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Portal Crashers Arrive

Plot points/Scenes

Back in Cedarvale, Wellyn and James fight Rockgnaw and his Gnolls, with the Umbral Dragon in the shadows. Shadoweye and Rockgnaw’s Flail clash in a great flash of blinding light   When Wellyn and James awake they are unsure of their surroundings at first, but then it starts to take shape. Investigation shows the ground looking the same as when they left, but something feels off. The indentations of Rockgnaw's flail are still present, and footprints lead off to the east.   Quickly they discover differences to their location, and James and Wellyn both feel disconnected and less powerful, which is unfortunate as they are face to face with the remaining 4 Gnolls under Rockgnaw's command.   Coming up to their site is Godrick Barholomew III, a noble of Essillion and member of the League of Swords. He had noticed the fleeing Rockgnaw in the distance, but he is present at the attack on the newcomers.   Harvestshield is the closest settlement and the destination of Godrick. In Harvestshield the group discovers that people are having their shadows stolenby some unknown thief.   Places of interest in Harvesshield:
  • Bit and Bridle Inn - the resident tavern
  • The Harvestguard - temple to Mirriam/Curceon run by Mary Galfreh
  • Lord Galfreh's Manor - Lord Derrick Galfreh, ex-pat of Essillion and Guardian
  • Goldtome Centre - the school, library, and community centre
  • Harvestshield Market - covered market square
  • Sal's Wares and Crafts - Goliath-run supply shop
  • Boldan's Blacksmith - tubby and hirsute Human named Boldan
  Events of Harvestshield:
  • Moberly brings alchemical stones to Bit and Bridle - heat up water quickly
  • Derrick and Mary can be found in church doing prayers, or sermon
  • Ox farmer not in market - strange rumours abound
  • Mary asks Wellyn to help Judith with dying tree
  • School has maps and history (limited), and Moberly can help find stuff
  • Kick out unsavoury type from the Bit and Bridle - Bellidoc asks for help
  • Halfling Bard (Peleten Bridgefellow) comes to town and stays at the Bit and Bridle - offers up info and song of choice of group
  • Goblin raiders increase presence in area
  • Mary sets up a town dance in the community centre
  • Merchant group heading to Aspenshield in 10 days, looking for guards with Goblin presence increasing
The resident ‘wizard’ is an 18 year old boy named Moberly Finch, who has disappeared after claiming he has discovered the secret of the Shadow Thief and how to protect people from it. His mother pleads with anyone willing to rescue him. Lord Galfreh offeers some reward for the successful return of Moberly   Investigation reveals his tracks leading away from the village and toward a forest to the east (offshoots of Aspenshield Forest)   Some environmental encounters (weather, foraging, animal sightings) Abandoned hunter’s hut, with evidence of the boy having been there near the hut is the remains of a dead wolf, put in a position of honour. Returning shortly after is a Cursed Blood who is honouring his fallen 'friend'. May result in a fight if not careful     Further investigation reveals a small clearing deeper into the forest, with a few small thorny caverns, with the walls being made of vines and thorns.   Elder Darkling named Calladryn ‘Shadow Thief’ Moonblight was recently banished from the Beastlands (the Shadowfell), and is trying to buy his way back in by stealing shadows   He has some Darkling allies, that hide in the shadows and attack when it is to their advantage   Calladryn can meld into shadows, steal shadows from people with his rod, and can see in magical darkness   If they defeat him they can get the shadows back from the rod.   Moberly can be found in one of the caverns, tied up, but with his shadow intact. He explains that you can protect yourself from the Shadow Thief utilizing his concoction and rubbing it over your body.   It works and Calladryn was trying to pry the recipe from him when the player’s arrive. Moberly may be in a side cavern, or being interrogated by the Shadow Thief.   Anyone without their shadow suffers from an anti-luck roll. Once a session the DM can impose a roll of a 1 onto any D20 roll.   Any captured Darklings will crow about their leader (if he escaped) or extoll the virtues of Darklings and the Shadowfell, particularly deeper into the Aspenshield. They talk of walking between the worlds.   Moberly, if he is rescued, can also tell the group about the Shadowfell and the Beastlands, and different portals within Aspenshield.


