Janosis Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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Janosis is an inquisitive and insightful god, eager to observe everything to make the best decision possible. The worship of Janosis has not really faded since creation as she is always sought after by the mortals of the world.  


The attainment of knowledge should be your ever-waking goal. Grand discoveries or massive breakthroughs in magic or technology are not required, even the little lights of truth illuminate the universe. Obtaining knowledge or helping others to obtain knowledge is a worthwhile use of one’s time and should never be avoided.  

Major Centres of Worship:

The Ruins of the Library of Preservation of Truth: a great library in Starhelm City  that was destroyed after The Fractioning, along with almost all the knowledge contained within. Any and all knowledge that is currently found is considered to be holy artifacts and the churches of Janosis and Gnurich argue over who lays claim to the dusty pages.   The Library of Reclamation is a large library in the Dwarvish city of Shardhold. This library is open to all who want but to enter you must present the librarian with a piece of knowledge. The bit of knowledge does not need to be extensive, or even unknown to the Library; that you are willing to share knowledge with others is enough. The halls of this library hold all different kinds of knowledge and employs agents who go out and claim any and all knowledge that they can find. For people unfamiliar with the library it can seem like a maze or chaotic set of tunnels but for those who learn the system it is the simplest and easiest place to find knowledge.  

Relations with other gods:

Janosis’ nemesis is Atrapon, the Shadow Deceiver. Hidden knowledge is a blight on all civilization and serves no purpose, according to Janosis. Her clergy are tasked with shining a light on all hidden things, particularly those attributed to Atrapon.   She and Gnurich get along well but he is her subordinate in power and portfolio. Their churches share knowledge with each other freely, but they typically try to get their own information first before going out to each other.  


Janosis rarely appears in her natural form; a being of pure energy with one massive eye. She will often appear in the form of whomever she is observing so she can understand what it is they are experiencing.  

Other Manifestations:

It is said when someone takes on the task of learning a new skill or trying a new experience, that Janosis will often award them good fortune; most commonly referred to as beginners’ luck.
(pronounced Jah-Noh-Sis)


Knowledge. Skills, Learning, Observation


Open scroll with a white star shining from the centre


Lawful Neutral

Typical Worshippers: 

Githyanki. Sages, Librarians, Teachers, Scientists, Astrologers


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