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Goblinkind, Starhelm

Goblinkind are the fourth of the Founder races to emerge from the Womb of Humanity. Their birthright was the desert lands and they railed against their rotten luck. Seemingly lacking in resources and wealth the Goblins grew sullen and bitter. They determined early on that the only way to survive was to take what they needed from their neighbours. A race of warriors and pillagers; individuals that seldom live long enough to have an impact on the world around them.   Goblins, the youngest stage of Goblinkind, and the most prolific, are also the most weak and cowardly of the race. They are small, vicious, and selfish creatures, vying with each other to survive. They are short, reaching 2.5’- 4.5’ in height, with sickly green, mottled skin. Their eyes are dark and beady but strong. They have adapted well to life above ground and below the sands so they see very well in both types of light or darkness.   Hobgoblins grow in height to be about the same size as an average human. They tend to be bulkier than a human, their hands and feet are a bit bigger than a human of equivalent size. Their eyes get a bit more colour but they retain their good vision in both environments. Their nose becomes a bit more bulbous and can sometimes become blue or red. Their skin takes on more of a tanned colour, but with hints of orange, sometimes red. Their hair is usually straggly and unshaven, most typically black, brown, or grey in colour. Hair on their bodies become more coarse and prevalent.   Bugbears, the third stage of Goblinkind, become more feral than their Goblin or Hobgoblin counterparts. Their height increases to average about 7’ tall and they become much larger in body mass. Their hands and feet increase in size and their eyes become larger, able to take in more light. Their hair becomes more fur-like, covering most of their body. They keep their typical colours but brown is the most common of hair colour. Some Bugbears take to braiding their hair, wherever they feel like it. Some braid their arms, some their beards or scalps. Some denote their status by the braids they display. In the latter stages of a Bugbear’s life their hair begins to fall off and they get mottled and patchy fur.     Ogres grow even taller than Bugbears, reaching up to 10’ tall or taller in some circumstances. Their eyes are larger and more bulbous and they can see very well in both day and night. Everything about an Ogre speaks of largeness. They are intimidating creatures that can separate brawn from brains. Their hair has almost completely fallen out, leaving them with bald heads and a tendency towards having short coarse hair over their bodies.   Goblinkind traits will mature as they do, and the differences in the stages can make them seem almost like separate races. Where Goblins tend to be mean, selfish, and petulant, easily distracted with shiny things, Hobgoblins have matured enough to take on a bigger picture. They develop more discipline, they follow rank more, and they are fierce warriors. They will frequently bully their younger cousins, or use them as fodder for their military campaigns but they don’t throw them away needlessly. They will utilize their surroundings, both in war and ‘peace’ effectively. As with their Goblin counterparts, they will always look for ways to take advantage of a situation. That is how they survived to be Hobgoblins, and then eventually Bugbears.   When a Hobgoblin reaches the age where he becomes a Bugbear he has been engaged with his caste for a long time and has usually seen many victories and defeats.   Ogres have reached a near-pinnacle of evolution for their race. Their size having increased so much allows them to rule over larger groups of Goblins without much fear of losing their position. They have lived long enough to see the world as a larger picture and they look to see their race successfully navigate themselves through it.   When reaching the Hobgoblin stage, they begin to feel like they have a sense of individuality.  
  • In the Horde caste that is often beaten out of them and they are forced to become part of the overall unit. They build friendships within their troops, but seldom outside of it.
  • In the Warren caste they settle into their role in the community and begin to gain expertise in their field.
  • In the Merchant caste they are allowed to foster their sense of individuality, and they are sent out into the world to interact with it. Hobgoblin merchants make up the majority of the Merchant caste.
Bugbears compete with each other for positions of leadership or superiority, but they can still be found working with each other if the circumstances dictate. Most Bugbears recognize the rarity of evolving to an Ogre and have accepted their evolutionary fate. There are some, however, who have put a lot of effort into achieving their next evolutionary stage and may become more ruthless or determined to accomplish that.   A Bugbear who has finally achieved his own personal power and managed to keep himself alive for long enough will evolve into an Ogre. Finally maturing beyond the narrow focus of the individual, the few Ogres in existence are concerned with the Goblin race as a whole. It is for this reason they do not compete with one another for power, but they tend to practice their skills on an individual basis and leave the day to day to others.   Ogre Warmasters have achieved the highest level of Goblinkind society. Each one is responsible for a section of Starhelm and bringing the Goblin agenda to bear on the area and races surrounding it. There are four known Ogre Warmasters, and they are treated like kings by their charges.   Cities of Starhelm tend to have problems with Goblins as they raid often, and threaten the countryside. The smaller towns and settlements often like Hobgoblin merchants as they take goods that are unwanted and provide useful goods in return. They also allow for trade, sellers, or buyers to earn a decent living.

