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Elven Pantheon

The Elvrae

Homed in Allyndi

Elphayme was Shae's "first light", or first life-creation. Over time, Shae brought companionship to Elphayme with others of a similar image, but of variety... 3 males and 3 females. These six joined Elphayme as gods and called themselves The Elvrae. Elphayme came to love their peers and soon bore life with them. The six also began to procreate between them, though the bloodlines born from Elphayme carried the strongest ties of the gods.  

Greater gods:

  Elphayme – an Ancestral God of the Material & leader of the Elvrae; creator of the elves and patron god of sun elves   Seylee Galanodel – goddess of the moon, dreams, secrets, travel, and protector of the elven dead; patron god of moon elves   Esari Lafenyor – goddess of nature; patron god of woodland elves   Faelinal Audryys – god of wind & weather   Darfec Lasenic – god of water & seas   Marneth Enithwyn – god of knowledge & magic   (Note: The greater gods of the Elves are called upon by their forename. Their surnames are only known to a select few.)    

Intermediate gods:

  Havlean Saan – goddess that serves under Elphayme   Llavar Suvien – serves under Elphayme, Darfec, Audryys, & Lafenyor as god of the elements   Normanys Clyythir – serves under Seyleen as a god of healing & suffering, ferries souls to Allyndi   Elluman Talmir – goddess that serves under Esari   Grydrie Yanween – goddess that serves under Darfec    

The Fallen:

  Vhrayhthi – goddess of death; patron god of dark elves — once a member of the greater gods of the Elvrae as Meria Vhrayhthi, but was cast down upon her betrayal and attempted murder of Elphayme. She preferred to be addressed solely by her blood name as her jealousy & contempt for Elphayme grew.

Cover image: by Eviss Omiros


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