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Darion Varrs

Darion Galanodel (a.k.a. Darion Varrs, The Silver Fang)

An adventurer home to shadows with a guarded past, whose skill with blades reveals a fierce elegance to make a quick end of any obstacle.  

Early Years

Originally born Darion Galanodel (Elvish for Moonwhisper) to very loving parents. Darion’s earliest years were a blur of emotion. His first memories are faintly a city of white marble, it made up in symmetry and quiet beauty what it lacked in grandeur, though at his toddler age, it seemed very grand.   Other images of his childhood include a magic city grown of alabaster and glass with rooftops & streets made of crystal and gems that glittered in the sunlight and glowed at night. One road in particular, a white crystal road held his attention as it led his family forward, lit with hauntingly beautiful glowing diamonds presented on poles about 20 yards apart.
Elven Soul Shard
by Alex Syler

Among his fragmented and ghostly mental portraits of this period, a large beautiful palace made of alabaster, marble, and crystal with slender towers, flying buttresses, and sky bridges... like from a dream. A haunting yet soothing image of ridden eagles, winged horses, and dragons fading to starlight on a vaulted round chamber ceiling.   He could feel the imprint of anger, dread, and fear from his parents while they were in that city and room. A soothing wash of comfort filled him as he was handed one of the glowing diamonds.


The images shift to a midnight voyage where the moon on the water glistened the same as the crystal road. His memories solidify more after those fragments in the shape of Kynsham, the sprawling capital of Yemisyrl.


Growing up in the primarily human city of Kynsham was not easy, though the love of his parents held him safe. He had an uneventful childhood at this time.

His parents maintained very modest means with a loft apartment over their self-run store on the outskirts of the market. It seemed that they were the only elves in the massive city at times. That number would dwindle, Darion went to market and returned to find his home burning. His parents’ remains were found in the rubble. He had lost everything.


The deaths of his parents at an early age left him fending for himself on the streets of Kynsham. He befriended a fellow urchin, a halfling named Varrs Copperkettle. They were inseparable and depended on each other for survival until Varrs was killed by soldiers in the street after he attempted to lift a pouch of 15 cp from a soldier’s belt in a tavern.

by Venlian

With no real connections to elf folk since his parents’ death, he took his friend’s name to honor him as family, becoming Darion Varrs. Since that day, when Darion found himself in a tavern and the opportunity allowed it, he would lift coins from a mark (typically a boastful soldier that reminded him of the one that killed his friend) and buy himself and Varrs a drink with the money. Darion would also make it a habit of having a pouch of 15 coins on his belt as a way of inviting his friend to join him.


The Young Thief

by Dave Rapoza

One day, Margok Benvik, the leader of a rising thieves guild called Fate's Fortune, took Darion under his wing. Margok saw great promise in the young elf as a thief. He trained Darion for a few seasons. Darion became one of the city’s finest thieves. While procuring various gems as a thief, Darion found that he was drawn to stones that reminded him of the one he touched as a child... as if constantly searching for that singular stone.


After a falling out between Margok’s Thieves’ Guild and an allied Assassin’s Guild called The Dark Thorn, Margok had Darion attempt to procure a ledger from the Dark Thorn. Upon grabbing the ledger, Darion discovered that his parents had been murdered via contract taken out by Margok all those years ago. Shaken by this news, he was caught by the Dark Thorn. He was then propositioned to join their ranks and offered the opportunity for revenge against Margok. The Dark Thorn wanted him to destroy Margok’s guild.


The Young Assassin

Darion was secretly trained in the ways of the assassins and joined The Dark Thorn. In his service to the guild, they named him The Silver Fang. He served as an assassin while also maintaining his duties in Fate's Fortune.


Eventually, Darion razed Margok’s guild and was ordered to kill his former mentor. Margok was shocked by Darion's betrayal, but understood upon Darion revealing the Elvish name of his parents. Margok spoke that in dark circles it was known that he was a point of contact for the Dark Thorn, and he was approached by an elf with an unique marking on his wrist requesting the hit on Darion's family. The reward was too great to warrant further questions as it ended up funding the beginning of Margok's guild.


