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Leader of The Elvrae & Creator of the Elves

Considered the God of Life among the Ancestral Gods of the Material as Elphayme was the first creation of life from Shae. Also seen as the God of Justice for Elphayme's swift acts of retribution during the War of the Gods. Now resides in Allyndi in the The Realms Beyond .

Birth of the Elves

The Central Plane was made of things of the Material and two echoes to its existence, one of light and one of shadow. In the early days of creation, these coexisted. Elphayme was Shae's "first light", or first life-creation. Over time, Shae brought companionship to Elphayme with others of a similar image, but of variety... 3 females and 3 males.
  They were named Meria Vhrayhthi, Seylee Galanodel, Esari Lafenyor, Faelinal Audryys, Darfec Lasenic, and Marneth Enithwyn. These six joined Elphayme as gods and called themselves The Elvrae. Elphayme came to love their peers and soon bore life with each of them. The six also began to procreate between themselves, though the bloodlines born from Elphayme carried the strongest ties of the gods.

A war between the forces of Shae (Light) and Lyss (Shadow) errupted. The children were fragile and unable to protect themselves, so Shae gifted them connection to the Fabric of Aero through Sytys. With magic flowing within them, the children were vital in the war against Lyss.
by LAS-T


The chaos and destructivness of war threatened the Material Plane. Thus Aero decended to save their creation. Aero banished the worst of Lyss's creations (primordials) and divided the planes of Light & Shadow from the Material. The event was called The Splintering. With the divide between the three planes, gods were no longer able to walk the Material without facing mortality. The original creations of Shae & Lyss were elevated as equals and named the Ancestral Gods of the Material. These higher entities were pushed to The Realms Beyond and found homes where their alignment lay. Intermediate entities were gathered up within their perspective Light or Shadow Plane, while remaining entities stayed rooted in the Material Plane.

by Eviss Omiros
The children of The Elvrae lived in The Plane of Light, called the Everday. The Elvrae were unable to bring them to Allyndi in The Realms Beyond without a form of sacrifice. The pain of separation from their children moved Elphayme to act. Elphayme's Grace was bound to all the children of The Elvrae through Elphayme's blood on a stone blessed of Aero. With Elphayme's Grace anchored in the stone, the children's souls were able to travel across the Great Divide to Elphayme's body and reunite with their creators in The Realms Beyond.
by Zeilyan
The sharing of Elphayme's Grace contributed to the children of The Elvrae's name. The word elf meant both child and part of Elphayme, thus both an individual and also a piece of Elphayme's Grace.
Divine Classification
Ancestral God of the Material Plane
Current Status
Current Location

Cover image: by Eviss Omiros
Character Portrait image: by Guangjian Huang


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