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Marshal is a Falaran title given to the individual responsible for the military affairs of a state. Sometimes split between multiple roles corresponding to fields of war the Marshal often leads armies in place of their sovereign when the latter is unable or unwilling to do so.


Marshal's tended to be experienced warriors or strategicians who had overseen armies in the field of war. Many had led knightly orders, mercenary companies or militia forces into battle and had experience both in the fray and the backseat of war. Marshal's also tended to be literate and numerate with court tutors often being employed to remedy these if they did not already possess the skill. Due to the importance of the military to the survival of the state Marshal's were often required to have a close relationship with their sovereign or a basis on which their trust could be based.


Appointment of Marshall's was through royal decree of their serving sovereign. This usually included a formal court process celebrating the appointment and formally bestowing it forth.   In Teremia marshal's were most often former Mercenary Captains and the ceremony included the pledging of the state to the health of the company and the company to the health of the state so long as the captain served as Marshall. It also allowed the new marshal to appoint his 'successor' or puppet captain for the duration of his rule.


The Marshall was responsible for several key tasks; maintenance of the military of the state, accumulation of arms and technology, leadership of the military in times of war and advising on matters of strategy and defence policy.    Maintenance of the military included both levies and standing forces. The household guard, or their captain, would often report to the Marshall and be expanded, armed and trained at his demands. The levies of the land also received training to a standard decreed by the Marshall who was responsible for ensuring that the standard be met. The provision of arms to allow for the training also came under the purview of the marshal who would be expected to arrange for the logistics of the training and the presence of those capable of performing such a function if the Reeve of the village was unable.   Accumulation of arms and technology primarily referred to the state armoury and ensuring that its weapons remained relevant to the periods needs. This was both through the use of blacksmiths and artificers whose restoration and development of arms ensured that the soldiers serving in wars were able to fulfil the needs of the state adequately.    Leadership of the military required the marshal to act as a deputy leader or leading officer during wars at the behest of the sovereign. In larger states this could be through a field marshal role or at a larger perception but in smaller states may mean leading as the general overseeing the army. When the sovereign took a personal interest they would be at the head with the marshal aiding them, leading a seperate force or remaining to lead the defence of the capitol.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Removal of a marshal is from the mere decree of the sovereign and can be done at the signing of a document. There is however usually a formal ceremony where the marshal chooses to retire or is dismissed with honours which recognises their achievements and grants them a gift from the state for their deeds, most often one of land.
Civic, Military, Generic
Form of Address
My Lord
Alternative Naming
Lord Commander, Master of Arms, Master of War, Minister of War, Minister of Defence
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Life, Revocable
Related Locations

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