the gas respectively, but unless the pools are cleaned up they will eventually start forming the poisonous gas again.   In the far end of the cave, somehow miraculously surviving is Gynnie Brushgather, hurt, sick, and very scared. If she can be rescued she will be most grateful and can lead the group back to her village. She will relate that she was out picking flowers for her mother when she was abducted by the Matron and the Sisters. She managed to escape her bonds and took a chance leaping from the branch to the hill. She squeezed her way into the side of the hill before they could reach her. She managed to avoid the spiders, but started to succumb to the poison gas before the party found her. She heard the Matron talk about what they planned for her. The ritual to turn other Aarakocra into Sisters requires a female humanoid, typically Human or Halfling girls.


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