The boroughs of Meadowspring are all interconnected and the boundaries can shift sometimes, depending on the needs and distribution of resources. Currently there are eight boroughs, but it has gone as high as ten, or as low as six. Within each borough is a burgher’s house, which is larger and holds some staff to help them with their duties and responsibilities. The rest of the residences are all typically the same size, though they are decorated to individual taste. Halflings do not normally get jealous of each other, as they all share the same space openly. Those on the river’s edge do not complain about ‘trespassers’ during nice days, just as those on the western side do not complain about people picking their fruits. All boroughs have a burgher’s house, but only four of them contain the Heritage Homes. These are the ancestral homes of the founding families of Meadowspring, and only four remain – Brightmoon, Glenfellow, Swiftwhistle, and Tosscobble.