Situated on the northern edge of Starhelm, the area simply known as The North is a cold and harsh environment, complete with mountains, glaciers, deep foothills, and desolate plains. It is cold most of the year, but the winter months can get particularly chilly. A couple of Dwarven cities can be found in the mountain chain known as Denethen's Helm, while the hardy Stout Halfling of Burrowfast make their home in the foothills of that same mountain. Frost Giants lair in their keep on the Ice Peaks of Pierion and they are continually doing battle with the Dwarves of the Helm. Goliaths, Human barbarian tribes, and Goblin tribes fight with each other to eke out a meager existence, particularly along the migratory path known as The Necklace. The people of The North are hardy, stout survivors that value any friendships they can forge. They make do with little and are proud of their ability to prosper in such a harsh environment.