Varick Grasscharmer Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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Varick Grasscharmer

Master of Lands

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Varick is an old, spry man, balding with a white beard, though he is quite fit, despite his age.

Apparel & Accessories

Typically wearing a pair of overalls under his council wear.  He is always seen wearing his trademark pair of spectacles.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Varick used to be a soldier in the city of Brightwave, serving until he was in his mid-40’s. When he left the military, he came back to the city, bought a small plot of land and started farming. Because of his love of his peers and the people of Avandar, he was quickly voted into the Council when his predecessor died.

Morality & Philosophy

Land vs Sea: Varick is an old man with old view. The land is the history of Avandar and nothing is more important than history. The sea will always be there and is part of Avandarian culture, but the relics of the past need to be protected. He is of the strong belief that the longer they remain idle in reclaiming their lost land the more difficult it will be to get it back from the Grippli, who are currently occupying it.   Varick is such an honest soul, and he has such high integrity that he would never take bribes of any kind. The Union of Shadows attempted to bribe Varick for many years and for all those years he has simply refused. It was just recently that the Union of Shadows gave up trying to bribe him and decided to spend their resources on something more fruitful.

Personality Characteristics


The views of the common folk need to be heard. This position ensures that the city keeps enough land for agricultural needs, so they can continue to feed the people.   Varick loves Avandar, the city, the people, and its culture. He is happy to be on the Council, and Is excited to be able to shape and improve the city that he loves so dear.


Contacts & Relations

Varick is a simple man, with simple views. He finds Katherine rude and often absent, but he recognizes that she does care about the city so he will work with her when it is needed. He finds Cassandra to be a refreshing light and she brings a new perspective to the Council. Bribebent is so corrupt it’s nauseating, but Varick cannot seem to find a way of proving it. He finds Sheamus to be a great young man, and sees himself in Sheamus. The beautiful Taramore is a joy and delight, and she deserves the respect of everyone.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Master of Lands
Current Residence
Farmlands of Avandar
Aligned Organization


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