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The old Svalich Road meanders into a by valley watched over by dark, brooding mountains to the north and south. As the woods recede, small piles of smoke can be faintly made out emerging from the sullen mountainburg before you. Thick fog seeps gently inside like an invisible current. The dirt road ends at a set of sturdy iron gates guarded by a pair of figures in grey robes ordained with imagery of the sun. Two enormous banners depicting a sunrise on a grey background hang over the wall either side of the gate. Seeing you approach one of the figures shouts to open the gates.   If escorted to the Manor: Walking through Vallaki you can see the power of the ruling church. Draped all across the city are banners of a rising sun. Occasionally similarly dressed ‘clergymen’ can be seen; some with cudgels acting as police, others overseeing repairs and some delivering sermons to small gatherings of villagers.   The architecture is also of note. The central high street holds an almost modern appearence with victorian houses and tall towers lining streets in which peasants still pull wagons. The square at its centre is dwarfed by a towering imperious cathedrel whose sharp upwards towers exude a sense of dread and almighty power. This cathedrel is deocrated by the sunrise banners and rings bells every hour signifying the change of day and reminding the citizens of their duties.   Off the high street the modernity seems to rapidly decay as closer to the walls homes look more fitting to the medieval setting that held power in Barovia. An orphanage sits in a sorry state of repair, yet for its size it appears to hold a grander stature than its neighbours. Various shops and houses have smaller drawings of a sunrise upon them or quotes of what appear to be scripture. Down one lane amidst homes some century behind the high street sits a curiosuly modern structure with a furiously smoking chimney. At the town square a pyre is erected over the fountain whose black ash stains suggest this to be a common state of affairs. Decorated on its side by spikes four corpses sit upon the compas directions upon each of which is a sign stating 'HERETIC', 'THIEF', 'RAPIST', 'BLASPHEMER'. Children throw rocks at the bodies laughing as they manage to hit eyes, or draw blood or puss. The air of the city carries a solemn weight and you notice as villagers seem divided on you with some staring in awe and others avoiding eye contact and scuttling away. As you finally approach what you assume is the Burgomaster’s Mansion just off the main road within sight of the cathedral it becomes clear that it is now used as the residence for the Grand Cleric. “We will return to our posts now” Ludrov says with a slight bow, his face marked by an almost mad smirk but one unclear of malicious intent.


Vallaki is a thriving town with relative safety from the outside, a sustainable economy and a functional economy. Outsiders are permitted within the walls but the path to residency requires multiple steps limiting permenant migration. Residents are however celebrated for having children allowing the populace to steadily grow and maintain its level.   Stats:
  • 54% Female / 46% Male
  • 18% Children / 31% Young / 34% Adult / 17% Elderly
  • 96% Human / 2% Half-Elf / 1% Dwarf / 1% Other


Vallaki has been under the control of the 'Grand Cleric' for near a century and a half. The title of Burgomaster abolished The Church of the Morning Lord holds total authority. The Grand Cleric, a heridtary title in its fifth generation, governs as an authoritarian though maintains a council of senior clergymen within the town who oversee various departments and affairs.    Taxes and liberties are not unfair under cannon law with most Vallakians enjoying a higher standard of living than their peers in other settlements. Those who speak of dissent against the church are punsihed severely and publically however with flogging, maiming and execution by fire being common sights. Each month a 'blood tithe' is also claimed where a healthy citizen, chosen by the Grand Cleric, is sent to Castle Ravenloft to serve Count Strahd Von Zarovich ensuring the prosperity and safety of the town.


A well fortified wall surounds Vallaki that is constantly manned by the Church Guard. The town primarily uses crossbows, maces and cudgels though a stock of firearms is kept for emergencies form trade with the outside. Vallakian smiths possess the means to create ammunition for flintlock weapons though usage of these weapons is restricted by the church.   Church Guards reguarly patrol the streets and are trained to be capable fighters. They are authorised to use whatever force they deem necessary to enact the will of the church deterring many criminals from facing them directly. Citizens are allowed to carry arms if licensed by the church though these licenses are uncommon and must be updated each year.