  • Shadoweye is distant and disconnected at first.  By end of the scene he has reconnected somewhat to James
  • Wellyn is disconnected from nature.  Needs to find how to move on without Blackoak giving him his power
  • Threat of Rockgnaw still present
Colder and more expansive



  • Ox farmer not in market - strange rumours abound
  • Mary asks Wellyn to help Judith with dying tree - strange because it was healthy just days before, seems to have energy sapped out of it or something.  
  • School has maps and history (limited), and Moberly can help find stuff
  • Kick out unsavoury type from the Bit and Bridle - Bellidoc asks for help
  • Halfling Bard (Peleten Bridgefellow) comes to town and stays at the Bit and Bridle - offers up info and song of choice of group
  • Goblin raiders increase presence in area
  • Merchant group heading to Aspenshield in 10 days, looking for guards with Goblin presence increasing



  • James Shadoweye - half elf investigator/warlock from Cedarvale, transported over to Starhelm by Shadoweye, his cursed and sentient sword
  • Wellyn Blackoak - human druid from Cedarvale, transported over to Starhelm along with James
  • Godrick Bartholomew - plains goliath warrior from the League of Swords, originally hailing from Essillion nobility




  • Weather - Cold snap
  • Discovery - Hippogriff
  • Weather - heavy rain
  • Discovery - herd of ox on outskirts of town. Might be spooked.  Farmer in the distance, hiding from Shadow Thief
  • Weather - Cold snap
  • Discovery - Faerie Circle. shows Shadowfell, not Feywild components - dark plants and flowers, dead insects in a pattern, holes and broken ground

Past Events

  • 13th of Josefan - Wellyn and James come through the portal, with Rockgnaw and Gnolls in tow. They defeat the Gnolls, but Rockgnaw gets away. Meet Godrick, and make their way to Harvestshield. Meet Ox herd from nearby farm, and scare most away, except for one, who hurts James bad. They arrive around 1:00 am and make shelter at the Bit and Bridle
  • 14th of Josefan - awake in Bit and Bridle, meet Moberly, and head over to Lord's Manor to meet Lord Galfreh. Citizen amazed at Druidcraft of Wellyn. Meet Ballantyne at manor who directs them to Harvestguard, the temple to Mirriam and Curceon, where they meet Derrick and Mary. Visit Sal's for gear, and Boldan's for blacksmith, before talking to Lord Galfreh. Mary asks Wellyn to look at tree in back that is sick but nobody knows why. Wellyn heals it, casts Lesser Restoration that halts the growth of sickness. Wait inside near the tree to see if anyone comes by to mess with it. Waiting for Judith to arrive in the morning.
  • 15th of Josefan - discuss dying tree with Judith.  Wellyn restores it again, and much of its shadow returns.  Go to Goldtome  and talk with Moberly.  Wellyn gets supplies.  Go back to Bit and Bridle and rest, before going to Lord Galfreh's Manor to have dinner.  After dinner a messenger comes explaining of a raid on the road by Goblins attacking travelers to Harvestshield.  Derrick and Ballantyne ask the group to help and they head out.  Wellyn waits for James and Godrick as a wolf at the front gate and then leads them.  Encounter Goblin party ambush on the road, defeat them and find Lord Galfreh and second defeated Goblin party, along with merchants.  Party goes to check on the Ox farmer.  Discovers his wife is infected with 'Shadow Sickness' and Wellyn heals a bit.  James discovers dying oxen with no shadows.  Puts them out of their misery after doing some experiments on them with Umbral magic.  Bring farmer and wife back to town.
This article has no secrets.


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