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Theia Semell

The First Thorn (a.k.a. The Storm)

Leader & founder of The Dark Thorn.
Theia is a cunning, savvy, and incredibly intelligent assassin. She also has a great mind for business, which is why her guild is so successful. While she isn't an avid worshiper of the god of death, she remains content in being a servant of his name as it suits her means. She is incredibly accurate in throwing knives and deadly with short blades. She grows the Mercene Bloodroses that are used by the guild for their calling card, and gives them to her lieutenants to be given to the assassins below them.   It is believed that she has a few business partners outside the ring of assassins that help with organizational matters and some funding. But, no one knows their identities, except her.

Personal History

She gained interests in her parents' work at a young age. Her father worked in horticulture, her mother was a veterinarian. She learned many talents from each, including how to run a business and how to create the mutation in the Mercene Bloodrose to make its thorns black. She helped her mother perform surgeries on large animals once she was old enough, which fascinated her. This fascination was the seed that brought her talents to grow. She began to study medicine and the humanoid forms.   One evening a large storm came as a group of bandits invaded her family home and murdered her family. As they left, Theia saw one of them lagging behind and was able to cut him down in a surprise attack. She gained information about the remaining bandits and began to hunt them down. Theia began haunting each of them with the Mercene Bloodrose, which they recognized as the flowers her father died upon.
Eventually, she got her revenge in finishing off each of the bandits, and she found a new interest. She felt such power in the control she had over these bandits, it was intoxicating to her. It was fitting that the last of them that she finished was on the night of another raging storm like the one when her family was killed. As the leader begged for his life, he asked her who she was... she answered, "I am The Storm."   She new that there were countless others in the world that deserved to meet their end, why not be the one to bring it to their door. From then on, Theia honed her craft. She trained in various ways, and eventually began her own guild, The Dark Thorn.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Raven Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 8"
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Matthew Stewart
Character Portrait image: The Bounty Hunter by Bogdan-MRK


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