Industry & Trade

The Vallakian economy is self-sustaining with farms, fisheries and hunters providing food for the town while basic industries provide more advanced goods and services. Limited industrialisation has been performed with the use of charcoal in furnaces though mass production of any goods is impossible with the limitations on resources. An effective recycling industry has grown in Vallaki where goods can be stripped to their base materials to allow minimum wastage.   As the central, and largest, town in Barovia Vallaki acts as the central trading hub a position it uses to express its soft power on the other holdings. Through this trade it gains additional aggricultural goods from Krezk and scavenged wares from Barovia offering back luxuries, advanced goods and recycled base materials in kind.


Roads in Vallaki are well maintained and citizens are employed to manage waste and dispoes of it beyond the town. Wooden torches provide lamplight along the main streets and citizens permitted to travel at night are expected to carry torches.

Guilds and Factions

The Church of the Morning Lord is the largest faction in Vallaki wielding political authority over the town. All citizens must be members of the church and both heresy and blasphemy is punishable by death. Within the church there are however questions over the heriditary rule of Grand Cleric Jan Giacamo as well as the more brutal methods used by the church.    Resistance does however exist historically through the hunters but also in the form of the House of Valakovich which continues to plan to retake the township from Fort Vallakovich.

Points of interest

St. Andral's Church  
This slouching, centuries-old stone church has a bulging steeple in the back and walls lined with cracked, stained glass windows depicting pious saints. A fence of wrought iron encloses a garden of gravestones next to the church. A large pole holds the banner of the Church of the Morning Lord under which is a bulletin board with two edicts nailed to it.   Inside the chapel citizens pray dearly for hope amidst the chaos of the outside world. Thick wooden doors guard the entrances into four smaller rooms off the corridor and a large chapel sits before you. Either side of the chapel statues of the Morning Lord stand nobly watching over the congregation. The altar at the end is decorated in silver and gold with a large crimson cloth resting atop it. Both the altar and cloth are decorated in sunlight imagery.
  • Father Yeska: An elderly half-elf who oversees the church, recalls the old rule and the rise of the Church. Critical of the Grand Cleric but hesistant to say it out loud.
  • Formerly held the bones of St. Andral and Father Yeska will pretend it still does
  • Quest: Clear out the Graveyard beyond the old walls which a Berez Witch has raised the dead in
  Blue Water Inn
Gray smoke issues from the chimney of this large, two-story wooden building with a stone foundation and sagging tile roof, upon which several ravens have perched. A painted wooden sign hanging above the main entrance depicts a blue waterfall. Several bulletin boards stand outside its front door are littered with messages, requests and hopes from the residents. The most recent however appears to be an announcement that there will be a city-wide mass observed to send off the ‘Blessed Pilgrims’ on 15th Marvi.   Once inside: Damp cloaks hang from pegs in the entrance portico. The tavern is packed with tables and chairs, with narrow paths meandering between them. A bar stretches along one wall, under a balcony that can be reached by a wooden staircase that hugs the north wall. Another balcony overhangs an entrance to the east. All the windows are fitted with thick shutters and crossbars. Lanterns hanging above the bar and resting on the tables bathe the room in dull orange light and cast shadows upon the walls, most of which are adorned with wolf heads mounted on wooden plaques. A middle aged woman with raven black hair tends to the bar with a warm smile while two young boys scamper about the taproom under and around the tables. The tavern seems emptier than usual with only a few patrons at scattered tables eating food warily and keeping to themselves.
  • Karl Wachter: Nobleman and owner of the Blue Water Inn, reluctant supporter of the church.
  • Ivetta Wachter: Wife of Karl, daughter of Grand Cleric Jan Giacamo, marraige arranged at Grand Cleric's request to spy on Karl