Basic Information


Goblins are humanoid.  Their size ranges from small to large.

Genetics and Reproduction

Goblinkind reproduction has evolved to happen very quickly, particularly after the invasion of the Witch Queen and her Orc army. They have retained their short gestation period and can give birth in only 3 months. Regardless of the their evolutionary state, they will only give birth to Goblins.

Growth Rate & Stages

There are four distinct stages of a Goblin, typically relating to their age, but not always. The majority of their race is made up of Goblins and Hobgoblins, but there are still a good number of Bugbears leading armies. The Ogres are much fewer in number, but far more memorable, and deadly.   There is a rare but separate stage of Goblinkind, which can only be achieved by displays of devotion or sacrifice to Goblinkind. This is the near immortal Oni (or Troll a creature of horror, strength, brutality, and blessed by Golzect to be almost impossible to kill. Only a select few honoured by Golzect are allowed to reach this stage.   As the race evolves their physical characteristics change drastically. These changes can happen quickly or over a prolonged period of time. It is dependent on the individual and no two Goblins evolve at the same rate.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Goblinkind society is split into three castes, each with a hierarchy within the settlement, unit, or group. The three castes are always the same, but their hierarchy may differ from settlement or unit. The castes are as follows:  
  • The Horde - the military units of Goblinkind, including any support functions that relate specifically to combat or war.
  • The Warrens - the infrastructure of Goblinkind, including any crafters, healers, shamans, etc that are not directly related to the Horde.
  • The Merchants - the traders, travelers, and procurers of supplies, goods, money, and food
  Evolutionary hierarchy always trumps caste hierarchy, regardless. For example, a Hobgoblin always has more hierarchy than a Goblin, though there have been rare instances where this is not the case.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have adapted well to life above ground and below the sands so they see very well in both types of light or darkness.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

  • Sargut - Ogre Warmaster of the Southeast
  • Basselwip - Ogre Warmaster of the Northeast
  • Navandark - Ogre Warmaster of the Northwest
  • Melchinoopo - Ogre Warmaster of the Southwest
  • Taktar - Bugbear Warmaster of Golzect's Throne

Gender Ideals

Goblinkind relies on everyone doing their part.  Some roles may be more likely for a male or a female, but they value contribution over gender.

Courtship Ideals

Goblins of the Horde do not take any courtship into account. They often do not even consider any long-standing relationships, so they just have fun, and move on.   Goblins of the Warrens take their relationships more seriously, but still do not waste too much time on courtship. They usually establish quickly if they are a suitable fit and then move on from there.   Goblins of the Merchants are a good cross between the two. They value relationships, but do not want to waste too much on courting, prefering to get down to business, and establishing a firm contract.

