Goliath Species in Aerith | World Anvil
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Goliaths have been about since the early days of Haven, coming out of the Womb of Humanity  a century and a half after the Dwarves did. Their creator, a Luminare named Dowyd, was looking to create a race of large humanoid to compete against the varying Founder Races. Though not as big as the Giants, Dowyd wanted his creations to impress. However, their size made it imperative that they had open land and large areas to roam. Clannish in nature they roam the countryside, tending their herds or seeking out new lands or better conditions to help their tribe. They can be great allies or terrible enemies and many tales have been told about being on the wrong end of a Goliath’s axe.     Goliaths are large creatures, with little hair, and often tattoos or scars they show proudly. They range to be about six to seven feet in height, with large hands capable of lifting and carrying heavy objects. Their skin is grey with earth or stone shades. While a Goliath can grow hair, typically black or brown in colour, you will mostly find that Goliaths are clean shaven from head to toe.   The tattoos of a Goliath tells a lot about his place in his tribe, in the Goliath social structure, and their own personal story. Their tattoos show their social status and their past deeds. Some tribes or individuals will also scar themselves in the same manner. Regardless of scarring or tattoos most Goliaths make sure that their art is visible and prominent for everyone to see.   Goliaths are versatile creatures with a determination to persevere. They are clan oriented, treating the safety and success of their clan first, themselves second, their tribe third, and Goliaths as a race fourth. They they are outgoing but cautious, and they like to travel and discover new things. To those on the outside of a Goliath tribe they may seem barbaric but in truth they are very orderly and rely heavily on their traditions to see them through.   A typical Goliath tribe is made up of a few different clans that are small in number. Essentially they are the different families that make up the larger tribe. Each family has their head, called the Dulwark and he (or she) represents the interests of that clan. Each tribe also has a central chieftain called the Og’Dulwark  who is the strongest Goliath of the tribe. Physical strength to a Goliath is very important but an aging chieftain may keep his leadership if he is is also wise and crafty. Experience is very important and the Goliaths look for those who will strengthen their tribe, not just the biggest and strongest.    In the clan or tribe both men and women are looked upon equally and a female Goliath who is strong enough has every opportunity to lead the tribe. The only thing looked down upon in a Goliath tribe is weakness, whether it be of character, of determination, of skill, or of strength. The Goliaths value deeds and they love a good story. Traditionally they take their rite of passage around 30, which requires them to accomplish something of value, but there have been some that have completed their rite of passage much earlier. This earns them their second tattoo and the first that is their alone. The first tattoo is their clan tattoo and every Goliath has one shortly after they are born.   Humans  of the Nomad tribes and Goliaths share much in common. They occasionally cross the same migration path and unless they are both starving they take the opportunity to trade stories, goods and warnings of dangers around. Sometimes two tribes may do battle for a shared prize but they don’t often break out into permanent hostilities.   As all creatures in Starhelm, the Goliaths loathe the Witch Queen and her Undead Army. The Witch Queen has taken many natural animals and poisoned them with evil and corruption. The Undead are an affront to the natural order and as such must be destroyed or feared at least.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Hills, Plains, Mountains

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Goliaths can speak, read, and write Common.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Worship: Dowyd

Racial Features

  Select two of the below per Goliath lineage chosen:  
  • Hardy (Mandatory): Your skin is thicker, and your muscles and bones are denser than normal, almost acting as a type of armour. You gain a second special armour scale called Natural Armour. Your natural armour has an armour scale of your Fortitude value + your level. If this is reduced to 0 it doesn’t recover until you take a long rest, in which case it recovers fully.
  • Darkvision: You can see clearly up to 60' in dim light and can see darkness as if it were dim light to the same distance. While seeing in darkness you can only see in shades of grey.
  • Powerful Build: Your body is large and naturally more muscular than even someone the same size. you can add 2 additional dice when making Brawn attribute checks. Also, your carrying capacity is treated as if you were one size larger.
  • Plains Hunter: You are very adept at traveling in open areas and covering ground quickly, as well as hiding and hunting in those same areas. While in open environments, such as plains, fields, steppes, light rolling hills the Plains Hunter, at the end of their turn can drop to prone costing no extra movement. At the start of their turn, if they are prone they can stand without spending extra movement. In addition, they can add 5 miles to whichever travel pace they are moving at, but this only applies to their own travel pace, not the group they are traveling with.
  • Brute Strength: Goliaths are very strong and tend to strike hard. Regardless of the weapon they are wielding (including unarmed strikes), the minimum grimness is equal to their Brawn attribute.
Goliaths mature around the age of 35-50, but live until early to mid 200s
Average Height
6-8 ft. tall
Average Weight
350-400 lbs
Average Physique
Goliaths are size medium


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