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Faerie Dragons

Ancient impish beings Faerie Dragons have no relation to the dragons of Zakahith who founded the great imperium. Instead they are descended of sprites who long ago fixed their form alike the great conquerors who wished, but never succeeded, in penetrating the Faeywilds. Faerie Dragons often performed comedic plays of the dragons failings for the Faey creatures and otherwise acted as pranksters similar to other sprites.   Faerie Dragons did not always possess their forms and once instead appeared as wingless reptilians but as the Draconic Imperium attempted to take over the species began to emerge and alter their form to better reflect the attackers. Over time the advantages of this form meant the older wingless Faerie Dragons began to disappear with a small number still existing scattered across the land.

Basic Information


A faerie dragon appears as a cat-sized brightly coloured dragon with butterfly wings. It wears a sharp-toothed grin and expresses its delight by the twitching of its tail, its merriment fading only if it is attacked.

Genetics and Reproduction

Faerie Dragons are created as all faeys through the strange magics of the faeywild. In places of particular magical potency or when exposed to enough Arcanum pairs of Faerie Dragons may perform a mating ritual that takes the excess magic of their being and binds it into an egg that grows into a new faerie dragon. The ritual tends to be exhausting for both partners who usually rest beside the egg until it hatches.

Growth Rate & Stages

Faerie Dragon eggs are about twice the size of that of a chicken and have a silky soft texture to the touch. They start exceedingly soft to the touch but begin to harden after the first week of their gestation. The egg takes two months to hatch fully after which a live Faerie Dragon is born at the size of a baby kitten that slowly grows over the course of a month to its full size.   Once fully grown the Faerie Dragon operates as any other might with little special relationship between them and their parents. If killed within the Faeywild a Faerie Dragon will gradually rematerialize at the point of their death over the course of a year. The Faerie Dragon has a clear memory of their death and often seeks to punish whoever killed them through a series of vindictive pranks. If killed beyond the Faeywild however they can only be restored to life by the same magic a mer might use to save themselves.

Ecology and Habitats

Faerie Dragons exist almost entirely within the faeywild leaving only briefly to pull small pranks or if called on through magic. Where Faerie Dragons form a bond with someone they are extremely loyal and will happily leave and support them in any adventures they chose. When so doing Faerie Dragons are often happy to alter their appearance and form as other familiars can but do take great resistance if their master attempts to force a transformation without asking.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Faerie Dragons primarily live on berries and small pieces of meat. Unlike their namesakes Faerie Dragons are not skilled hunters and eat meat only when offered by others with most creatures being able to repel them. When required they are however able to use their invisibly to ambush foes or more often scare away other predator's to steal a hunt.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Faerie Dragons enjoy the innate magical power that is enjoyed by all faerie folk an can turn themselves invisible at will, which they often use to torment and play pranks on their unwilling victims. The faey also possess telekinetic powers which they oft use to form bonds with chosen allies acting as loyal familiars. Faerie Dragons are noted for their ability to strengthen the magic of those they imprint on adding a taste of their own might to the spellcasters tricks.    Faerie Dragons also perceive the auras of those they speak to granting them night vision of life forms which reveal the nature of their souls.
Scientific Name
Fayizk Dayi
Geographic Distribution

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