Ultimately, Margok yielded to Darion, but Darion chose not to kill his old mentor. Darion’s rage from learning the truth about his parents had run its course and he was done killing in the name of the Dark Thorn. The Dark Thorn immediately killed Margok once Darion made his choice. Darion narrowly escaped the city with his life as the Dark Thorn does not take kindly to those that reject them.

by Zhang Xu

Prather Rise & Fall

For a number of years, Darion wandered from town to town, never staying in one place for very long. After a while, he found himself in Prather, a seedy port city at the entrance of Bariston Bay. It didn’t take long for him to carve out a niche for himself with his skills. He formed his own thieves’ guild in the district of Fate's End. The Fate's End Theives quickly became the best in the city.


During his time in Prather, Darion crossed paths with a secret underworld information network called The Unseen Hand. They proved to be a great ally in providing valuable information for his guild's many tasks. His on-hand contact to The Unseen Hand was a female dym named Symphony, who was one of the top lieutenants in the organization. While their exploits often coincided and were typically mutually beneficial, the mysterious organization made it clear that they would always remain at a distance from Darion in order to maintain their secrecy.

He enjoyed success for a few years, but eventually someone crossed the port revealing his old identity as The Silver Fang. It didn’t take long for the Dark Thorn to have the news reach them across the world. Darion naively believed enough time and distance had separated him from the Dark Thorn. With his identity revealed, he chose to remain entrenched at his port city. The Dark Thorn arrived and a bloody war erupted in the shadows of the city.


Fate's End was destroyed, only Darion survived... he, and his name... The Silver Fang. His deathly moniker received credit or blame for almost every ghastly murder in the port for years after his evacuation. The lore of The Silver Fang was carried to various ports and throughout the land. Fortunately for Darion, with so many tales echoing about, the Dark Thorn found it difficult to ascertain the authenticity of sightings and began to slightly wane on their search for him.

by Paolo Puggioni

Elvish Reconnection

Darion found safety at different Elvish encampments, towns, and cities. In wanting to get in touch with his Elvish heritage, he came into good graces with a few Elvish settlements by putting his talents to good use by acquiring hard to obtain items, treasure hunting, dealing with unwanteds, and adventuring. Although most Elvish settlements were untouchable by the Dark Thorn, Darion used his family name of Galanodel during his time spent among the Elves. However, even on his new path, he knew that one day he would have to face his past or continue to wander aimlessly for all of his days.

He learned the ways of his Elvish kinfolk while living among them, though his roots as a scoundrel would usually present themselves. For a time he remained in the Northeast of Aethos in the Nethaar Wilds. The Duke of Nethaar wasn’t fond of The Silver Fang’s lore, but was wise in knowing that there was more to this Moon Elf. However, Darion bested the Duke in a game of cards among his top lieutenants, winning the Duke’s magic ring, a cherished heirloom. The Duke told him he had to move on from their forest, that he had overstayed his welcome.

by Lasaine

Love of Elfhaven

Eventually, Darion found himself in the North at Elfhaven on the great lakes. Adventuring and defending the lands around Elfhaven endeared him to an Elf girl, Kiris Cithreth. The two fell in love. Her father Arannis Cithreth did not approve. He was the leader of the elves at Elfhaven, commissioned by the Elven High Council.

Arannis seemed to recognize the name Galanodel, but Kiris couldn't get any information from Arannis about the name. In intimate conversation with Kiris, Darion discovered that he didn't experience early age reveries during his trances the same way most elves did. He couldn't remember or see certain things from points of his childhood. The memory seemed distant as if pulled away from him.

by Matt McInerney

He told Kiris of his childhood images. She believed he was describing the Moonstone Palace and the Elven Road of Souls in the Elven Kingdom on the island of Evermore. She had never been, but her father was one of the few elves that was born there and had left its shores.

Darion confronted Arannis about his heritage, but Arannis rebuffed him and told him he had to leave Elfhaven and his daughter. Kiris suggested Darion to go to Elvenkeep, the oldest Elven City in Elithisyer to find answers as it was near impossible to reach Evermore unless you were an elf of advanced years or were born there.

The Dark Thorn tried to carry out an assassination of Arannis, unaware of Darion being present. Darion thwarted the deed by using his amnesty spell scroll, which only one was granted to each Dark Thorn member. This ensured her father's contract was null & void. In doing so, he revealed a part of his dark past to the Cithreths.

Worried his presence would bring harm to Kiris, Darion chose to leave Elfhaven on a journey to one day find his way to Elvenkeep to learn more about his family. He promised his return and his love to Kiris.

by LAS-T

His Mission

Darion maintained many connections with various Thieves Guilds and on the streets. He continued his good relationship with The Unseen Hand while on the move as well. The Unseen Hand know his history from his early beginnings in Kynsham to Prather and beyond, but they have misgivings about The Dark Thorn, so they keep his whereabouts a secret from the assassins. His criminal contact in The Unseen Hand has remained Symphony, who continues to check in on him from time to time.