  • Dante Wachter: 7 years old and godson of Grand Cleric Jan Giacamo.
  • Katarina Wachter: Driven mad by the Martikov's after she discovered them she is locked in a room upstairs. Karl wishes to cure her but can find no end to her madness, he believes the ravens are to blame but doesn't know how. 
  • Rictavio: Strahd in disguise, heard rumours that Tatyana is reborn in Vallaki and wishes to find her but cannot do so.
  • House of Wachter given the Inn following the Martikov's assistance in an attempted coup
  • Martikovs still use the attic as a base entering as wereravens 
  • Quest: Rictavio will direct PCs to discover Ireena within Vallaki and report her location to him
  • Ally: Katarina Wachter can be recruited if her madness is ended, she will wish to destroy the Martikovs.
  Arasaek Stockyard
This large stockyard has several locked sheds along its periphery and lies adjacent to a roomy warehouse that has suffered heavily in the carnage that consumed the city. A wooden sign above the front gate reads “Arasek Stockyard”. As you enter a worn featured woman with darkened blonde hair smiles as you enter ‘Adventurers? Let me know what you need or if you wish something to be identified I offer the service for tips.”
  • Iva Arasaek: Tatyana reborn, ginger haired but dies it black as it was her 'mothers dying wish she keep doing it' 
  • Can identify magic items or sell items for double the price
  • Ally: Iva will ask for the PCs protection once they reveal she is Tatyana reborn 
  Weerg Puppets & Toys
This two story store is strangely modern amidst its suroundings a chimney pipes above an unending spew of smoke and inside a young man can be seen gently painting a wooden puppet. A sign reads "Weerg Puppets & Toys"   Inside: This workshop is divided into two parts. The first is a storeroom filled with assorted puppets and toys whilst the second a workshop possesses its own furnace and smithing tools, woodcrafting and carving tools and a table upon which assorted tools of unknown purpose sit. Above the table is an old sign reading "Blinsky's Toys" and a pair of paintings. One of a nobleman beside a childsized metal toy that seems to stand alone, the other of a portly man in jesters gear looking forlorn. 
  • Vlad Von Weerg: A genius puppetmaker and reincarnation of Katsky Von Weerg, aware he is a reincarnation and believes Blinsky was also such. Has reserrected his son as a living puppet by studying and dismantling Katsky's Piddlwick II which haunted his store.
  • Hal Van Weerg: A living puppet (Lies of P) that is unaware of its nature. Believes self to be Vlad's son. 
  • Vlad is actively helping Fort Vallakovich plan to overthrow the Church of the Morning Lord
  • Will explain the nature of souls to PCs if asked
  • Can reserrect PCs as a puppet if they help overthrow the Church
  • Ally: Hal can be recruited after Valaki is freed from the church
  Hunter's Lodge
The wooden walls look sturdy and healthy amidst the aging township and hardy looking men in cloaked fur armour seem to gravitate around it like unofficial guards. Outside a thickly moustached man hands out various meats from his butcher’s stall to a cue of hungry and desperate looking Vallakians. A sign over the door to the building shows two arrows crossing in the foreground of a hide around which is written ‘Hunter’s Lodge’.   Inside Entering the Lodge you are quickly met with the warmth of a hearth that illuminates the various hunting trophies that mark the walls. Wolves, Bears, Elk and all manner of other beast’s heads rest around a selection of chairs around a round table on which a crude tattered map of Barovia is positioned. On the other side of the room is a counter behind which an ungroomed man appears to be sharpening a set of arrows. A pair of men look over from the table as you enter, one built like a bear and bald the other tall and athletically built both clad in furs gesturing to areas of the map.
  • Jacob Veznin: Leader of the Hunters Lodge, loyal to the Church but pretends otherwise, aware of the history of Hunters as enemies of the church
  • Szoldar Szoldarovich & Yevgeni Krushkin: Experienced hunters who can be hired
  • Quest: Szoldar & Yevgeni will ask PCs to find the rat in the Lodge who reports any talk of dissent to the church and then will help 'deal with them' in the woodlands
  • Once Jacob is removed the lodge becomes a safehouse against the church
