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Hidden and guarded in Tel Ar'or, this beautiful location has a small settlement resting on a shore below a shielding mountain range. Very few non-elven beings have seen this place. The path to reach Elvenkeep isn't readily perceivable up the mountain next to the Great Falls. The tier of its level is nestled among a mountain face with a misting and majestic waterfall feeding a stream that runs its course through the elven settlement and joins the lake. The lake hugs the settlement and pours over the Great Falls to the lands below.
by NM-Art
  An elegant fortress of moonstone emerges from a tall mountain face. An ancient enchantment bends the light around the structure to keep it hidden from prying eyes. To see the splender of Elvenkeep, one must drink of the mountain's spring waters. This keep holds the The Elven Chronicles as well as many ancient texts and scrolls that detail the world's histories and dangers.   From the shore extends an elegant bridge that leads to Elvenkeep Tower, a small elven castle that is built on a rock precipice that splits the enormous waterfall. Most outsiders often believe the Tower to be Elvenkeep itself, but it is merely a site of defense. As it safeguards the secrets of elf kind, the Elvenkeep & Tower stand as beacons of Elven culture. Their beauty and grandeur overlook the heart of The Great Realm from the falls.   Only select elves are permitted entrance to the keep. Typically, any with close ties to the High Council or Everday are permitted free access and can allow access by others. In dire circumstances, the keep becomes a defensive fortification for the Elves. It's position is such that it is nearly impossible to overtake.  


During the War of Souls, as the influence of the Kingdom of Khoth reached into The Great Realm, the Elves erected Elphayme Keep around the Soul Stone. The added protection made it more difficult to hide their sacred location from the dragons. So, they also built The Great Tower, a weapon to be used against dragons, on the edge of the Great Falls of Elith.   The Tower's location and design was a lure to dragons during the war with the Dragon Empire. It's walls were magically constructed from a mixture of moonstone and dragonscales. This uniquely alloyed material made its walls nearly impervious to dragon breath attacks. It is not common knowledge how these scales were obtained, but the manner of its construction was key in using the keep as the staging ground for Dragon Empire's greatest loss and ultimate defeat.

Cover image: by fstarno


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