He still has yet to discover where his family was from and the true reason why they were killed. The images of his childhood haunt him and fuel his curiosity. Darion knows that before he can return to Kiris, he must deal with his ties to The Dark Thorn while relying on his quick wit and relationship with The Unseen Hand.

by FEV Studios

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

"Silver Fang" Tiger Tattoo on his right forearm.
by H. Ed Cox

Special abilities

Darion picked up the use of the cantrip Mage Hand during his young thieving days with Fate's Fortune.

Apparel & Accessories

He always wears an elvish silver necklace with a pendant given to him by Kiris Cithreth when he departed from Elfhaven. It was given to her by her mother, who died when she was a child. It's the Cithreth family necklace. Darion regards it the most precious thing he carries as he promised Kiris that he would return it to her one day.

Specialized Equipment

Darion is an excellent marksman with throwing knives, though his true gift is in his dual wielding of short swords. His skills can be attributed to his training under The Dark Thorn's leader, Theia Semell.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
Tesni (Summer Solstice)
Year of Birth
1143 AS 106 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
Shall we test our fate?
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Mathieu Latour-Duhaime, Sebastien Larroude, Arman Akopian, Nicolas Ferrand, Trong Nguyen, Joel Dos Reis Viegas
Character Portrait image: by Yohann Schepacz

Birth of Darion Galanodel

Tesni of 1143 AS

Birth in the first city of Elves near Elvenkeep.

  • 1147 AS

    28 Jynurn

    Arrival at Kynsham
    Life, Relocation

    Recalls only ghostly images of this event & prior. Begins his life in Kynsham with his parents.

    Age 4

  • 1151 AS

    11 Jonath

    Death of Parents
    Life, Death

    Orphaned and on the streets of Kynsham.

    Age 8

  • 1151 AS

    7 Separin

    Meets Varrs
    Life, Milestone

    Meets his urchin best friend Varrs Copperkettle.

    Age 8

  • 1156 AS

    20 Fobharhm

    Death of Varrs
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Varrs Copperkettle is killed.

    Age 13

  • 1157 AS

    17 Markas

    Fate's Fortune
    Life, Organisation Association

    Joins Fate's Fortune in Kynsham.

    Age 13

  • 1173 AS

    4 Jassy

    Dark Thorn
    Life, Organisation Association

    Joins The Dark Thorn & trains to be an assassin.

    Age 30

  • 1173 AS

    10 Jynurn

    The Silver Fang
    Life, Career

    Gains his Dark Thorn name of The Silver Fang.

    Age 30

  • 1177 AS

    26 Ontung

    Flees Kynsham
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Destroys Fate's Fortune, Margok Benvik is killed, fails The Dark Thorn, flees Kynsham, and lives on the run from the Assassins Guild.

    Age 34

  • 1208 AS

    3 Ontung

    Arrives at Prather
    Life, Relocation

    After years of constantly moving and hiding, he arrives at Prather.

    Age 65

  • 1212 AS

    17 Markas

    Fate's End
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Establishes his own Thieves Guild, Fate's End.

    Age 69

  • 1231 AS

    28 Dhekthor

    Flees Prather
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Fate's End is destroyed by The Dark Thorn, Prather burns, Darion barely escapes the city with his life.

    Age 88

  • 1231 AS

    23 Jynurn

    Arrives at Nethaar
    Life, Relocation

    Hides among Elven settlements for a time before making his way further inland.

    Age 88

  • 1241 AS

    30 Jassy

    Arrives at Elfhaven
    Life, Relocation

    Arrives at Elfhaven and assumes a quiet life.

    Age 98

  • 1242 AS

    2 Separin

    Meets Kiras
    Life, Relationship change

    Meets Elia Cithreth and falls in love.

    Age 99

  • 1246 AS

    2 Separin

    Leaves Elfhaven
    Life, Relocation

    Leaves Elfhaven & his love Elia Cithreth on his mission to destroy The Dark Thorn and discover the truth of his past.

    Age 103

  • 1249 AS

    12 Ontung


    Aernoch continues to evolve, driven by the worlds of Humans, Elves, & Dwarves. What events lie on the horizon to mark the next era? Only time will tell.

    Additional timelines
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