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Varrs Copperkettle

Urchin of Kynsham. Met Darion Galanodel at age 12 and the two quickly became best friends as they leaned on each other to survive on the streets of Kynsham. Varrs tended to attempt feats beyond his ability at times, which got him into trouble. One day he tried to lift a pouch of 15cp from a soldier's belt in a tavern... usually when attempting to pickpocket from soldiers, Darion & Varrs had a rule to always act as a team, with one of them running a distraction. However, Varrs tried solo that day from a particularly nasty soldier and was caught. The soldier rallied his drunken peers and dragged Varrs to the street and killed him.   Darion arrived just in time to see Varrs' death. With no real connections to elf folk since his parents’ death, Darion took his friend’s name to honor him as family, becoming Darion Varrs. Since that day, when Darion found himself in a tavern and the opportunity allowed it, he would lift coins from a mark (typically a boastful soldier that reminded him of the one that killed his friend) and buy himself and Varrs a drink with the money. Darion would also make it a habit of having a pouch of 15 coins on his belt as a way of inviting his friend to join him.
1123 AS 1139 AS 16 years old

Cover image: by Alex Syler
Character Portrait image: by Maurizio Giorgio


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