Relationship Ideals

Goblin relationships vary, and can be heavily influenced by their evolutionary stage and/or caste.   Horde Relationships:
  • Goblins of the Horde don't often form long-lasting relationships, knowing that they may evolve at different times, or may not live long enough. Goblins that do form lasting relationship often keep them even through evolution, assuming they evolve at roughly the same time.
  • Hobgoblins of the Horde tend to stick together and form units with more structure and discipline. Their units become their family and they hold them in high regard.
  • Bugbears of the Horde form the bulk of military leadership and they most often have a relationship of a superior to their units. They treat their units very well, and take great pride in their prowess.
  • Ogres of the Horde take on leadership roles, ensuring their units are in prime fighting form, and focusing on larger strategies. Many of the Ogres of the Horde work closely and directly with the Ogre Warmaster of the region they are in.
  Warren Relationships:
  • Goblins of the Warrens can form tighter relationships, and many of the Warren do not evolve into Hobgoblins at all. Some Goblins will maintain their friendship for their lifetime, but once evolution takes place they usually part ways, unless evolving at the same time.
  • Hobgoblins of the Warrens have taken on more specialized tasks, and often become crafters, healers, spiritual guides, or even foremen. They form relationships to help better serve their function and their community as needed.
  • Bugbears of the Warrens are more rare, but still take on more leadership roles, or very specialized skilled functions. They tend to be more loners, outside their area of expertise.
  • Ogres of the Warren are very rare, and tend to lead far-reaching settlements, or areas of interest for the region they are in. If the Ogres are crafters or specialists in their field, they tend to focus solely on their craft and ignore most relationships outside of any that are necessary.
Merchant Relationships:
  • Goblin Merchants tend to take more simple or menial tasks, typically under the command or employ of a Hobgoblin merchant. They rarely, though still can form relationships with the outside world, trying to pave the way for smoother and easier negotiations and trade.
  • Hobgoblin Merchants are the face of Goblins to many in the wide world. They travel to all corners of the continent, but are most prominent in the North, the Northguard Plains, the Steppes of Centos, and of course, the PuK'tan Desert. They form business relationship as often as they can, and often know or have encountered someone from a nearby settlement.
  • Bugbear Merchants are rare, and tend to form leadership positions that keep them out of the public face. They form specific relationships that benefit them and their goals.
  • Ogre Merchants are extremely rare, and take on very specific roles within an organization, a region, or specialized missions or targets. They form very few relationships other than the ones they have already cultivated in their previous evolutions as a merchant. The most notable Ogre Merchant would be Melchinoopo, who attained the level of Warmaster of Golzect's Throne.

Average Technological Level

Goblins have done a great job at advancing digging, mining, and tunneling.  They have individual devices, tools, and larger machines that have allowed them to burrow into many parts of Starhelm, from the desert.   They make good use of unwanted materials from other regions and craft them into usable and very functional items.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Goblinkind speak, read and write Goblin and Common. Their speech can be high-pitched, gravelly, guttural, or sniveling, but it is never gentle or soft

