Morthos Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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Residing in the Umbra, Morthos, along with his sister Tereale, is one of the caretakers of life and death. Morthos brings souls back to the Umbra, helps catalog the life events, and keeps the process running smoothly.  


Death gives life purpose and comes for all people. Death is not evil, nor good, it just is. Acceptance of one’s fate is an important aspect of living.  

Major Centres of Worship:

All races and settlements have some sort of center of worship to Morthos. Graveyards and mausoleums are inherently holy to the God of Death. Two major temples to Morthos exist on Starhelm; The Discordant Spire in the Ruins of Starhelm, which is run by the Brotherhood of the Discordant Spire; Halls of the Cleansed Soul, a large church in the Southguard Plains, where the most devout go to learn the ways of Morthos. A revitalized Order of the Concordant Spire resides and trains there also.  

Relations with other gods:

Tereale and Morthos are two sides of the same coin. They are both responsible for the cycle of life and death equally and the two work seamlessly together. The two exist on the opposite sides of the veil of the Umbra and as such they never get to see each other. They are constantly with their backs to one another. Each one of them knows they could not do it without the other and their mutual appreciation is genuine and deeply felt.  


One of Morthos’ favoured forms is of an elderly man with grey skin and sunken eyes, wearing grey robes and sporting a long flowing beard. He takes on this form when dealing with sickness, and time, or when showing mercy in death. Otherwise, he takes on the form of a powerful Death Knight, wielding Skull Crusher, his specialized Greataxe. Depending on his enemies he may change Skull Crusher to a large morningstar, which has been called by others “The Mourning Star”. His armour is black with battle gray highlights. His head is never covered, always showing his black skull with flaming eyes.
(pronounced Mor-Thoes)


Death. Sickness, Time, Mercy (in death)


A skull with glowing eyes of varied colours (red brings death; white staves off death; blue is timesight)



Typical Worshippers: 

Monks, Barbarians, Grave Clerics. Morticians, Doctors


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