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Kraken are powerful primordial creatures who are motivated by beastial desires and have evolved through the War of the Realms to be near indestructible against the powers of Aesalia. Unlike the tarrasque who roam the land the Kraken once sought to enforce their dominion upon the land beneath the waves fighting with the aboleth for control below.   As a result of these hostilities both monsters were bound by the mer beneath the waves and their patrons into prisons protected by powerful arcane locks. From beneath these vaults the Kraken could only interact with the lower waters of the ocean around their jails yet still they found audiences and often the jailers would be slain or cracks would form in the locks allowing them to make pacts and bonds with other beings craving relentless power.

Basic Information


Kraken are akin to squids in general form. Yet in size they are gargantuan often reaching 30m on the smaller end and up to 70m on the larger end in from base to full height though the creatures tended to perch at half their size with their tentacles writhing around them.    Their bodies were squid like with a ring of tentacles around a mouth connected to a conical central body that was covered in a thick leathery skin that secreted an adhesive and resistant ooze which overtime could harden into scales. Two of its ten tentacles were longer than the rest and tipped by deadly barbs which could be used to trap pray. Kraken had enormous eyes and fins protruding from the upper part of its elongated central body.

Genetics and Reproduction

Kraken are able to lay eggs only on rare occasions when the temperature and fertility of the Kraken is right. The creatures are fiercely protective of their gelatinous eggs which needed to be fertilized by merging with another Kraken's egg meaning the spawn of new Kraken was rare and often occurred only through the intervention of cults devoted to the Kraken itself.   Once fertilized a Kraken egg takes three centuries to hatch only hardening and beginning to gestate after sixty years. The Kraken is then birthed a juvenile taking around a thousand years to reach adolescence and then continuing to grow to fit its surroundings for the rest of its life. Kraken can live to tens of thousands of years of age before they pass naturally and most often die then by creatures seeking to eradicate a now weakened threat rather than wait for its natural transition.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Kraken lacked any powerful magical or psionic powers similar to their tarrasque kin but they possessed honed senses to the world around them. Kraken could sense movements in the water around their chosen lair as small as the flutter of a goldfish's fin and could see through darkness as if the sun was clear.    Despite this the Kraken were able to communicate through an ancient version of aquan or with the aid of magical items gifted to them by the Marid who met these undersea beasts during the War of the Realms. Those Kraken in possession of such items are even more deadly and capable of moving beyond their animalistic impulses.
Scientific Name
Graqez Nisa Havikiir
60-80,000 years
Average Height

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