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Fort Vallakovich

Sitting atop a small hill an ancient watchtower stands watching the Svalich road. The winding path up to it is littered with rusty armour and old bones, the coarse earth still unhealed from the battle that occured here long ago. Unlike this debris towers of smoke can be seen emanating within and fires surround the camp. A wooden palisade surrounds the camp ending either side of the tower with the wood melding into the crumbling brickwork. A small banner with a sigil of a white tree at the centre of which is a black sword hangs from the tower.   As you climb the path you see palisades are made surprisingly well and adorned with occasional pieces of armour that have been integrated into the work to make them sturdier. A small ditch surrounds the front wall which is filled with piss, shit and occasional carcasses of animals and men. A faint sound of swords clashing and the distance sound of marching troops carries in the wind with the smell of battle just out of reach.   Inside Inside the palisade several tents have been erected amidst the wreckage of an old fort each positioned around one of three campfires. Molding archery targets are adorned with fresh arrows and weapons can be seen piled against the stone walls of the watchtower. The stone structure itself has survived admirably with little damage to its walls, the coarse land denying any plantlife a chance to sabotage its integrity.


Mostly descended of those that fled Vallaki after its takeover by the Church of the Morning Lord those loyal to the House of Valakovich settled in part alongside Victor Vallakovich and in part in other settlements. Though its populace is small they are hardened and have many allies in the other settlements of the land.   Stats:
  • 38% Women / 62% Men
  • 12% Children / 54% Young Adults / 34% Adults / 0% Elderly
  • 100% Human


Supreme power lies with Izek Vallakovich who lays claim to Vallaki. The fifth in his line to lead his family Izek is a fair ruler conscious of his anscestors failings but eager to prove their name worthy. He oversees all elements of the Fort by himself but trusts lieutenants to aid him in management.


The wall is surounded by a pallisade augments with iron buffers and a trench of spikes and assorted excrement and bodies. Scaffolding sits within the fort along the pallisades from which archers can shoot down on attackers whilst a reinforced gate can be barred or opened to allow only one point of entry into the fort. The tower itself is also armed with arrow slits and a grooved top to allow fire down onto anyone who assaults the Fort.    It's raised position also offers attackers the chance to harm those who would seek to harm the inhabitants long before they can fire back.

Points of interest

The Tower
The interior of the watchtower is simple but elegant with the worn central table and chairs being ordained with a few silks and trinkets from Celium restoring life to the room. In the center of the table is a bound tome, loose letter and a brass spyglass.   Climbing the stairs you come to a barren stone floor at the center of which is the burning campfire you saw outside. A makeshift bed has been created along one wall. Around the campfire sit two figures both in plate armour but one notably younger than the other. Beside the younger man is an ornate elven sword of a balanced length between that of a short and longsword. A bound and gagged child lies against the far wall asleep and a beautiful young elven woman in waits on the men at the side of the corner.
  • Izek Vallakovich: A young ambitious man that seeks to reclaim Vallaki for his family.
  • Quest: Will ask PCs to aid in the reclamation of Vallaki promising to aid them in their fight against Strahd.
  • Ally: Izek Vallakovich can be recruited as an ally after Vallaki has been reclaimed. 
Alternative Name(s)
Old Watchtower
Inhabitant Demonym
Valakovich Loyalists
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank

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