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Count Augustus Tilliamfarum

A very flamboyant, eccentric, and famous wizard.

Elven Name Unknown (a.k.a. The Count)

Often when introduced at public events, the Count's appearance is announced with a long list of titles & accomplishments he has received through his many years of wizardry.  
"Thought of as one of the greatest wizards of our age, Master Wizard of Tetherworth, Chancellor of Nezerene, Mediary of the High Elves of Mondorlyan, Consultant of the Elven High Council, advisor to two Emperors, Hero of Havatch Point where he saved the lives of thousands from the deluge of Devil’s Mane, the Valiant Arbiter of Vestige Valley, twice the former Headmaster of Moonstone Towers, supreme academic, leader of the Society of the Arcane, and so much more... with great honor, I present Count Augustus Tilliamfarum."

Early Years

Little is known about Augustus' upbringing with his Elven family, as no one knows his true elven name. Oddly, it isn't really discussed in most circles how mysterious The Count's childhood is. This is attributed to Augustus saying that his family preferred a quiet & inconspicuous lifestyle and didn't want to be bothered with his antics and notoriety. It is said that he was raised in a small town near the Celestial Coast in Elithisyer. When he released an account of his upbringing and beginnings in magic within the third volume of his current six autobiographies, "The Count's Compendium & Recollections: Augustus Tilliamfarum's Winding Walk of Wizardry," his childhood is completely skipped over with exception to his childhood name being alluded to as Faen, a very common elven child name. Though, even that insinuation isn't a direct affirmation.  
Afterall with most Elven children named Faen, one had hopes that they were uniquely connected to the Fey, but alas childhood hopes & dreams are but full spindles of countless colors prior to weft & warp of life's tapestry. So, we'll move ahead to a more pertinent permanent participle portion of the path.
— excerpt from "Winding Walk of Wizardry"


Augustus attended Tetherworth, School of Magic in Marick, where he learned a wide variety of spells and gained a good grasp of the eight schools of magic. While he always stated that he has no specific focus in the arcane arts, Augustus was very astute in the Arcane Tradition of War Magic. His belief was that at the center of all magic was concentration & discipline. He graduated top of his class with no one that could say anything negative about the young elven wizard, as he was admired by his professors & peers.  

Rise of "The Count"

Not long after his graduation from Tetherworth, Augustus found himself studying alchemy in Rancorn Valley near Havatch Point. Duke Hethsmark of Estráini was a close friend to the Headmaster of Tetherworth and was allowing Augustus to stay at his mountain estate of Pepperyne while he continued his studies. The Duke fell mysteriously ill during this stint. Augustus was intrigued by the odd sickness and eventually was able to cure the Duke.  
Soon after, the events that lead to the deluge of Devil’s Mane took place. Augustus used a particularly powerful spell to break off the tip of Havatch Point, a famous landmark overlooking the valley villages from the face of Havatch Mountain. This giant rock piece fell into place to divert the flood flow that would have wiped out the villages in the valley.   With his heroism, the Duke awarded Augustus the title “Count of Pepperyne” and gifted him the mountain estate. The popularity of the title stuck and Augustus began utilizing it in his name. He quickly wrote his first book, an autobiography, about the events that garnered his title.
"Harrowing Hatching of Havatch Point"
by Raymond Swanland
Although sales for his first book were good, he followed it with two very informative textbooks on alchemy and concentration spells. These were top sellers to the academic community and propelled his legacy forward.  

The Count's Compendium & Recollections

Autobiographies in Six Volumes

With his rise in popularity after performing incredible feats to save the lives of thousands, many clamored to learn more about the great events of Augustus' life. With the help of his apprentices and some crafty magic, The Count began a series of autobiographies. The books have had excellent sales, which added to his already soaring wealth & popularity. A number of the academic community question the accuracy of some of the events that are relayed in his books as they seemed too far-fetched at times to not be an embellishment. While there are currently six autobiographical volumes attributed to "The Count's Compendium & Recollections", Augustus has said that he enjoys producing the works and will continue to do so if his life events remain noteworthy.  

