Terralin Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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Terralin is a stalwart and sturdy god who reveres the creation of things, the protection of things, and the endurance of things. Not prone to flighty behaviour or chaotic inclinations, Terralin likes to ensure things stay constant and predictable  


Protect what you must, endure what you can, and always make sure caution guides your choices.  

Major Centres of Worship:

Terralin still has a temple in the Dwarven city of Forgehome, but most of her temples and shrines are found on mountain tops or deserts. Her largest temple on Starhelm is the Temple of Endurance, in the PuKtan Desert. The temple is a massive fort-like building that protects itself from all sorts of desert dwellers like Goblins, giant vultures, scorpions, and even the occasional purple worm.  

Relations with other gods:

Janosis and Terralin are friendly with each other, as they both appreciate orderly and predictable actions. Anamare and Terralin do not see eye to eye and Terralin is not impressed with Anamare’s cowardice.  


Terralin usually appears as woman made of rock and earth. She will often have a cactus growing on her shoulder as a reminder that the remarkable can happen, even the desert, a land full of chaos and death can be home to one of the most enduring plants to ever exist.  

Other Manifestations:

A calm, cooling breeze blowing across someone stoically enduring hardship or conflict shows Terralin’s favour. A sudden hardening of the skin when someone is protecting an important relationship or ideal shows Terralin’s influence.
(pronounced Tare-ah-linn)


Earth. Protection, Endurance, Creation


A flower breaking through a desert floor


Lawful Neutral

Typical Worshippers: 

Earth Genasi, Dao, Dwarves. Tunnelers, Miners, Crafters


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