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The Iconoclast movement has its origins in the late second age when academics from across Aesalia became increasingly aware of assorted theological positions. Though initially disputing which was truth a view began to emerge in a minority that the ederic pantheon may not be what they claim and are revered to be. Instead it was posited that they are no different to powerful Fiends, Faey, Celestials and other such creatures. There magic was suggested to be no different to that of a warlock and as such their worship no different to the cults that festered across the land.   The iconoclast movement thus came to the conclusion that society must be liberated of the gods and as the church and the gods were so deeply rooted in society then the only solution was to kill the gods. For this they are fiercely persecuted in most societies that consider them beyond heretical dubbing them a 'Godslayer Cult'. Members thus operate in secret with those well known often facing violence from commonfolk and clergyman alike.


Iconoclasm lacks any structure or order with every 'member' of the faith being independent in their creed. Though some iconoclasts may know of each other and form cells to support each other there is no rank or structure within the faith. As a result of this authority within cells is often connected to seniority in society, age or knowledge to best serve the ultimate aim.

No Gods, No Masters, No Chains

Religious, Other
Alternative Names
Godslayer Cult

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