  • PCs can sell pelts and get maps and locations from here
  The Burgomaster's / Grand Cleric's Mansion
The Burgomaster’s Mansion hosts huge banners depicting the symbol of the Faith descend from all of it’s second floor and attic windows. Beneath these banners are old scars covered loosely with new stone that suggest a wave of great violence against its old owner. Cloaked figures stand as guards at the doors armed with bayoneted muskets.   A dais has been erected before its front door at the base of which is a large trough in which a few scattered silvers can be seen.     Inside: Empty spaces sit where framed portraits once adorned the walls of this grand foyer, which is primarily decorated by the wide staircase and its sculpted railing. A long, carpeted hall attached to the foyer stretches almost the length of the mansion and has several doors leading away from it, including one at the far end. Assorted decorations sit amidst the foyer waiting to be moved, many holding a religious depiction. Most notably is a statue that appears better suited to a town square depicting an ancient nobleman.   As you enter the den you are greeted by a differing layout where the authoritarian design has been replaced with more elegant decorate furniture. A chez long against the edge of the wall holds a half naked woman who looks to the fire in the far side of the room with a slight chuckle as she drinks from her wine glass. Closer to the fireplace a tall dark haired man stands in suprisingly modern finery looking into the magic mirror that once stood upstairs in the home.
  • Grand Cleric Jan Giacamo: Hereditary ruler of the land and descendent of Dante Giacamo, knows the faith is all a lie and a means to hold power, utterly corrupt and sees PCs as a way to help solidify his power.
  • Tatyana Giacamo: Wife of Jan, happy with the status quo but ambitious for more power, has heard the rumours of Tatyana's resurrection and believes she can be used to increase Vallaki's power.
  • Quest: Jan wants PCs find dissenters within Vallaki and tell Jan there names, in exchange he will give them equipment. In secret he will report everything they do to Strahd.
  • Quest: Tatyana wants PCs to find the resurrected Tatyana and bring her to the manor. She will offer coin and equipment in exchange.
  • PCs can find the magic mirror upstairs to use and see their greatest foe that is within Barovia
A regality now seems to rest by this house. It’s slouching roof still hangs heavy over furrowed gables, and moss-covered walls still sag and bulge under the weight of vegetation. There is however now a brightness to the structure as scaffolding begins to emerge around it appearing as an undertaker to a corpse before a funeral making final efforts to save the bodies face.   The front door opens into a narrow vestibule. Three stained-glass doors in wooden frames lead from it. To your sides are wardrobes containing various expensive coats and boots and before you is a door leading to a wooden staircase. At the foot of the stairs is a landing with three stained-glass doors in wooden frames.
  • Lord Nikolai Strazni: Deceased, kept in stasis in an upstairs room. Killed after refusing to reveal the location of the Sunsword to the former Grand Cleric. 
  • Lady Ophelia Strazni: Matriarch of the house, wishes to rule Vallaki and believes the church to be a malignant force.
  • Sergei Strazni: 4 year old son of Ophelia
  • Quest: Once PCs start fermenting revolution Lady Ophelia will summon and ask them to take her son to the Strazni Lake House. PCs can go downstairs to find Ragrechis.
  • Ally: If restored to life Sergei Strazni will take PCs to the sunsword and urge them to take the fight to Count Strahd Von Zarovich and Grand Cleric Jan Giacamo.
  • Given the Wachter house after the family moved into the Blue Water Inn
  Dante Giacamo Memorial Orphanage
Amidst the city the Orphanage looks out of place a tall structure of a lost age. It’s crumbling walls and poorly maintained windows now commonplace and appropriate, the childish paintings now appearing as a bright light in the city. The sign above the door has been partially replaced at its front to say ‘Dante Giacamo Memorial Orphanage’.
  • See Quest
  • Alter quest to be about a werewolf disease spreading
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank

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