Textbooks on Various Subjects

  While his autobiographies read as adventure tales, Augustus' academic textbooks are very informative and renown sources of excellent study, particularly his writings on alchemy. A stalwart alchemist, "The Book on Alchemy" is actually a required text for students by many schools that teach alchemy. Similarly, "The Book on Concentration Spells" is often a required read at magic academies. Those are also the only two titles currently released by Augustus that don't involve his flair for alliteration; however, Augustus finds joy in pointing out to people with questions on those subjects that he, in fact, has wrote "The Book on Alchemy" and/or "The Book on Concentration Spells." In his own admission, "Sinsillisis's Symphony of Succinct Simple Salutations" is his favorite self-produced literary work, although it was not well received by readers.  

Evening of Opportunities

The Count has been holding an annual event where the "who's who" of the world get to meet and interact without title and inhibitions. Invitations are coveted. A wide variety of walks of life are typically invited and few pass up the limited and rare occasion. Included in the mix are a number of statesmen, academics, celebrities, and adventurers.   The gatherings are considered a joyous celebration and a great time had by all with very unique experiences shared. It is commonly said among partakers that predicting what will take place at these events is impossible.   The number of guests varies from each event in an unexplained calculation by The Count, which he expressly designates a particular number for whatever reason. The average size is around 200 guests, though one year there were as few as 24 invitations received.
by William O'Connor

The Count suddenly spoke as if struck by lightning, "Ooo, I feel a crispness in the air... yes... This season there shall be 247 and a half invitations given! With 249 guests present!" He pranced and giggled out of room.

His assistant Leena leaned in to the butler, "We'll need to prepare the stationary. We'll be sending three invitations to halflings."

  The location of the event is typically a different venue each year; although, the Evening of Opportunities has often rotated between various personal estates The Count has acquired over the years. This year's event is said to be taking place at Lakewood Manor in Redbank.  

The Wealthy Wizard

Augustus has acquired a great amount of wealth in his travels and writings. No one really knows the extent of his fortune, but it is quite evident in the lavishness of his estates. While he doesn't expressly exhibit the desire to accumulate more wealth, he does express his wealth as simply a means to "live, learn, & experiment without boundaries."   While most Elves that live and deal with humans are quite envious of Augustus, most traditional Elves scoff at The Count's fame & fortune. Noble Elves that are in political circles find it difficult & annoying to deal with The Count. Often times, these high ranking Elves relent to decisions in order to shorten their exposure to The Count's antics.  

War Magic Maestro

The Count at the Battle of Gellar Canyon
by Andrei Augrai
While it is known that Augustus is a very astute wizard in war magic, there have been very few instances recorded where The Count's usage of war magic was witnessed. When he's questioned on the matter, Augustus points out, "It's not in anyone's interest for those situations to occur. I try to only do what is necessary."   One such occurrence, Augustus had spent some time in the Imperial City, when Emperor Ceritine requested his presence. The Emperor asked his help in quelling an evil force led by a sorcerer. The great sorcerer made it difficult for the Imperial troops to handle the opposing force. Augustus humbly accepted and entered an epic showdown with the sorcerer. In what appeared as a great display of magic between the two, Augustus eventually bested the sorcerer.   Although most who studied wizardry already knew the validity of Augustus' position as a great war mage, this display solidified
the information to those not in the magic community. The Count's success against the sorcerer endeared him to Emperor Ceritine. The Emperor was eternally grateful and leaned on The Count as an advisor for many years.


It is rumored that Count Augustus is currently working on another book that is soon to be released, although this has neither been confirmed nor denied. What has been confirmed is that he is diligently working toward this year's "Evening of Opportunities" at his newly acquired estate, Lakewood Manor. He also remains the very active head of the Society of the Arcane.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Count of Pepperyne, Hero of Havatch Point, Master Wizard of Tetherworth, Chancellor of Nezerene, Imperial Advisor, Headmaster of Moonstone Towers, Mediary of the High Elves of Mondorlyan, Consultant of the Elven High Council, Arbiter of Vestige Valley, Leader of the Society of the Arcane, Chief Justice of the Society of War Mages, Master Alchemist
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 2"

Cover image: by Jason Chan
Character Portrait image: by Chris Dien
This article has no secrets.


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