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Elven High Council

The ultimate authority in Elven Culture.

  It is made up of what was known from their original form of governance of the High Crowns and the Kingdom Crowns. The group primarily focus on matters that preserve the Elven Culture as a whole. In votes, each High Crown has a double weighted voice, while the Kingdom Crowns are single weighted. While the Kingdom Crowns outnumber the High Crowns, rarely would a Crown go against Elvenkeep out of honor and respect as the High Crowns are the keepers of the Elven Chronicles. Knowing this, and in being uninterested with the polotics of Aethos, the High Crowns rarely voice an opinion in matters that didn't involve a foundational influence to their culture. This stance by the High Crowns had the Kingdom Crowns respect them further for trusting the kingdoms' people.
Alternative Names
Royal Council of Elvenkeep

Cover image: by NM-Art


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