Tereale Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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Residing in the Umbra, Tereale, along with her brother Morthos is one of the caretakers of life and death. Tereale assigns souls to the mortals of the prime plane, making sure that all living things have a vessel to house their souls, and generally keeping the system running smoothly.  


Life is the greatest reward anyone can ask. It is the basis for existence, and it is the responsibility of mortals to preserve it and those of their fellow man. A priest of Tereale would rather imprison someone than kill them, if possible, but they will resort to death if absolutely necessary. The church of Tereale believes that everyone deserves the gifts that The Great Mother has bestowed upon them. While they may fight those that oppose them, they also recognize that without death there can be no life.  

Major Centres of Worship:

All races and settlements have temples and shrines to Tereale. She may not be the most popular deity in the land, but she is probably the most widespread. In Avandar the Church of the Crystal Spire is the cleanest and most accessible temple in the city. They are also responsible for cleaning the streets and making sure the poor are protected in times of strife.   In Essillion the temple to Tereale is known as The Gleaming Shrine and it is known to shine even on the darkest and gloomiest of days. It also serves as the city’s hospital and shelter.   Even in the Barbarian Lands there is a temple to Tereale, though most tribes worship her with makeshift shrines that they erect in her honour.  

Relations with other gods:

Tereale and Morthos are two sides of the same coin. They are both responsible for the cycle of life and death equally and the two work seamlessly together. The two exist on the opposite sides of the veil of the Umbra and as such they never get to see each other. They are constantly with their backs to one another. Each one of them knows they could not do it without the other and their mutual appreciation is genuine and deeply felt.  


Tereale appears as a young mother in the prime of health. She has a natural glow about her that permeates her whole being. She radiates calm and peace and always has a smile on her face. Depending on who is looking at her, her appearance may change but she always has the above traits.  

Other Manifestations:

A bright light that accompanies the birth of a baby brings Tereale’s blessing. Gates and doorways that glow pink show Tereale’s favour.
(pronounced Tare-ee-al-ee)


Life. Passage, Gateways, Healing, Change


A garland of lilies shining brightly



Typical Worshippers: 

Healers, Midwives


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