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Worship    Golzect


Goblinkind were the fourth of the Founder Races to step through the Womb of Humanity, and they were gifted the desert as their birthright. Garrokk entered the world on 39 HE, and made his way to the hot, desert sands in the east, what is now currently Abereith. There they established their first settlement in 45 HE, naming it Volzech.   During their time in the Abereith Desert, the Goblins sought to protect themselves from the harsh sun and weather of the land above, so in 230 HE they began construction on their first tunnels under the desert. These Undersands became a great refuge from the oppressive heat and led to carving massive warrens that stretched across much of the land. From there they were able to grow and develop in security. They quickly became masters of the below and the above ground.   For over 3000 years they ruled the desert, and eventually came to colonize the other areas of Haven. They traveled extensively to the central desert, near Starhelm, to help them trade better with the vast resources in that area. They encountered the denizens of the PuKtan, most notably the Qiinti, and sought to enforce their will against them. The Qiinti and the Goblins warred for 6 years before the Goblins emerged victorious, and the Qiinti retreated to whatever lands they could claim. Much to the Goblins continued misfortune, they were only there for 80 years before the Ascension occurred, cutting them off from Abereith entirely.   In the year 51 AE, the Ogre Golzect, arose as the Goblin Pinnacle. By this time the tribes of the PuKtan were not unified and continually went to war with each other over resources, and land. This continued for almost 1400 years until the time of the Fractioning in 1425 AE.   The turmoil that engulfed the whole continent was even more destructive for the Goblins. Only 100 years later, in the year 101 PF the first Orc army descended on the Goblins, as the Witch Queen attempted to eradicate her nearest, and what she considered her weakest enemy. It was difficult for the Goblins in the beginning, but they quickly went to work preparing their people for battle and hardship.   In the year 185 PF, Grimtak the Devourer, an Ogre of great power and charisma managed to unify the disparate Goblin tribes, and in a matter of two years the war was over; the Goblins victorious. Grimtak did not survive to see what became of the Goblins, having been slain in the final battle. By the year 189 PF the first Goblin city of Starhelm was built, called Golzect's Throne. It was led by a powerful and devout Ogre called Ogzegu. He named himself Ogzegu the Warmaster, and he became the first in a line of Warmasters that have helped shaped Goblin society since.   A series of Warmasters and their accomplishments is listed below.  
  • Davokk becomes the 2nd Warmaster and was sent to northern most section of the Vale, above Hollow's Point
  • Kragor becomes the 3rd Warmaster and was sent to the Southguard Plains
  • Dysar and Fyldraj, a husband and wife pair become the 4th and 5th Warmasters, sent to replace Davokk, who had been killed in action.
  • Sargut becomes the 6th Warmaster, after Kragor dies. He is the first to suggest taking Brightwave. Over the next 350 years, he had a series of successes and failures, taking and losing control of the Harbour Fortress a number of times.
  • Muktuk becomes the 7th Warmaster. He replaced Ogzegu as the leader of Golzect's throne, after Ogzegu's transformation into the first Oni (Troll).
  • Basselwip becomes the 8th Warmaster, replacing Dysar and Fyldraj, who are defeated at the end of the Vale War. While Fyldraj was killed, Dysar managed to escape, eventually becoming the 2nd Oni (Troll).
  • Zentog becomes the 9th Warmaster, after Muktuk dies, becoming the new leader of Golzect's Throne.
  • Navandark becomes the 10th Warmaster, as the Goblins recognize his extreme rise in magical power. He immediately demands to go to the North to set up his base of operations.
  • Melchinoopo becomes the 11th Warmaster, after Zentog is assassinated. He took over leadership of Golzect's Throne.
  • Taktar becomes the 12th Warmaster, and is the leader of Golzect's Throne after Melchinoopo resigned to exact his revenge on the Road of Opportunity. He is the first Bugbear to become a Warmaster as well as the first Bugbear to lead Golzect's Throne.
  Currently the Goblins are in preparation for what seems like a massive offensive against the continent, and Golzect's Throne is establishing a militaristic stance. Goblin Warmasters can be found in the North (Navandark), the northeast above Hollow's Point (Basselwip), the southeast, near the Marsh of Menlos (Sargut), the southwest near Brightwave (Melchinoopo), and the PuKtan Desert at Golzect's Throne (Taktar).

Historical Figures

  • Garrokk, the first Goblin
  • Golzect, the Goblin Pinnacle
  • Grimtak the Devourer, the unifier of the Goblin Tribes after the Orc/Goblin war
  • Ogzegu, the first Warmaster and first Oni (Troll)
  • Dysar, the 4th Warmaster and second Oni (Troll)

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Goblinkind historically have had issues with most of the population of Aerith.  They are great merchants and traders so many smaller settlements actually appreciate the Merchant caste.  Most of the Warren caste do not interact with outside forces, and the Horde caste brings war or destruction.  Goblinkind can be great allies, and typically look for situations where they can benefit, but they are not selfish or self-centred, despite what other factions may say.  They just feel like they get less than others so they try to even the circumstances.  Often this leads to raids, or a 'redistribution of wealth' as they like to put it.   Currently, however, the Goblins are threatening a mass conflict, with armies situated at the north, south, east, and west of the continent, as well as the armies forming in Golzect's Throne.  Many refugee Goblins have been popping up all over Starhelm, not wanting to participate in any upcoming battles.  They are usually viewed with suspicion, but once accepted they make fine additions to any settlement.


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